Lightweight post

  • 13 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello all. Forgive me for a less than illuminating contribution but it might make one person smile. After having booked a cruise at the end of April having convinced the insurers that I will survive three weeks without dropping dead it was subsequently corona cancelled.

Well now,  thinking that a few quid will be coming back I booked a couple of days in Gibraltar birdwatching. Go up the cable car and watch the vultures try their luck flying from Africa to Morroco. I did this before when I was first diagnosed and the suggestion was hurry up and do things before your time is up !

No insurance taken out, it's a type of UK there isn't it.? Of course I googled whether there was any corona trouble, nothing mentioned so Easyjet and cheap hotel booked.

Get off the plane Sunday full of excitement and staggered to an old fashioned policeman, waved my stick at him and said bus to the cable car. Of course no tourist attractions open, so much for that. Got a bus to the hotel and saw a pub. Checked it out and was immediately told by the locals, everything shutting, I doubt  you will get home! Got drunk, went to the hotel, booked a cab for the next morning as all public transport closed down.

At the airport with hordes of people, on the plane with the disabled assist and flew home. So much for that!

Well this has to be paid for so phoned the cruise travel agents asking for my money back. No chance, but how about a nice cruise next year with your credit?  Of course I said I dont know if I will be here next year and if my test figures look ropey it's the no insurance again.

Left that to stew, I am sure we will get our money back. Final bit to this story, cut a bit of grass in the back garden, now cant move! 

Will I get sympathy or mocking for my foolishness over the last week? Obviously my wife and I now starting our twelve weeks home arrest. 

Best wishes to everyone who really has got something to worry about, probably everyone on this forum.

  • FormerMember
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have just followed this thread and although it could be seen as very sad and rather silly behaviour I am so glad you shared it as it made me laugh my socks off and my God did I need that. 

    I do wish you better luck next time. 

  • Hello Maz59, I am pleased my foolish behaviour made you laugh, that was exactly what I had intended and hoped for. Anything posted now that shows a lack of common sense or intelligence is labelled as a symptom of Norberry disease!

    And to think my teachers said I would never amount to anything.

    ( two O levels and certificates for swimming a width and playing the violin. That seems a fair amount of achievement to me. My Mum looking down would agree too.)

    Happy and safe Easter to all on here and your families.