
  • 12 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi people,

Just to let you know I've just heard from Dr, the CT scan showed a slight change in my cancer, so it's now time for chemo, we talked about different types, I said I would be guided by her but I willOlder mano with the one that is going to be the one most effective, she suggested the 3 combination treatment, I'll loose my hairOlder man and there's quite a few side effects but if it shrinks the demon inside me what's hair lose, 

So that's it for now stay safe and well x

  • Hello there,

    I am new here, but I thought I would respond to you.

    Well that appears to be fairly positive news that you are going to have chemo,even if it is a 3 combination. I totally agree with you about hair loss, as really it is nothing in comparison if the chemo holds the cancer back,which I hope it does for you. Side effects are not good,but then not everyone suffers all of them.

    Take care & stay safe.

    Georgette x

  •   Hi That is positive news, do you have a date when you will start etc? As you say there are worse things than loosing your hair and if you speak to your Specialist Nurse she will be able to advise where to go to get fitted for a wig.  I'm in Scotland so where you are may have a different system but I spoke to my SN who gave me a voucher to cover the cost of the wig and the phone number of the local Maggie Centre. I called them and made an appointment with the specialist hairdresser there who was in that centre two days a week. I was a coward and went for a wig the same colour & style as my own hair. However a lady I met at Marie Curie choose a shoulder length fair wig and her natural hair was short and brown. Everyone loved it and it made me wish I had gone for something different when I had the chance!  I know you have the right attitude and will manage whatever chemo brings but just remember we are all here for you through good days and bad days!

    Just wanted to say Hi and welcome as I don't think we have chatted before, how are you doing!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hoping to start chemo in couple of weeks, already been looking at pre-tied head scarfs some are pretty snazzy.

    As for the side effects, I'll handle it day by day, at least I'm being given something which was more to than I was offered 2months ago, so grateful for anything.

    Have a good weekend all, hopefully will post more badger photos next week.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    It looks like we might be chemo buddies! I have an appointment to consent for chemo on June 1 - my fourth time round. There’ll be the usual round of safety tests to make sure I am fit enough, a baseline CT scan and then off we go. 

    I won’t be losing my hair this time. I’ve done that twice already and you’re right - there are worse things. I never could get on with a wig. I found the most secure and most attractive headscarves were long and tied African style. If you google how to tie an African headscarf you should find the info you need.

    So let’s keep in touch, shall we, and get each other through the next few months smiling 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good morning chemo buddy, I'm not a wig girl scarfs are more me, hope everything goes well for you, and 100% will keep in touch  this is all new for me and will need people like you to make sure what I'm feeling is the norm and for support..

    Here's to to be next few months


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had trouble finding a wig to fit they did try all sorts to make them smaller. I ended up with a child's wig available in two colours blonde or brown I went for brown. I also was hopeless with the scarves but I found these great bamboo hats, warm in winter cool in summer. Got a pale blue one and a bright red one and they did the trick. 

    Hoping all goes well for those starting treatment again. My oncologist was noticeably avoiding the subject again when I saw him. I know he just does not think l will survive another round of it and I think I agree with him. At present I am covered in hives from a tiny amount (third of a dose) of steroid and unconscious on any painkillers over two paracetamol. My system has never tolerated much medication but lately it is just terrible. I am waiting to hear about my nextBnext scan. Breathing not good again today which is always a struggle but tomorrows another day. 

    Take care 

  • Hi Well, I really don't think you could choose a better chemo buddy, Daloni is amazing and will keep you right along the way and keep you informed! The rest of us here, I'm sure, will be here for you both! Let's hope it is plain sailing all the way.

      I was desperate to get a wig, why I have no idea but the week after I got it, we went to see the bulb fields in Amsterdam (we had talked about going for years!) I wore it while we were there only twice, I couldn't quite get used to it. Somehow I didn't feel like me, so when I got home, I didn't wear it at all! Lots of people love them and really suit them, just not me! I'm sure you will find something you like. The Maggie Centre also has lots of different head gear, it's amazing! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Maz

    It's worrying to hear that you might not survive another round of chemo. Don't like the sound of that. Hope you haven't had any episodes of unconsciousness lately. Not amusing at the time but the way you tell the  parable of between the displays I don't think will ever leave my memory Slight smile

    Yesterday's tomorrow is today Maz, I hope your breathing is much better.

    Take care and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thanks TV man not sure what's going on at present but not well having trouble keeping fluid in which as we know causes all sorts of issues re dehydration and having frequent nose bleeds too now so all in all feeling quite weak which does not help with the passing out. Had another mega one on Wednesday this week when the washing machine repair person was here but at least in the house the landings are usually soft and my husband was on hand.  

    The Pallative Care Nurse is going to get back to me on Tuesday as she told my husband she was quite concerned about me when she came on Thursday. 

    However we do get times like this and then we can bounce back so you never know. 

    The Chemo thing was always going to be a problem because of my allergies they nearly lost me the last 2 times I had it, even on the very small oral doses my immune system just gives up. In these days of the virus it is still felt the risk is too high and I rightly or wrongly feel they are saying it's time to accept the inevitable. Even if I go with the flow though my body is a law unto itself so I still might fight it without the drugs. I have now been off meds for 5 months and was told the grade 3 cancer would multiply quickly in the lungs and yet it was stable after 2 months with another growth in the bone. The liver and abdomen scan will hopefully give some answers when I get it then they can reassess. 

    Today however it is dull outside and i feel a little dull inside too. 

  • Hi Maz

    I'm not surprised that you are feeling a little dull inside, you're going through what most people wouldn't go through in a lifetime. 

    The landings are soft? There's a hint of humour there which I can smile at but it's tinged with sadness due to your predicament.

    Maz, I hope your liver and abdomen scan is favourable. You have a lot of friends here rooting for you which I hope puts a little shine inside.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.