the 12 WKS

  • 16 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Was wondering why everything is revolving around self-isolation for 12 wks /3 months do they expect it to be gone in that time.

I am sure it will be a lot worse by then, not better, this virus has only just got started.

Don't mean to worry anyone  unnessicerally .

I also assume that world travel is still going on with some.?Business class and the like,that is still a vector.

Stay safe everyone,Its strange how it rained none stop,through the winter ,now there is restriction on going out the sun is 

  • Hi all

    Did you know that the Co. In Co. Down where I live,  is short for Costa Down? Not many know that so keep it under your hats please Slight smile

    Well, the last two days have seen almost wall to wall sunshine here, a bit chilly 2 days ago but very pleasant yesterday. Both days have seen Conan and me take to the road, Conan leading apart from around a hundred leg lifts, with me waiting patiently. He on 4 legs, I on 4 wheels (wheelchair, for those who don't know me yet!) 6 vehicles encountered yesterday, 4 the day before in around 30 minutes each way, about 9 of 10 waving back, some with a bemused look. What's their problem, never see a bloke on a wheelchair taking his dog for a walk?  

    Managed a little gardening, pots, tubs and troughs looking good, clematises, honeysuckles, roses, ramblers and jasmine all tidied up with a little help from my wife. Even got some work done on the raised beds, hate it when on the second day my knees and shin bones hurt when kneeling, 

    I think I'm going to spend the next couple of days working at my raised beds and hoping that by the end of the week I'll have my potato bed finished and some Duke of York seed potatoes in, that I'm chitting on the dining floor at the patio doors. 

    I have to tell you an amusing anecdote. I'm currently working at a lovely jigsaw depicting three little wide-eyed kittens sitting on the shelves of a Welsh dresser among breakables. My not so little rascal of an Irish Wheaton Terrier, Conan, likes to have my company so he ambles in and flops down on the floor close to me. Like any of his breed, he sniffs the same room day after day......So each time he gets up for a sniff if he then lies down,fine. Though if he heads for the hall door he has to pass me and 9 times out of 10 he'll be holding a little seed potato gently at the front of his jaws. Thank you Conan, give it back please! Then I'll banish him from the dining room until the next time I go in when no doubt we'll have a repeat lol.

    Right, cuppa, maybe a nap, then outside for me. Nice day, a little high cloud.

    I'll keep you informed Slight smile

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    I can see Conan with a seed potato held gently in his mouth in my mind’s eye and it’s making me smile. Noodle would be less gentle. She’d be more likely to try to eat the potato or kill it. Yesterday did a very good job of killing the wicker basket I use to bring in the kindling when I make a fire. It made good kindling - once I’d cleared it up.  

  • Hi EVERYONE, Oh Daloni, Noodle is still only a pup and doesn't know the rights and wrongs yet, whereas Conan is an older well trained dog who I'm sure thinks he's helping Tvman with his tasks!! Gragon, we've had that kind of weather for over a week now! It can be a lovely morning with sun and clear blue skies, by lunchtime the sun has gone and the wind picks up coming from the north with flurries of snow & sleet, then it can be a lovely evening as the sun goes down but put your nose out the door and it will freeze! Scotland always did have 4 seasons in one day, that's why I love it! Oh Tvman, it would be well worth having sore knees and shins, if only I could kneel down to do the garden! At least you have the satisfaction of DOING something useful!

    I've been baking today and didn't remember I always used to do it while my husband was at work! The reason being, he can eat it faster than I can make it! I made 3 trays of Crispy Bars (made with Mars bars, golden syrup etc) to give my daughter for our granddaughters "afternoon tea" at home for her 5th birthday! If I hadn't hidden 2 of the trays, I'd have none left! My husband said, "well you haven't told anyone you were making them, so they won't be expecting them anyway"! There's logic there somewhere!!

    Stay Safe Everyone

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette 

    Conan is a well trained dog? Oh, my belly is hurting. I left my wife to train him because she was wanting to take on the task. She went to obedience classes with him and the girl trainer was well impressed when walking on the lead started and she singled him out saying his tail was high and he went to the front. What a born leader, just look at him! 

    Then came the part when the dogs had their leads taken off and told to stay whilst their owners went to the other side of the field and were called, a little treat waiting when the dogs crossed the field. Then Conan's turn came. Ha! Would he move when called? Not on your Nellie! He did move, eventually, but not in the right direction. He was called snd called and called...... He did get interested in the titbit, but not his. He was like a demon possessed. I'm afraid his training went downhill after that.

    The day after the potato incident-I just love the way you described him Annette-wanting to help me. Later on, I left the jigsaw and went out of the room and unfortunately forgot to close the door because Conan has history. Well, my wife started shouting, nothing really unusual in that lol but there was urgency in her voice. There was Conan, lying outside the dining room, in the hall, he had taken the same potato which incidentally was the largest seed potato, and was making  mincemeat of it and wasn't giving it up without a fight! So I'm one seed potato less and if he thinks he's coming to the plot with me when I'm planting them out, he has no chance, he's already barred from there after a previous unruly episode a few years ago. I used to call him Conan the Vandal! For good reason. We all love him to bits, and I love taking him up the road, I feel useful. 

    I bet you were on cloud nine Annette, making those buns for your granddaughter. Later on was special too. You know Annette, your granddaughters will always remember the baking days with their lovely Grandma. How many times do you hear ladies talk on a TV show about the wonderful days they used to have, learning to bake and perhaps sitting on her knees? They're memories for life.

    Take care and keep self isolating if you still have to.

    Tvman xxx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, Well Conan must be terrific company. When children are too small to help but they always want to try, they are sometimes a hindrance rather than a help and whatever you are doing takes three times longer but you wouldn't have it any other way! If you encourage them when they are small, I think it grows with them as they get older and they still like to help! 

    Yes I am still self isolating, that was a one off because it was Ella's birthday! My husband is doing the shopping, not only for us but for our 84 yr old neighbour and his friend, who lives 5-10 minutes away in the car. They phone him with a list and he leaves their shopping in their porch, so he is keeping busy! The Asda here is open from 7am - 8am for people over 70 or people who are self isolating but need essential shopping, so that's when he goes. The store doesn't open until 8am so it means he doesn't have to queue if he goes before that!  I'm hoping he will give me a hand in the garden over the weekend, if it's a bit hotter as I cannot kneel at all or stand for longer than a few minutes at a time but I can tell him which are weeds and which are flowers!! Lol!

    Have a good weekend

    Stay Safe

    love Annette xxx

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    Your husband is a great help for your neighbour and his friend, I do hope he takes extra special care when he is shopping. Give him a pat on the back from me please Slight smile

    I think that what the big supermarkets are doing, letting the elderly and disabled in for an hour every morning is a good idea, except it's such an early hour, however when I was working, I came across many elderly people up very early. Our nearest big store is 12 miles away and I don't know if I would be too keen to get up so early now. I've been added to the extremely vulnerables on Sainsburys list so I'll get a guaranteed weekly delivery slot which of course I'll be accepting.

    Our nearest shop is 2 miles away and when you walk in, you're met with a scene from the 30s or 40s, all old wood everywhere. Outside, there's a sign that says they're doing home deliveries. They don't have a website so we sent an email, we know the owners personally. The wife has lived in the srea all her life, as has my wife's family. She's also a great gardener, enters the local shows and has done for many years. 

    So we left an order in the email to the shop on Wednesday and we've heard absolutely nothing. We're willing to help the local shop yet they don't seem to want help. Strange.

    You take care Annette and keep everyone safe who are close to you.

    Tvman xxx

    Love life and family.