Moving on

  • 17 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi everyone, been a while since posting anything, trying to deal with everything, quick update had a CT scan last week as I've been having some pain and being sick so rang the oncologist who said it's time for scan see how to things are progressing, my go has put me on codeine which seems to help most of the time, had 2 phone calls from the shield team, but generally trying to live each day as it comes, don't sleep to well, my brain never shuts down 

I've enjoyed all the pics of the gardens and seeing the beautiful flowers, 

Over the last few years we've been so lucky to have a family of Badgers come at night, we feed them peanuts bakers dog food and their favorite peanut butter sandwichs, couple nights ago mum and dad came up with a baby absolutely wonderful, 

Well that's me for now take care everyone and enjoy today x

  • Hi I hope you don't have to wait too long for your scan results. Please let us know how you get on. I wonder if you have tried the Headspace app for winding down, if not it's worth trying it just before bedtime. I do meditation and Qigong that are part of Tai Chi Chuan, you can find free videos to watch online. If you are interested, I could send you the website to contact.

    Your badgers sound wonderful! I take it if they have been there for a while, you'll have given them names by now, so what are you calling the new addition! I'd never have thought to give them peanut butter sandwiches, good for you! No wonder they keep coming back! Stay in touch, stay safe! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi thanks for the tip on sleeping, would appreciate if you send the website.

    We've had the Badgers for a few years now, we've named the baby piglet for some strange reason, although it does grunt alot while running around like a wind-up toy, no exciting names it's always been mum and dad, as this is the 3rd year of a new baby, there's smudge, strip and nanny,

    I'm hoping to get a call on Friday from oncologist, will let you know then, x

  • Hello Devon cat, we have been feeding badgers for a while now, no babies yet though. They have been eating us out of house and home. Got my own back the other day as due to not going out to get shopping we ran out of food so I had to eat the badgers eggs bought especially from Waitrose but the cheaper white ones!

    Wishing you well. Xx

  • Wow , Waitrose sell badgers eggs, and in a choice of colours, that is really special!

    Gragon.  xx

  • Right, I am never going to post on here again until every full stop, comma and other items of grammar have been proof read by a professional! The badgers are going to go hungry now and any consequences will be on your conscience. 

  • The last was addressed to my good ex friend Gragon!

  • Hi ,

    When my son was younger he was trying to join a gaming site but needed a parent to sign up first so that he could join.  In doing so I needed to create a username.  My son was making a number of suggestions along the lines of knights and castles but they were all already in use.  He suggested Dragon and I typed it in and it was available.  I clicked to accept it and it was only after I had entered it that I realised I had typed Gragon by mistake. 

    I kept the name on that site and have used it on several other sites since and bask in the reflection of my own stupidity in not checking before I clicked accept.  I love inappropriate autocorrections, typo's and sentences that come out with alternative meanings as a result of misplaced commas of a lack of them.   One of my favourites in the local paper was a story where a mother was describing her daughter being in the chorus line of a West End musical.  She was quoted as saying "if you look at the picture of the cast you can see my girls behind".  I also once wrote a report for court and instead of car being driven erratically down the road the spellchecker wanted the car to be driven erotically.  I'm not sure what style of driving that is but fortunately I saw the error before it went off.

    I also have a bit of a surreal imagination and in my head I now have a dialogue conducted between various groups of badgers doing good garden dining reviews, extolling the merits of certain foods and comparing peanut butter sandwiches against eggs.  (do you serve the eggs raw or poached on toast with a hollandaise sauce?).  Do they rate ambience, service and value for distance walked as well as the quality of the food.  Perhaps they reminisce about memorable meals or remember meeting other badgers when they go to eat.  Do they ever just send one badger out to get take away?

    I am also a bit concerned for you if you stop feeding them as the phrase "to badger" must come from somewhere and I am afraid that they might not leave you alone.  You might find them walking up and down outside you house carrying placards saying "no to eggsit" and chanting through megaphones.  They might even persuade Brian May to act again as their spokesperson to call in on you to discuss your decision.  (You can send him on to see me if you like but I am also shielding so will only talk to him if he stays outside the garden).  I hope that this doesn't happen to you but if it does know that I am only a carefully typed post away in your hour of need.

    All the best,

    Gragon x

  • Gragon, you had  me in tears with your first eggy observation and you may well have caused permanent damage to my giggling machinery with this one.i am actually snorting and sniffing like an old badger myself now.

    Of course they had their peanuts and raisins tonight, I didn't see any placard waving but I believe they do know what side their bread is buttered. ( peanut butter obviously)

    They don't need Brian May anymore, he has been dispensed with in favour of Carrie Symonds or so my wife tells me, a bigger stick and with more reasonably styled hair.

    I am now in a complete twitch as to what spoonerisms or whatever you will unearth in order to mock me further. 

    I know people on here, let me leave that statement lying here.

    I think when allowed we should both get out more, I believe anything useful that was in my brain has gone rusty!

    Eggsit indeed.

    Thanks G.

  •  Love the photos of the Badgers! Will send you a PM about qigong.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


    My friend who has badgers at the bottom of her garden also feeds them peanut butter sandwiches. This must be a piece of badger feeding folklore.

    Can I say how nice it is to hear from you? And to hear something about your day? I had a lovely day yesterday too. No badgers involved, nor any badger eggs come to that. I did have a teenager with concussion to nurse. She gave herself sunstroke the day before yesterday and then woke up at 5:30 am with a funny tummy, got herself on the toilet, promptly fainted and fell off, banging her head along the way. Gosh I felt sorry for her. I made sure she kept hydrated and with painkillers and she seem to be fine by the end of the day,  sorry for herself but fine.

    I spent my day as usual, between the house and the garden. I managed to get a bit of gardening done in the late afternoon when things were cooler. I took out the forget me nots spreading their seeds everywhere as I went. There’s next year’s sea of blue. Then in the evening I had virtual virtual choir practice. I don’t know what I must sound like, singing my heart out from my garden shed. My choir joins the zoom meeting and we all sing our own part in our own places while our music director takes the mic. But somehow we are doing it together because 50-odd choir members are all in their own houses doing the same. It was really wonderful to see everyone, it’s the first time I’ve managed to get to the choir practice since I came out of hospital. So there was lots of blowing of kisses and waving. It was really nice.

    Right that’s me done. I’m gonna try and get back to sleep now. Hope you’re sleeping soundly yourself
