Scarecrow time.

  • 12 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi all

Does anyone else make a scarecrow? My wife and I have built this between us, I'll have to credit her with the choice. It's to show our grandson and I have to let my friends on the community see it,especially those that are a bit down in the mouth. 

The problem with attracting wildlife to the garden is the little blighters steal the produce!

Take care and keep safe everyone.

Tvman xx

PS, my wife is on the right lol. (I'm guessing you thought I would say that!)

  • FormerMember

    Absolutely love it, although buzz is my favorite, yes love seeing the birds in the garden, cost a fortune feeding them live mealworms though

  • Very good scarecrow very realix

     Good to frighten off the birds.

    Sparrow are enjoying my seedlings 


  • , Hi!

    I'm glad you told us which one is your wife, couldn't have guessed Slight smile

    Now that's is a very good scary one you two build, i love it, i bet it even keeps the neighbors away!!

    Love Pet

  • FormerMember


    What a stunner! And the wife isn’t half bad looking either Joy

    The old ones are the best ones 


  • Hi Tvman, I love it! However I have one question for you! Did you just happen to have a shirt, trousers etc the exact same as Buzz wears in your cupboard? LOL!!! 
    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    Thanks for your kind words.

    The clothes? Yes, they're from my drawer, I used to get children pointing at me when I was in town and people used to shout at me in the street as I walked around. 

    Only joking Annette, my wife made the shirt from a white t-shirt. First, she sewed a collar on and then she used fabric paint to colour it. She made the scarf from spare material, the jeans are an old pair of mine that I am not likely to ever get into again! He's missing a hat which is the first thing my grandson said when he saw it, she hasn't made one yet, she has a couple around but his head is too big. 

    I knocked up a frame from various bits and pieces in the garage and the head and body are filled with plastic bags that we have an abundance of from home deliveries! The arms and legs have empty 2ltr Pepsi Max bottles inside the material (other varieties are available lol Slight smile) So she's proud that he's made from recycled material. 

    You may know that she works as a teaching assistant in a school and every year she makes the costumes for the Christmas pantomime and end of year show. 

    Just one other thing Annette, if you show the photo (or text it I should say) to your grandchildren, before they say where's his hat (although he doesn't always wear one), they will probably shout Woody!!!. That's my genteel way to say you aren't au fait with all children's Toy Story characters. Can't be brilliant at everything I hear you say Slight smile

    Take care and stay safe Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Dear Mr and Mrs  , Woody and the Marvelous Macmillan Garden Incorrigibles,

    What a lovely Woody Scarecrow! You can even use him later for a doorman for Halloween Jack o lantern !

    I am impressed by your garden. So many different varieties of trees, bushes and veggies with betties and fruit everywhere you look. Awesome!

    if I Had a Wish, 
    I wish we were all closer and Not in lockdown it would be ever so great to visit everyone for a cuppa tea, coffee or hot cocoa (-2C) sitting in the Sun Loungers and look at each others gardens. 

    Spring is my favorite season; With Summer being wonderful too. 

    Thank you for sharing your lovely plants and gardens eachboneso special. Never had fellow gardeners to share with before it is a delight. 

    Dear  your garden is evolving so beautifully it is a wonder. 

    I was wondering - do you and have extra lounger to sit back and enjoy looking at lambs, sheep and Judging Competing  sunflowers?  I think a cuppa tea would be wonderful as would a latte For  or Hot Coco for me and a cold beer for tvman would all be perfect. And , could borrow Woody for the fall sunflower competition Judging? 6 feet apart of course and i would bring each of you and roasting munch on during the final tally. Im wondering if any of you Including , , , , , , Or if you make preserves, Jam or can your fruits and vegetables from Your  garden crops. 
    Oh it would be great to have a garden party-even a Zoom garden party would perfect.

    A zoom garden party in Ireland  watching lambs frolic by.  A California Harvest of Giant Sunflowers followed by a sunset. A Giant Sunflower contest at Daloni‘s. Ok its dreaming but sometimes Dreams can come true.

    Tomorrow is weed and garden day, I promise to send progress pictures. And a surprise test winter project for , a hydroponic inside AeroGarden, for the winter doldrums.  I have photos of day 3 planted heirloom lettuce and cheery tomatoes. Hope you can see the post. 

    Hugs to all my fellow greenthumbs.


  • Hi Millie

    If there was a competition for post of the year, yours would be well up there Slight smile

    We do use the veg, berries and fruits to make various chutneys and drinks. 

    If you don't mind I'll answer your post later. I'm about to change some water in the fish tank and clean the glass etc. Then I have lunch, weed spraying, lifting loads out of the greenhouse to harden off, sowing salad veg seeds, transplanting giant sunflowers, giant onions, leeks, broad beans and peas, weeding between the veg in the raised beds, transplanting some hedge plants from cuttings that I brought on in the winter into a few gaps in a couple of hedges. I have to also try to get time to see why the little blades aren't turning in the bread maker, I think it may possibly be a belt off or broken. In between all that I'll need a beer or a cuppa. So it may be tomorrow.

    Take care Millie and keep safe. 

    Right, fish tank first......

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Just reading your to do list has worn me out TV man. My list has had to go to rest today as I just cannot rally enough energy to propel myself forward. One of those days I guess we all get them. My husband is being very kind, but wary as he expected me to burst into life some time ago. I recieved a lovely bouquet from my grandchildren today and a phone call which really cheered me up all I need now is that energy injection if anyone knows what it's called. 

    Lovely seeing the photos 

  • Hi Maz

    That's good to hear you got a bouquet and it brought instant joy. Sounds like you have a nice family Maz and I'm glad you like the photos.

    I've managed half the to do list and my back is agonisingly paínful. Carrying a knapsack on my back wasn't good for me. I managed all the spraying but had to rest a few times. After dinner I may transplant a couple of things in the greenhouse, we'll see.

    Keep safe Maz

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.