The Homecoming

  • 83 replies
  • 47 subscribers


I feel like it’s time to change the record. Thank you, my lovely friends, for the sympathy, the laughs and the silliness in the bad news discussion. But it’s time! I’ve got the green light from the consultant to go home. Onwards and upwards. 

The next steps for me are managing the transition in the pain control and getting some R&R. I expect a phone call from my consultant oncologist today to talk about a course of palliative chemo. It’s not something I’m looking forward to but if she believes it will bring more good than harm I’ll go with it. 

I’ll stop now. I’m very tired and poking thud tiny little phone keyboard is doing my head in 

 My love to you all. I wish you peace and comfort 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi and all my fellow incorrigibles, 

    That truly felt like a day of rest and recuperation. My little sister and I spent the day alternating sewing with sitting in the garden. We had the odd interlude for eating chocolate and delicious fruit. All with some lovely classical music on in the background, either radio three or what I pulled off the CD rack. 

    Thus passed a day in which we managed to produce breakfast, lunch and dinner, a very beautiful wraparound skirt and a pair of wild yellow shorts. There was no TV and instead we watched the very first of my glorious orange poppies burst out of its bud. It’s almost too bright to look at. I’ll post a pic in the gardening thread when I’m done here.

    Come bedtime my sister remarked on how much better I looked than the previous day. After a day like that, you can blame me?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That sounds like a lovely day, . The shorts are, indeed, wild. 


  • Hi, ,  Well is right about both the shorts and it did sound like a lovely day! I love the colour of the skirt too. Now all you need is another day like that every day for the next fortnight or so and you'll be well on the mend! How does that sound? You will probably get the weather for it whereas here, it's to be lovely today 19/20 C but cooler on Thursday and by Friday,Saturday,Sunday it's to be back to almost freezing with the wind coming from the north! Brrr! However we will forget about that and just enjoy today! Hope you've got a good supply of chocolate!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi friends 

    Well, yesterday was a red letter day. I went for a walk! My sister and I drove up to our local park and I managed a whole 50 m out, and 50 m back on my first trip out in what must be a month since I was laid low. It was wonderful. The view over the North Downs! The wind in my ever lengthening hair! Tomorrow I’m going to go for 150 m and hang the consequences. 

    It was also a red letter day in that it marked  the departure of my sister and the arrival back home of my children. I’ve gone from being right about everything and having a companion to being wrong about everything and having to sulky teenagers who really rather be doing something else with anyone else. It’s not that I blame them, I totally understand how lockdown has brought their lives to a standstill. I’d have been furious in their shoes too. It’s going to take a while for us to settle into a new rhythm. 

    my sister and I did have a lovely last day though. We made some clothes again. We had a lovely lunch. My sister did her yoga on the patio, and said it was like being in the Mediterranean. Then before she left she noticed all the jobs that needed doing. She hoovered, she took the rubbish out, she made the beds, she was an all-round star. Gosh I’m going to miss her.


  • Wow Good for you! I doubt I would be able to manage 100m! Good for you! Now never mind challenging yourself to do 150m, try to do 100m for three days in a row, then see how you feel before you start to increase it!!! Oh! And no jogging!! Lol!

    So the peace has gone now the girls are back! Maybe if you speak to your sister nicely, she could come back for another long weekend, soon! That was terrific she also did your housework before she went home. An angel indeed. I've hoovered, kept the washing up to date but will need to do some dusting tomorrow! (Or today that is)!

    If your sister had been n my garden today she would be thinking she was in the Baltic as the temperature this afternoon was a cool 4degs with a very cold north wind blowing! Summer has not arrived yet!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    To make you smile. From yesterday. As you can see, I am sleeping in two hour stretches. It’s the steroids. X

  • Hi Daloni

    Well done you. I'm afraid out of reach for me and as for a return 50m, do you want me to fall out with you lol? 

    Don't try to overdo it, if you can manage 100m there and back then be content. 

    Btw, how far is 50m? You must be of the younger generation, talking in terms of metres whereas I need to try to convert it into old money ha ha.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Call it 50 yards if it helps,


  • Daloni

    Sorry, can't do that. Casting my mind back to my good old school days when decimalisation came in, I remember that 1m = 39.37 in.

    So 3.37in x 50 = 168.5in = 14ft*

    Even at 14ft less than 50m, I still couldn't manage that lol!

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • After working that out, my brain is tired so I think I can get back to sleep now Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.