Treatment postponed

  • 17 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Just had a phone call from my oncologist and need to vent. My immune system is very poor at present and in his opinion I would not survive catching corona virus. Therefore, I need to isolate as much as possible. My chemo has been deferred for 4 to 6 weeks. While I am not surprised by this decision, I do feel very down about it. At least while I was receiving chemo I felt like we were doing something to fight the cancer. On the plus side, at least the chemo side effects like diarrhoea should stop. I need a big hug, but live alone. Oh well, I will get used to this in a wee while. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mem50, no words of wisdom for you, but i am sending you a virtual (((((((((((HUG))))))))))). My scan to see if my radiotherapy has worked has also been cancelled. I'm sure many of us are feeling in limbo at the moment, scary. All the best. Lynn 2 xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Lynn. A big HUG right back to you. These are difficult times. I guess we have to focus on our blessings and not dwell on the disappointments. My family are being very supportive, for which I am grateful. 

  • FormerMember

    Big hug on the way, . I received the same news at my last (telephone) appointment. Treatment on hold for the duration, and even my scans were cancelled. I was pretty sanguine about it at first - the decision  made sense - but then I had a few seriously down days, all tears and fears. So I sympathise. 

    Vent as much as you need to. That's one of the good things about this site - you can let it out.

    Thinking of you.

  • Hi Mem50

    Sorry to hear this. If I could hug you, I would gladly do so. It's easy for me to say, but if you can stay positive. As you say, you will have some respite from the side effects, maybe you can focus on that?

    Big hug and courage xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I had the same call last Thurs and like you have been trying to focus on the positives, less risk, a break from side effects, a chance to build up some reserves...but the combination of that news and a kidney infection have left me feeling pretty low and in limbo. As  said, tears and fears along with a letter cancelling a scheduled brain scan.

    Today I've been sent rescheduled appointments for insertion of a Hickman line and chemo on 19th & 20th May, 6 weeks time, and it's given me quite a boost. There's a plan and a time frame and it's very reassuring. I know there are no guarantees but for now it seems there's every reason to be hopeful.

    Had to look up "sanguine" Wink and it's perfect for all of us, no more so than in the middle of this crisis.

    Sending love and best wishes to everyone.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Tinalay, 

    Sorry to hear your treatment got deferred too. However, it's good to know you have dates for your next treatment. Just gives you a lifeline to hang on to, doesn't it? Hope all goes well for you.

    Michele x

  • Hi I'm sorry to hear your treatment has been postponed at the moment. However as you say, it will give the side effects a bit of time to settle down! Another thing that may help how you feel is that the doses of chemo you have already had will still be working in your system! I thought I'd throw in an extra (((hug))) for good measure!! Stay safe! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thank you anndav, I hadn't thought of that. Have a big (((HUG))) right back and you take good care of yourself too.

    Michele xx

  • I have also had my treatment stopped due to the virus.   I have been told not to go to hospital even for blood tests and my scan which was due has also been postponed.     It is very disheartening and I can't help wondering what is going on inside my body.   However it is totally out of my control so am trying to ignore it!   Still wish I could go out and visit friends - what I miss most - oh and the coffee and muffin!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Patti48

    Hi patti48,I feel the same,justcompleted 2nd of 4 courses,went had bloods done on  the Monday  ready for my next session on the  Tuesday and my oncologist  phoned me, pre arranged call,to discuss treatment, during the conversation  he explained I was probably more at risk from covid19, with my immune being weakened from chemotherapy,so we agreed the best path to take would be to suspend treatment and review in 8 weeks time. Its an awfull predicament, if I we to contract covid19 it probably will be severe but then not treating the cancer leavess the cancer taking control. Luckily we have freinds family  and good neighbour's so we dont feelcut off,and good weather is helping,but keep safe and in lockdown, and it will overcome quickest.
