Something to celebrate

  • 13 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi folks 

I’d like to share with you news that the community champs, some 25 volunteers who work across the online community to make it a safe, supportive and happy place, have just been given the Vicky Clement award by Macmillan. I’m very proud to be one of this group. I hoped you might like to celebrate a little with me too. Here’s some bumph about the award. My shiny badge will be in the post soon. It is sad that we can’t all get together for a knees up this year but such is life. 

“Vicky Clement-Jones was given just three months to live after being diagnosed with inoperable ovarian cancer. In fact, she went on to survive for five years – long enough to establish Cancerbackup in 1985 and ensure its success. Macmillan and Cancerbackup merged in 2008 to provide the best cancer information for everyone. 

The Vicky Clement-Jones Award is for an individual or group that: 

uses their own cancer experiences to influence others

applies insight from their own cancer experiences to improve the lives of other people affected by cancer

demonstrates the impact that their role makes to other people affected by cancer.”

  • FormerMember

    I’m going to eat Lindt Lindor Balls to celebrate 

  • Well deserved 1000 times over, everyone of you. Thank you all for what you have done for me.

  • Hi Daloni,

    This is my first visit to this group,& I feel that I must Congratulate all the Community Champs, including you for  getting the Vicky Clements award. Well done to all & very well deserved in my opinion & I know that I will not be the only one who thinks this,as you all do an amazing job with  the vast amount of problems  people have.

    A lovely photo & I am sure that you will enjoy those chocolates. I look forward to seeing a photo of that shiny badge.

    Georgette xxx

  • Daloni  Well done, Norberry has said it all were would we be without you.xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Georgette

    Thank you Blush all

    It’s really good to see you here . Well, no it’s not good that you’re eligible but I am glad you’ve decided to join. We go back years from my old stomping ground in the womb group. I hope you’ll feel welcome here  


  • FormerMember

    Well done, and all the champions. Thank you for all your support and your unfailing, reassuring presence. 

  • Hi Daloni and Congratulations very well deserved indeed. Also to the other CC's included in this award!

    Hi Welcome to the Group! It's great you posted on a positive thread first as it's not always the case. I hope you will contribute regularly after this and I look forward to getting to know you! Take Care 

    PS  Daloni, the next photo I see, I'd like it to be of you wearing your new Sparkling Badge!! Wear it with pride, you deserve a medal (a badge will do I suppose!)!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember


    Congrats to you and the other community champs for receiving the Vicki Clement award.  All of you have earned the award and made this community a welcome place.  Enjoy the sweets!  As someone just said, and if I had any kind of memory, I would be able to tell you who, looking forward to seeing you wear the badge!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Anndanv, that's who!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you and all of you who have added your voices and likes. It’s always a bit scary sharing news like this. I don’t want to sound boastful but I do want to share good news.

    Of course the acceptance speech at any ceremony would say really it’s an award for every community member (and my dear old mum’s long departed budgerigar). When I look at the criteria I think it’s true. We are all here for each other. I certainly get at least as much as I give, probably more. 

    I think this award is perhaps bigger than that though. It marks a shift in Macmillan’s thinking. For a long time, the community has been viewed by some influential figures as “social media” with all the poor associations that term conjures up. I think we provide something far more important. Peer support. Patients and their families helping each other. There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that peer support that is provided in a safe way can help people not just feel better but actually improve their health outcomes. 

    I know there are times when a face to face meeting is essential. Nothing can replace the expert clinician. But when it’s 3am, you’re scared and feel you alone, there’s always someone here to listen and hold your hand, albeit virtually. That’s priceless. 

    It used to be a rare occurrence that I‘d meet a cancer care nurse who had referred a patient to the community. That’s changing. I think professionals are beginning to realise that we really can be their allies. I’m grateful to Macmillan for providing the community space and the moderators and the guidelines that keep it safe. I wouldn’t dream of using a Facebook group in the way I use the community.  

    Speech over Joy