• 31 replies
  • 46 subscribers

F*ck the assessors! And not in the nice way!

So didn't need this! 



  • Hello , you’ve been so supportive around the site keeping people upbeat in these strange times. I’m assuming a rotten letter has arrived and knocked your positivity out of kilter for a while, or should I write something stronger ! 

    Take care KT

  • Finally got the report and decision through from the assessment in... February I think it was. 

    The report itself is full of lies. Like, for example, he said he saw no signs of depression, anxiety, or distress in me. Yet I was sobbing on two different occasions. 

    But I don't qualify for any mobility component since they updated the criteria, so they are stopping that with immediate effect. But it's OK, he isn't going to penalise me for back payments, because I wasn't to know the criteria had been updated..... (sarcasm)

    So I'm now roughly £250 worse off a month, and have one, ish, overpayment to return because they didn't update their system in time.

    I really want a Polish doughnut, emotional eater, but they don't deliver. And the breakfast smoothie I made turned out to be full of minging mint. So all in all, a bit of a crap morning! And I'm not going to start on the extra pain I've been in recently, because I'm trying to ignore it. But it's there, and it's demoralising. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • That’s a lot of money to loose , You know probably better than I do if you want to just let off steam, ask for a review or seek budgeting help, and what numbers to call for the later. Can I just ask (and ignore me if you wish) but what is a polish donut ?

    Take care KT

  • I have just googled and found out about Fat Thursday or Tuesday, and seen a recipe and pictures which to me are what I always think about as a doughnut, non of these things with holes in.

    Take care KT

  • I think I'm angry because of the lies in his report, and I think I could have received more points for things had he not been a massive......... Insert your own word of choice there.

    Then I'm angry that they've updated both the mobility components so that the bar is set so low, lots of people will no longer get the points they need to get it. 

    That money was used for mobility, to pay for taxis to get me to appointments, to shops, and to fun things. I still need to spend that money to go places, because I still can't walk far/long/up hills, which means I'll be going less places because that money will have to come from elsewhere. 

    And a Polish doughnut..... Lol. There's a Polish supermarket near me that has its own in-house bakery. They do some of the best doughnuts I've ever had! I'm a total snob when it comes to baked goods. It's got to be better than I can make, or really good quality. And British supermarket doughnuts just don't cut it. But these ones are brilliant! The same size as your hand, cost under a pound, are fresh baked, and decently filled. My fave is an advocaat custard flavoured one!

    Edit - yeh, Fat Tuesday is our Shrove Tuesday, or pancake day! I wanted to go down and see what they had in that was different, but I wasn't well enough to go. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi , not a snob a connoisseur, advocaat  custard flavoured well I can definitely say I’ve never had one but it sounds delicious. (I am only just letting treats back into my diet). I don’t know if there’s a cure for being a massive insert your own word, but I hope they find one soon, but seriously I can understand why your angry. 

     Best wishes and virtual Doughnut , I’m sorry it was the closest emoji I could find ! 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi Lass, thats s**t, you must appeal of course, please try and get someone from welfare rights or similar organisation to sort this out for you as they are well versed in how to write letters ect. I'm due a renewal in September and because this will be the third time i have reapplied i'm not sure i will get it again. We can only try because we need this money. My way of looking at it is i wont be around to collect my old age pension that i paid into all my working life so i want whatever i can get from the government now while i need it. Lynn 2.xx

  • Hi ,

    That is crap, and a lot of money to lose. Anyone who has been through the process know the reports are often works of fiction by people unqualified to comment on , in particular, mental health. But physical heath too.

    I agree you should appeal, but I also know the sheer fatigue of doing it in the face of an obstructive bureaucracy.

    Good luck.

  • Hi Lass

    Screaming from the rafters is only a short term fix. I'm aware that I could have lost the mobility payment as well as other unfortunate applicants and I'd guess that you as well as me, are au fait with the high percentage of successful appeals because of incompetent assessors, more than 60% as far as I remember. So don't be too despondent. Contact MacMillan helpline to see if you can get assistance with an appeal. Get ready to attack with all guns blazing.

    The idiots that are chosen to assess people are solely in it for the money, around 35 grand as far as I remember. 

    Don't give up and fight your corner, you have a lot of support in this group, Lass. Good luck.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Lass, I've just read this and it's just shocking! I wonder why it took them so long to give you a decision too.

    Well, don't get mad, get active! Of course you must appeal and also complain about the assessor, asking how can he judge you not to be depressed when he had you in tears...twice! As Tvman has said, a lot of the appeals are being turned over and people are getting the decision reversed! It's a hassle, but it's got to be done! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!