Are you “extremely vulnerable”?

  • 27 replies
  • 43 subscribers


I don’t know if this is useful, but the government has issued its guidance on who is considered “extremely vulnerable” to becoming seriously ill if they get Covid-19 and what we should do to protect ourselves. Basically stay home for 12 weeks. It’s worth a read. 

There’s a caveat about people with less than six months to live. It says: 

“Shielding is for your personal protection, it is your choice to decide whether to follow the measures we advise. Individuals who have been given a prognosis of less than 6 months to live, and some others in special circumstances, could decide not to undertake shielding. This will be a deeply personal decision. We advise calling your GP or specialist to discuss this.”

You can read the guidance here:

Stay safe! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daloni

    It is useful for people who might not know whether they fall into the category, but not clear. It will be interesting to see if everyone undergoing chemo type treatments for cancer gets a letter. I don't need the government to tell me I'm vulnerable but it would be nice to get a letter and some help. I started house arrest on 8 Feb because I had a coronovirus scare but it was a mild chest infection. 

    Hang on in there...we'll hopefully be let out sooner rather than later. 

  • Hi

    I too listened to the government's advice read out yesterday by Boris and there was also a reference to people with serious cancers, which were related as blood cancers and bone marrow cancer. 

    It is the second group to which I belong which is the reason why I haven't slept all night. I have bone marrow cancer and as a result I have MDS which  covers a group of blood cancers, one of which is Refractory Anaemia with Sideroblasts and that is my particular cancer. Simply put, my bone marrow is producing (as viewed under a microscope) dead or dying as well as misshapen red blood cells. Unfortunately recently if you remember, this is new moving to a low number of white blood cells also, leading to neutropenia on a couple of occasions recently.

    So it is the second category, vulnerable group, to which I belong so I shall be listening intently to further instructions regarding 12 weeks minimum at home and as my wife and son will have to be isolated with me, what help we will receive regarding food deliveries. 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Thanks this is very useful. I know I'm in the very vulnerable group but it's helpful to see it written down and will be reassuring to receive a letter.

    Best of luck to everyone doing their best in these frightening times.

  • "Not I,” said the cat.

    “Not I,” said the goose.

    “Not I,” said the rat.


    I'm not shielding, but I am self isolating. As far as I'm aware, I'm not extremely vulnerable, but I would class myself as vulnerable. All the RAI I had upset my bone marrow, and my bloods regularly drop and go a bit wonky. Also, all colds I get go for my chest too, and hang around. I had a cold at Christmas, and I still have the cough from it now. Well, I think I do, it seems to be getting worse again which is fun!

    But it astounds me how many people in a FB group I'm in, don't understand, don't think they need to, are trying to find ways around it, etc etc. I'm sorry, but if you're in any doubt, stay home. It's really not that hard. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I think it’s possible I’m in that group because I take a protein kinase inhibitor. I’ll see if I get the letter. One upside of all this is the kindness of people. A friend of my daughter has offered to shop for us. My husband wants to avoid catching the virus and passing it on to me. These are worrying times for everyone. 

  • Having (deliberately mis)read the guidance I am looking forward to telling my wife, son and mother in law that I should have my own bedroom, living room, bathroom and kitchen and the three of them will have to make do with my son's bedroom (currently used by my MIL) and the dining room (currently used by my son as his bedroom / classroom) and the downstairs toilet.  On the other hand if Boris isn't using Chequers at the moment...?

    All the best,

    Gragon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    I’m going to ask if I can swap the food box for an extra bathroom. Or give the old man a bucket in the garage.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    are we in the extremely vulnerable group with a TKI?

    I've been assuming that we are, but I've had no text or letter.

    How are your 3 getting on in just the bedroom ? ;-)

  • Hi Jo,

    To be honest I'm not sure.  The document lists "Protein Kinase Inhibitors" and I did check to see if Pazopanib is covered by this and the items I have seen state that "Tyrosine kinases are proteins which act as chemical messengers..." so I would have thought so.  Having said that I have had no contact yet either.  I'm not sure how they are working their way through the lists of patients, alphabetically, by treatment, by area or what so don't know if I should be expecting one yet or not.

    I believe that the last of the letters is due to have been sent by this Sunday so was planning to wait until Tuesday to give it a chance to arrive before I bother the research nurses by asking as I am sure that they are very busy.

    In the meantime the only difference it makes in our house is that my wife gets to go out and do the shopping.  Especially as the others callously disregarded my needs and refused to stick to their part of the house.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon


    I rang my GP this week to ask about a letter - it’s becoming increasingly important to have the document to brandish if my  daughter needs to take advantage of the early shop hours for the vulnerable and elderly and avoid the very long queues. I was told that the government identified the first tranche from central records. Then it was down to GP practices. He said my letter was due to go out that day (Tuesday) but it hasn’t arrived yet. 
