The Homecoming

  • 83 replies
  • 47 subscribers


I feel like it’s time to change the record. Thank you, my lovely friends, for the sympathy, the laughs and the silliness in the bad news discussion. But it’s time! I’ve got the green light from the consultant to go home. Onwards and upwards. 

The next steps for me are managing the transition in the pain control and getting some R&R. I expect a phone call from my consultant oncologist today to talk about a course of palliative chemo. It’s not something I’m looking forward to but if she believes it will bring more good than harm I’ll go with it. 

I’ll stop now. I’m very tired and poking thud tiny little phone keyboard is doing my head in 

 My love to you all. I wish you peace and comfort 


  • 1m is 3.281 feet. So 50m is 164 feet.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi all,

    I am a swimmer so think of metres in terms  of lengths of the pool.

    a normal pool is 25 metres and an Olympic pool is 50 metres long 


  • Lovely picture and lovely for you to be out and about 



  • HI Daloni

    Pleased to hear about the walk onwards and upwards as they say - and what a place to walk - North Downs brings back happy memories of living just outside Bletchingley the views and walks were amazing although a bit isolated in winter. 

    Pleased to hear that your hair is growing although confess a wee bit jealous - over the last 2 days mine has started falling out - I am moulting more than the dog!    I thought I might hang onto to it until after the 2nd round of chemo on Thursday but not to be.... might have to bite the bullet and get rid of what's left still have some length but not a lot of cover!

    Stay well and stay safe xx

    Carpe Diem
  • 164 ft? Divide by 10 and I would have difficulty!


    Love life and family.
  • Daloni, from near death to going for a walk is spectacular. The kids being as they are is brilliant because that's normal. If they were still acting in a saintly fashion that would not be normal.

    I'm sure your sister will miss you too, it must have been nice for her to have spent time with you. You two should apply to appear on the Sewing Bee, winners for sure.

    This is all starting to look like good news all round. Keep that fridge stuffed with chocs, ours is!


  • That's a great photo Daloni! X

    Flowerlady x
  • Hi I think you are spot on about the girls acting naturally! If they were tiptoeing around and speaking in low voices Daloni, I'd be worried but I'm very pleased this is not the case because that would mean you were very poorly and we don't want that! 

    Do you know before this Lockdown, I very seldom ate chocolate and my husband liked chocolate biscuits like half coated digestives etc but wouldn't eat a whole bar of chocolate. This has all changed! Almost every time he goes shopping, for us, or our elderly neighbour (and his friend along the road who has health issues) he comes back with 2 or 3 bars of chocolate! Now he's started doing a comparison check between the Cadburys and various store's own chocolate which is double the size but half the price! I think it's just an excuse to have some more. If I go to empty the bags before him and ask "more chocolate, do we really need it" he laughs and says "oh how did that get in there!" DAH! Does everyone think this is an essential product now!!??

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    So glad you made the great escape! Hope home is wonderful!  Ill keep following,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I really pushed myself yesterday and went for a 150m walk. It was slow and it was as far as I could manage but every day I am getting that bit stronger.

    I'm still massively underslept with the steroid insomnia and I have taken to listening to an audiobook and crocheting in the wee small hours. I had a genius idea. Get out my stash wool and turn into little crochet coasters. Offer them to my friends on facebook in return for a donation to the hospice. I raised £230 in 24 hours. Most people simply donated but I have severel orders to complete. Four down, 7 to go. Wool stash busted. Happy people all round. 

    I do feel so egocentric writing about myself all the time but I can feel from you all so much interest and I thank you again for your love and support, my wonderful friends 
