Moving on

  • 17 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone, been a while since posting anything, trying to deal with everything, quick update had a CT scan last week as I've been having some pain and being sick so rang the oncologist who said it's time for scan see how to things are progressing, my go has put me on codeine which seems to help most of the time, had 2 phone calls from the shield team, but generally trying to live each day as it comes, don't sleep to well, my brain never shuts down 

I've enjoyed all the pics of the gardens and seeing the beautiful flowers, 

Over the last few years we've been so lucky to have a family of Badgers come at night, we feed them peanuts bakers dog food and their favorite peanut butter sandwichs, couple nights ago mum and dad came up with a baby absolutely wonderful, 

Well that's me for now take care everyone and enjoy today x

  • Hi ,

    I'm sorry for hijacking your thread there for a while but honestly it was all Norberry's fault.

    I'm pleased to hear that the codeine is helping.  I recently moved onto bupranorphine patches and it has made such a difference for me.  I also struggle at times to sleep however mine is mainly when I am on my cancer meds so I think that this is a major contributor.  I am not too bad at occupying my mind normally, I often plan my perfect home and garden in my head so that I am ready should I win the lottery.  My plans are so grand and my brain so small that it does not leave much space for thinking about anything else.  I have struggled recently with anxiety and that can be difficult to move out of my brain.

    It took the government some time to realise that I should be shielding and in the end I had to prompt them by registering myself on the website.  Even then Asda found me to offer a weekly delivery slot long before I received a letter telling me that I was vulnerable.  Some time after that I received a daily text for about 4 days warning me what I should and should not be doing and then have heard nothing since.  It all seems a bit hit and miss really.

    My sister moved home recently to live near a nature reserve and they get all sorts in their garden including badgers.  She does not mind them but is not keen on the grass snakes that visit her pond on a regular basis looking for frogs to eat.  In the summer she now takes a stick with her as she walks down the garden and keeps hitting the ground to scare away any snakes that might be in the area.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi everyone

    I thought you lot had lost your tongues yesterday because from around 2am I had no posts on the site. Then late last night I remembered that 2 or 3 months ago I had the same thing and I looked in my trash folder and there they were, the missing posts. 

    Last night then I checked the trash folder but no luck and then I checked my spam folder and magically they sat facing me, a.couple of dozen of the little blighters

     , I'm pleased to hear that you are getting another extension, I hope that your treatment isn't too harsh on your body.

    and , founder members of the apostrophe depreciation society, I'm afraid I don't share your views. I love the English language and at all times I try to punctuate where punctuation should be. However, I'm not going to badger you with my views. It amazes me how many well educated people wrongly use the greengrocer's apostrophe but I put that down to poor teaching in that field! Oh dear, I'll have former teachers clamouring to get my scalp.

    I see Annette, still helping people to help themselves with meditation and suchlike. Your best advice is what I really like, not to waste time feeling morose after a cancer diagnosis but to get on with living. Brilliant.

    Ruth , good luck with your scan next month I think it is. You certainly know a good floral sight.

    I'll have to investigate the issue with my spam folder 

    Keep safe everyone

    Love life and family.
  • Hi

    A thousand apologies, I meant to ask about your daughter who fainted. You said it was a teenager but they're both teenagers I believe, so was it big girl or little one? She'll now understand the power of the sun and probably won't spend as much time in the sun again but how is she now?

    Give her my best wishes please.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    It was little one. She’s doing better today. She still has a headache. I nearly took her to A&E but she was eating and drinking so I decided to watch and wait instead. 

  • Hi

    Poor wee dear, at least she's still young enough for a cuddle. Glad to hear she's getting better.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi I am pleased you found the posts. Mine (the ones I do get) mostly come into my Junk Folder and no matter how many times I click "not junk" they just keep coming in there. The occasional one comes into my inbox! I usually come to the site and click "Latest Activity" to see what has been happening but if there have been a lot of posts, I sometimes miss out on them!

    Stay safe, Keep Woody dry! LOL!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    I worked out how to move the messages from the spam folder into the inbox and I transferred 31 posts and after I had done that, all new posts made their way into the inbox which is exactly what happened when I moved the posts from the trash folder to the inbox a couple of months ago. 

    Woody is still half covered in black plastic which is just as well because it's raining now and although the rain is due to stop soon, there's more rain and high winds due overnight on Thursday (tonight) so let's hope Woody is anchored down enough so tomorrow morning I don't look out of the bedroom window and see Woody firmly wedged on the back of a sheep or lamb, going from field to field and disappearing over the brow of a hill in search of pastures new.

    The rain and high winds are forecast for Scotland also but the worst of the winds should be more to the north west. 

    Take care and keep safe everyone

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.