the 12 WKS

  • 16 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Was wondering why everything is revolving around self-isolation for 12 wks /3 months do they expect it to be gone in that time.

I am sure it will be a lot worse by then, not better, this virus has only just got started.

Don't mean to worry anyone  unnessicerally .

I also assume that world travel is still going on with some.?Business class and the like,that is still a vector.

Stay safe everyone,Its strange how it rained none stop,through the winter ,now there is restriction on going out the sun is 

  • The idea isn't that the virus will be gone in 12 weeks, they're just trying to flatten the curve so that the NHS doesn't get overwhelmed as the health service in Italy did. As people clearly couldn't follow the rules of social distancing, as seen last weekend, we had to go into lockdown earlier than we otherwise would have done. 

    So if everyone sticks to the rules, then in 12 weeks time they might be able to be relaxed a bit. Then as infection rates climb, they'll tighten them up again. So by keeping the most vulnerable to the virus as isolated as possible, they are doing their best to keep hospital beds free. 

    There are some flights going on to ship doctors around, but I doubt there are any business trips happening anywhere. Most countries are on lockdown and only accepting their own people back. Which is why the airlines have asked for a bailout and were refused. 

    Hope that helps. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi , there was a good graphic the other day on the news explaining why social distancing was so important, and the vast difference it makes to the numbers of people who get infected, which is what Lass is talking about when she says curve, it would be nice for any graph of the number of people affected by the virus to be gentle not escalate up quickly. It had an example of people waiting in a queue and a bit like those lines of dominoes that tip over and just keep going, if you space them a bit further apart the chain reaction slows. 

    Further down the line they will be testing for people who have acquired an immunity and so as people are found to have some immunity things will start to improve. I’m no medic and to be honest I know have to be selective of the news, too much Coronavirus talk does my head in, although I am getting better. My friends have a whatsApp group and it was full of jokes and songs with changed lyrics about the virus, a few days ago I just couldn’t listen to them as they just plain annoyed me but now I’m finding some of them funny, some are still in poor taste but there you go. My favourite at the moment is the Beatles tune, I wanna hold your hand, reworded for you’ve guessed it I gotta wash my hands.

    Best wishes

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember


    It seems like an awfully long time, doesn’t it? But I suspect it will be over before we know it. 

    As I understand it, is spot on. It’s all about trying to limit the number of people who become seriously ill so that the nhs isn’t overwhelmed. 

    I’m not an airline executive but as I understand it, there are virtually no flights, business or otherwise. 

    You are right about the irony of the weather. I’m rather glad the sun is shining now. It makes staying at home more tolerable. I am going out into the garden and the soundscape has changed. The noise from the main road has died down and been replaced by the sound of children out in the garden. It’s rather nice. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You’ve only got to look up and you can’t see a plane in the sky.  I’d normally be able to count at least four from my garden! 
    thank goodness for the sun it makes it so much easier if lucky enough to have a garden. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Not sure if I agree to bail out Airlines but at least govt around the world could, not take money while the planes are on the ground.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I spoke too soon about the weather. It snowed in Kent today. Then we had hail. And a freezing wind. Stop already!  

  • Didn't have any snow down here on the Kent coast, but did have some hail


    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • I think we had a bit of everything, rain, hail, snow, sleet and a blasting wind followed by sunny spells and a few periods when the wind dropped.  I was very confused but that is not unusual these days.

    Gragon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    It was a lot better today, or at least there was a lot less weather. I was up and out early with Noodle in Knole Park, a deer park dating back to Tudor times that is literally across the road from my house. There was not a soul to be seen other than one dad and son duo racing each other up a hill. I left them behind and headed to the woods where Noodle chased squirrels and pheasants. It was glorious. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m really missing dog walks with Sula. I thought it would be ok to go to the common nearby where you can easily keep 200 meters away from other people but was told last week to stay at home or in the garden. I’m at the hospital twice a week for bloods & then chemo, so in fairness to the staff have to stick to those rules. Today I was told it’s too risky to go the hospital for bloods, so someone will come to me from now on.

    Gulp. Found it difficult to settle to anything after that.
