Lightweight post

  • 13 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello all. Forgive me for a less than illuminating contribution but it might make one person smile. After having booked a cruise at the end of April having convinced the insurers that I will survive three weeks without dropping dead it was subsequently corona cancelled.

Well now,  thinking that a few quid will be coming back I booked a couple of days in Gibraltar birdwatching. Go up the cable car and watch the vultures try their luck flying from Africa to Morroco. I did this before when I was first diagnosed and the suggestion was hurry up and do things before your time is up !

No insurance taken out, it's a type of UK there isn't it.? Of course I googled whether there was any corona trouble, nothing mentioned so Easyjet and cheap hotel booked.

Get off the plane Sunday full of excitement and staggered to an old fashioned policeman, waved my stick at him and said bus to the cable car. Of course no tourist attractions open, so much for that. Got a bus to the hotel and saw a pub. Checked it out and was immediately told by the locals, everything shutting, I doubt  you will get home! Got drunk, went to the hotel, booked a cab for the next morning as all public transport closed down.

At the airport with hordes of people, on the plane with the disabled assist and flew home. So much for that!

Well this has to be paid for so phoned the cruise travel agents asking for my money back. No chance, but how about a nice cruise next year with your credit?  Of course I said I dont know if I will be here next year and if my test figures look ropey it's the no insurance again.

Left that to stew, I am sure we will get our money back. Final bit to this story, cut a bit of grass in the back garden, now cant move! 

Will I get sympathy or mocking for my foolishness over the last week? Obviously my wife and I now starting our twelve weeks home arrest. 

Best wishes to everyone who really has got something to worry about, probably everyone on this forum.

  • FormerMember


    You are officially a twit. Did you not read/see/hear the news that we are in the middle of a pandemic? A disaster of global proportions? Or did you read/see/hear it and think “hmmm. Bet that doesn’t mean me. Think I’ll book a flight.”? I simply cannot imagine the train of thought that led you to think this could in any way be what I like to call a good idea. 

    I’m glad you made it back but seriously? Sympathy? Not from me - although you did make me laugh. 



  • Of course you are right daloni, but I live in a rural part of West Sussex where I do see the news but none of it impacts me. Well, not until this time! Sitting in my front room making these plans didn't seem to ring any negative bells and I had looked for advice from Google so reasonable precautions had been taken.

    Once torn from my wife's embrace and deposited in a deserted Casemates Square I realised the folly of my ways. In a panicked phone call home she simply said why dont I try to enjoy the break, she meant why couldn't she enjoy the break from me. I can imagine the clucks of agreement from less sympathetic forum members.!

    A last serious item which really proves your view of me to be correct, why do I call myself after my wife's teddy bear instead of my name... Mike. (Twit, idiot ......)

    I need to get out more but in my garden only.


  • Hi

    I'm with Daloni on this one. You sure you got the drunk bit in the right order, I'd beg to differ on that one. I think you drowned your sorrows after being told that the cruise was cancelled. Had to be then because you went and booked a trip to Gibraltar to booked a trip went and booked a flight to Gibraltar to.... It's no use, I can't say it, it's too ridiculous. Just remind me Norberry, which part of Morocco is not in Africa? 

    I can think of a couple of other places you could go to lol


    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Tvman for your support. I thought this forum was about empathy amongst us. I have been very roughly disabused of that perception! I am guilty as charged but it seemed so harmless an idea at the time. If I do anything like that again I know where I wont be sharing my experiences! If I were a sensitive person I would be sitting in the corner sobbing. The worst thing is that my wife finds all your replies witty and entertaining. Huh.

    I cant believe I did it!!!

  • Hi Norberry

    Thank you for trying to lift the mood in these dark times, I think you just hit a nerve as the media is full of twits clumping together in groups spreading the virus and believing that the rules don't apply to them as they are young and fit and staying indoors would cramp their style. I think that this is different to those of us who are trying to make every day count as our days are limited and who try to balance the risks against the pleasure of going out and enjoying life. 

    At any other time you would have made most people laugh on here but I am one of those worried that treatment may be delayed either by the system at breaking point or by ill health if I catch this lurgy. I am really frustrated by scenes of holiday makers descending on holiday spots and bringing their germs with them.

    Please forgive the hot responses on this occasion as you just hit on a sensitive subject to those with the most to loose from this behaviour.

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • Thanks Nicky Nosher. I really had no intention of getting myself or any other unfortunates involved with the corona virus by my actions. I believe when I flew out Sunday we were nowhere near the state we are in now. I would happily have cancelled everything if I knew what was going to occur imminently. I see everything very differently now and with a wife with MS and me with cancer like the rest of us, I am really as anxious as you are. Let me apologise for any offence I have unwittingly caused to anyone on the forum.

    Please stay safe.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    A couple of thoughts, at times of great stress the brain can only process so much information. It's a protective thing to stop you being completely overwhelmed. After the rollercoaster of arranging your cruise the disappointment must have been a big blow, so you didn't join the dots but tried to salvage something while you still could. It's worrying that you were able to get as far as getting on a plane though, that really shouldn't have been possible.

    I went to Bute with 3 friends last weekend, one of whom has a flat there. It would be unthinkable this weekend. I'd also arranged to cover group Pilates classes at the studio I've worked at for many years, again, unthinkable in light of the emerging information.

    I think the enormity of the situation only really hit home for most people on Mon 17th March. Even now there's some staggering double standards, the DVLA have cancelled all driving tests to protect their examiners, but said that students should continue to take driving lessons...Some of the confusion seems to come from trying to avoid liability.

    Watching the news today it's terrifying to see how many people STILL don't get it. You are either part of the problem now, or part of the solution, there's nothing in between. 

    I'm with , your post hit a nerve as things escalate but the intention was good. I hope you and your wife will find ways to manage the anxiety and we all stay safe.


  • In case of confusion amongst friends I was only making light in my reply to you. I love this forum and everyone on it. It has saved my bacon for sure.

  • Tbh, I read all replies here with a good natured "aren't you/I a silly billy!" rather than anyone being genuinely upset/admonished etc.

    Norberry, you're a wally! ;)



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Norberry

    There appears to be some confusion as to whether people find your post amusing or not. I for one definitely found it amusing, no one thinking straight could lurch from one catastrophe to the next. When I said which part of Morocco is not in Africa I was winding you up, I hope you realised that. I guessed that you had written something that you hadn't checked before sending it (there's a lesson to be learned).

    Tbh it's the sort of thing my mate would do, plenty of brains, no common sense lol. 

    Stay with us Norberry, we really ARE empathic, we'll help you through the tough times. 

    Take care my friend


    Love life and family.