The Homecoming

  • 83 replies
  • 47 subscribers


I feel like it’s time to change the record. Thank you, my lovely friends, for the sympathy, the laughs and the silliness in the bad news discussion. But it’s time! I’ve got the green light from the consultant to go home. Onwards and upwards. 

The next steps for me are managing the transition in the pain control and getting some R&R. I expect a phone call from my consultant oncologist today to talk about a course of palliative chemo. It’s not something I’m looking forward to but if she believes it will bring more good than harm I’ll go with it. 

I’ll stop now. I’m very tired and poking thud tiny little phone keyboard is doing my head in 

 My love to you all. I wish you peace and comfort 


  • Hi Daloni, I am so sorry to hear you’re  back in hospital again, let’s hope it won’t be for too long. You have had a short glimpse of the outside world and now it’s gone again. I hope you had time to get that bag of yours full of chocolate!

    I really hope you will start to feel pain free soon, and will be able to go home to Noodle and your girls.

    love and hugs

    Maggie xx

  • Hi @daloni,

    Sorry to hear that they were missing you so much that they arranged for you to come back into the hospital again.  At least this time the chocolate famine has been avoided.

    I have been in the garden today, trying to avoid the showers but did manage to get soaked so I really think it is overated.

    I hope that you are managing to get plenty of rest.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Oh

    I'm so worried about you, you've hardly set foot in the house and you're back out that flippin revolving door. I'm upset too because your big girl and little one must be so concerned and well, terrified at what's happening. I'm a wee bit behind because I'm trying to dig etc so maybe by the time I've sent this you may be pain free and home again. Oh Daloni I wish we could help in some way.

    Take care and banish those pains.

    Tvman XXX

    Love life and family.
  • , well Daloni, how about you try to have a few better halluzinations ?? Like swimming in a pool of Chocolate? Or lying on a Beach in Hawaii with Noodles? Not the crappy stuff with the poor cat.

    I'm sad you're back there but i hope you will get some sleep and wake up with no pain.

    Hugs, Pet

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Good evening!

    Thanks again for all your messages of support throughout the day. It’s been wonderful to hear from you. I know it feels like you’re not doing much, just writing words on screens, but as anyone in the receiving end knows, it feels such more. 

    I had an hour today with the senior palliative care nurse and it looks like I’ll be going home tomorrow. Hurray!

    We went through everything, including a thorough review of the medication, and although she was very tactful in b c how she put it, I think basically I had a panic attack. While that leaves me feeling a little foolish, there is certainly no harm done and the nurse said coming to hospital was the right thing to do. After all, she pointed out, you can always go home again. I found that a useful thought.

    She has tweaked my medications slightly and given me more control and confidence. I was going to add well as a sleeping tablet. I see from the lapse between my starting this message and finishing it, something has occurred. 

    Sweet dreams 

    PS I fell asleep between starting this message at 10pm and posting it when I woke. The sleeping pill did a good job. It’s today, Sunday, that I shall be leaving. That’s the plan at any rate. I’ve woken free from pain and that’s a first. 

  • Hi 

    Good to hear that you're getting home soon, I trust you will stay a while longer this time? At least long enough that you can get into the garden and enjoy the sights and scents.

    Annette and I and a few others would like the nurse (the one who has banished your pain) to call with us please! 

    Little Noodle will be happy to see you home as well as the girls Slight smile

    Take care Daloni

    PS is this the homecoming part iv or v? Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Some sleep and being free of pain, just what everyone was hoping and praying to hear from you today.

    What ever happened the symptoms of a panic attack can be indistinguishable from a heart attack or similar life threatening event, you absolutely did the right thing by getting yourself to hospital. Intractable pain and hallucinations are two more very good reasons for being there. It's good to know you feel a bit more confident in your pain management and a bit more in control.

    I'm sure you can't wait to get back home to your girls, Noodle, and family. Let's hope there's no more excitement for a very long time and you can look forward to sleep filled nights and pain free days.


  • Hi ,

    It's lovely to hear that you are free of pain, rested and full of ginger biscuits.  I see nothing wrong in having a panic attack especially with all the "Dad's Army" programming at the moment.  I would regard it more as a tribute to Corporal Jones and perhaps you could encourage your daughter's to run about doing Clive Dunn impersonations shouting "Don't Panic"  if ever they feel you are heading in that direction again, that should stop you!

    It is lovely here this morning although we are at risk of some heavy showers here in North Yorkshire this afternoon but hopefully it will be better down south for your homecoming.  As a result of my wife working from home she has done a lot of the weeding this year which is what I have really struggled with so I've managed to get it in better shape that it has been for years.  I got my runner beans planted at their new frame yesterday as well as my courgette and by potatoes in bags are already showing the shoots out of the top of the compost now.  All I need to do now is go and trim the big hedge.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Good morning again! 

    Confession time. I have eaten a whole Terry’s chocolate orange since yesterday. I can taste very little but somehow the full orange chocolate is getting through. 

    I am now just waiting for the doctor to sign me out and get me home. The palliative care nursing team are happy with me and the ward nurses too. 

    I love the idea of my family running around doing a Clive Dunn, . I think if we found it possible and funny we could tick the box marked panic and calm down. If not, then we might be moving up the escalation scale to the next level. 

    I hope my next check in will be from the sofa xxx

  • Hi Daloni,

    I just popped on here to see if there were any messages from you,& having read through them realised you had been home & then gone back into hospital again. It is good that they have sorted your meds out and hopefully you will stay pain free & sleep well. I have been thinking about you since the beginning of the week, wondering if they had kept you in for longer.

    All this chocolate you are eating, even if you cannot taste it sometimes gives you a good feeling,I know I always turn to chocolate if I get stressed. It is not readily available in my cupboard all the time,But I can usually find something sweet.

    I was disappointed to learn that my biopsy was inconclusive, so at the moment I have agreed to go on the hormone Megace, but hope that the side effects don't affect me to much ie; mood swings, depression being two I am not keen on. I am such a positive person,but anyway I guess I will find out. I have agreed to another biopsy in a week or so.

    This time take care at home & enjoy your time with family and Noodles.

    Stay safe, Love Georgette xxx