• 31 replies
  • 46 subscribers

F*ck the assessors! And not in the nice way!

So didn't need this! 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Oh ! What can I possibly say? Nothing that would get past the moderators. I’m so angry on your behalf. I want to punch someone. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

     I literally stopped breathing when I read this....

    I don't know why I'm so shocked when I saw the distress my paraplegic friend went through prior to her annual, yep, ANNUAL assessment, and had a conversation with an assessor (I think it's nearer £45K a year) who gave up the job because everything's so heavily stacked against the claimants. They're taught techniques to try and catch people out so it's highly prejudicial from the outset.

    I'm so sorry you've got this additional stress to deal with, I would send you a Polish doughnut if I could.


  • Hi Lass

    I could easily punch someone on your behalf. What a xxxxxxx cock up. Good luck with appealing, it's a disgrace that you have to.

    Try and keep strong and calm x

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Hello Lass.

    It blooming stinks doesn't it (and no, those are not the words I would normally use in relation to the PIP assessors I have come across). I have been in receipt of the full PIP and ESA for oast few months.

    Up until last year I did some  work with lawyers who represented clients appealing PIP decisions (and DLA for children). I provided 'expert' reports on how their medical condition or disability affected their ability in relation to the PIP/DLA assessment criteria. The majority of these clients were on a Legal Aid basis. Others had support from famijy members to get legal representation.  Legal Aid is available in Scotland for this purpose (but I dont think it is available in England and Wales).

    I also did reports for folk who were at the initial application stage, or appealing on their own behalf (not through a lawyer). 

    I was appalled by the assessments carried out by the PIP assessors. They were at best inaccurate .... I will say no more on that however as you have seen first hand how awful they can be. 

    I am telling you this in the hope you might find help to Appeal. I am an Independent Occupational Therapist and seen as an exoert in how a disability or medical condition affects ability to carry out everyday life activities. Most people with cancer wont have an OT who knows them well and not all OTs will be used to writing reports to inform the PIP process. Your local Hospice may have an OT, or there may be an Independent OT in your area who is inexperienced in this and could help you (they would charge a fee). 

    I am semi-retired now on health grounds but I kniw there is a need for OT reports for PIP applications but very few OTs who can do tfem. Im thinking about how to fill this gap in a way people can afford. Ive had thoughts around a not-for-profit company doing  affordable online 'face-to-face' assessment and reports. Your post has inspired me to look into the logistics of this. Im gutted that Im no longer up to providing this myself but maybe I can inspire and support some of my colleagues.

    Sorry for this VERY long winded response!!!! I am kinda thinking out loud. 

    Aside from my musings and general thoughts,  would be delighted to help you in any way I can Lass. 

    Lizzie xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Lizzie and welcome.

    I have just read your Profile. You’ve been through a lot in the last few years, haven’t you? It’s really great that you’re here and offering to help Lass and others caught in this appalling trap.

    But don’t forget this group can be here for you too.

    I really like your username by the way and your funky star. Don’t be a stranger 


  • Welp, I've just phoned them to get them to have a look at it again. Went over everything in his report that he'd missed out or lied about, said I didn't think he knew enough about thyroid cancer it's treatment and effects to make the judgements he had, cried a bit at her, and I now feel like my heart might explode out of my chest while I'm having a massive hot and cold flush - it's a very odd feeling.

    Absolutely 0 timescale as to when it might be looked at and dealt with, but we'll see at some point, who knows when.

    I've also messaged my local councillor, to ask if I should speak to he or my MP about how ridiculously small the distances are in the mobility section. See what happens there. Probably diddly squat.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • As people have said before, impossible to press the like button here.

    Dont let them grind you down. Apologies to the moderator.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Well done Lass. When Im really miffed about something I eventually, often after lots of ranting, raving and tears, make mysejf move forward and confront the thing. Im thinking you have asked them to reconsider under the Mandatory Reconsideration rule. (that's if its not all changed in the last year). If so, there is a timescale in which they must get back to you.

    If you are not satisfied with their response, you can take it to Appeal. Appeal is the stage a lawyer and expert reports are useful. Im hoping you don't need to go that far and that they use the info you gave them on the phone and reconsider fairly.

    We need to present evidence of why we feel we meet the criteria which is difficult if we dont understand the criteria. Have you seen the breakdown of criteria for each area they are assessing eg dressing, communication, mobility? If not, its worth reading up on it so you understand theirquestions and the type of evidence that is useful in getting you a fair hearing.

    The mobility section can feel very confusing. The assessment looks at how far you can walk on the majority of days AND takes into account whether you can do that in a reasonable time, repeatedly, safely and your pain, fatigue, breathlessness etc. They try to get a feel of whether what you are saying and what they are seeing seem in keeping with physical or mental hezlth issues. Just because you walked from the car park into the assessnent room which is 45m does not mean they should tick the box to say you can walk 20 to 50 m ..... because .... you may for example only manage that after a med break, or after taking additional pain relief that's not recommended on a daily basis, or that walk will knacker you for the next 3 days.

    Ill shut up now. Hope that helps a bit. Keep in touch x

  • FormerMember

    Hi lass

    Apologies  for typos can't see key board

    I was turned  down 4  a  drprrdsiom linked benefit


    W o n

    Got it backdated yo date of application

    Good job  we don't have guns in this country

    My temper  would have got me killed  long b4 the .canver showed up

    Remember my onc prof Marsden said iI would not make May 1st

    What   day is I it

    Bits  of me ate still working

    So me bits have given up

    Domr bits are in 5th gear 


  • Hi and a warm welcome, I don't remember us chatting before! I read your user name as Puffpuff and thought ah the magic dragon, then I put my glasses on! Lol! Good for you that you caught and got PIP backdated too, you seem very knowledgeable about the subject. Is that mainly because you did your homework on the subject during your appeal!! Because we hadn't 'met' before I looked at your Profile and you have been through the wars! I hope things have settled a bit for you now.

    Hi Sue () I really admire you for posting when you have difficulty seeing the keyboard. At the start of my cancer journey, I had very blurred vision at one stage and I bought a square magnifying glass that you can clip to a book or keyboard. I sent for it through the Internet but I'm not sure now who I bought it from. Maybe once this Lockdown is over, it may be worth a look about or ask your GP for suggestions! I'm so pleased you've proved them wrong by still being here. There are a few of us passed our sell by dates and it does feel great eh!

    Iam so pleased you decided to be proactive and complain about the idiot who did your assessment! You are correct, lots of these people have no idea about cancer or the fatigue etc that comes with it. I'm sure you will educate them and your MP! Good for you! We are all routing for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!