Anxiety about not seeing my family again

  • 21 replies
  • 43 subscribers

With all this talk about cancer treatment being suspended to improve our chances against covid 19,I am now worrying that if I do get it I won’t see my family again before the inevitable !I know this sounds a bit dramatic but I can’t stop thinking about it.Iam on my 6th cycle of Ibrance and Letrozole,as it’s targeted treatment would this be suspended?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thanks I will try that. 

    We are taking the grandchildren to have a little walk where there are no people soon but I will have to sit in the car and wait for them. Having a wheelchair will really help in the future.

  • Hi Bevrax   I am on the same page as you, my son lives away and i am self isolating and i thought what if i don,t ever see him again.I can not stop thinking about it either . I am waiting for my first oncology and i am scared of going to the hospital in case i catch it, but i have no choice. One quick question would it be best to wear a mask when i go to hospital ? Keep safe

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino

    I am not sure if you have a different entrance to the main hospital as that does help. 

    Even so my recent experience was that other than inside your own home with no visitors it was probably the safest place to be. There were very few people, they were being spaced out and temperatures were being taken on the way in. I felt a bit guilty as due to the lung Mets I have a cough but I just kept in the corner. 

    I know things can never be 100% safe but certainly they are putting things in place to make it as safe as possible. 

    My daughter and grandchildren are visiting this weekend and my son visited last weekend as they all live a good distance away. I did a run home (where I grew up) 2 weeks ago to see my brothers and sister and the old places I used to go to. 

    It is a very strange feeling thinking this might be the last time but having done it I feel good about it and it was not morbid at all. 

    I just want people to remember that even when I am gone my love for them will remain. 

    Take care and keep dodging the bugs 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am in limbo as well, I only had 1 of 3 EC It made me so ill. Our Oncologists come to the island so none will be here in the near future. I have also gone downhill this last few weeks, I get so tired I also am having a painful Lupus Flare. My son lives in France so will be a while until we meet up. I had arranged to see Macmillan and Hospice but of course that is out of the question now.  Tonight I made myself a beef dinner--- realised never again, comes as a shock when you can't do things that were so simple.  That is the same as gardening the thought is there but can't do it.  I will leave it a few more days then ring to see if I have been FORGOTTEN.

    Hope we get through these strange times.

    C J  XX

  • Hi PLASTIC                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Oh you do seem low at the moment,and having a Lupus Flare doesn,t help i am sorry to hear that.Do you live somewhere of the beaten track, because you said the oncologist came to the island.We are both missing our boys too its horrible when you can not give them a hug i miss that the most.Shame about the dinner i could just eat that a nice beef dinner, but where i live there as been no beef in the shops for weeks with all the stockpiling going on,so had to make do with a chicken.Have you thought about having a chat with the Macmillan nurses on this site i have been told they are very good just a thought.I am sure you have not been FORGOTTEN but a ring would be advisable haha. Keep calm Keep safe Xx

  • Heya, 

    The ask a nurse section has been closed down for now, and I'll be honest, I've found them kind of useless whenever I've tried to ask them anything.

    The helpline is still open though, and there are lovely people to speak to there who will talk through your worries and anxieties with you! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Welcome to the group!  I hope you feel a bit better about the whole situation now. I have to say, I'm not a worrier, as others have said, it is a waste of energy and in the end makes no difference to the outcome. I am a believer in meditation, as I have been doing Tai Chi Chuan for a very long time now. I also use Headspace but not as often as I should because I have my own system of relaxation!  However it doesn't happen or start to work overnight, it's like most things, you get out of it what you put in but it is taking the first step and persevering!  Good luck! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi @Ma59, I hope you are having a better day, when you read this! You have been on my mind and I was wondering if you have managed to get a wheelchair yet? I now have bought a lightweight one and my son bought me an electric scooter that comes to pieces and goes into the car. However, before that I asked my District Nurse if she knew of anywhere I could hire one, as I thought it was just going to be short term. Anyway she gave me the number of the Occupational Therapist who works for the local council and she arranged for one to be dropped off  free of charge. All I had to do was sign a paper to say I would give it back when my circumstances changed. Also here in Scotland they have an internet group called Freeshare (or similar) where people give away unwanted things and it would amaze you the things people give away! I think it was who suggested putting a search in Googgle, someone in the family could try that for you.

    If you lived near me, I would gladly give you my electric buggy for as long as you needed it, so maybe it would be worthwhile putting an add in a local shop! I do hope you don't have to sit in the car while they all go for a walk! Or maybe get your husband to drop into your local hospice and explain your situation, they are great! Keeping you in my prayers! Take care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi 

    I hope you are having a better day, when you read this! You have been on my mind and I was wondering if you have managed to get a wheelchair yet? I now have bought a lightweight one and my son bought me an electric scooter that comes to pieces and goes into the car. However, before that I asked my District Nurse if she knew of anywhere I could hire one, as I thought it was just going to be short term. Anyway she gave me the number of the Occupational Therapist who works for the local council and she arranged for one to be dropped off  free of charge. All I had to do was sign a paper to say I would give it back when my circumstances changed. Also here in Scotland they have an internet group called Freeshare (or similar) where people give away unwanted things and it would amaze you the things people give away! I think it was  who suggested putting a search in Googgle, someone in the family could try that for you.

    If you lived near me, I would gladly give you my electric buggy for as long as you needed it, so maybe it would be worthwhile putting an add in a local shop! I do hope you don't have to sit in the car while they all go for a walk! Or maybe get your husband to drop into your local hospice and explain your situation, they are great! Keeping you in my prayers! Take care!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!

    As it's just taken me 20 minutes on my new Samsung tablet to do this, I'm leaving it now in case they both disappear! Aargh!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!