Does the hospital have right cancel chemo

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  • 44 subscribers

Hi I am very worried that they will leave me to die.i mean the hospital.yesterday was my appt for lymphoedema cancelled with excuse of the safety of the patients because of this virus.I am crying since yesterday because I am worries they will cancel chemo too and leave me to die just because of the virus patient.I sound very selfish but I have a life threating disease too and have the right for treatment.I was waiting for this appt for 3 months my arm very is very swollen and painful and nobody can help me?My chemo is doing the job tumours dissapearing i am so scared the hospital will dump me.

  • FormerMember


    I am so sorry to hear your lymphoedema appointment has been cancelled. That’s just awful. It’s such a debilitating condition and managing it properly is really important. I am not surprised to hear you’re so upset. I would be too and I don’t think you sound selfish in any way. 

    I don’t know if a hospital can cancel chemo. I’m just back from my routine fortnightly appointment to pick up the tablets for the next couple of weeks. I had a chat with a few of the nurses, one of would usually works in the chemo unit. She said they were doing everything possible to make sure patients get the treatment they need and to keep them safe. That’s the only info I have. 

    Up to now, it’s just the fun things in life that have been affected by this virus. Now it’s starting to get more serious. 


  • FormerMember

    It is very worrying. 

    My treatment has been on hold now since end of January because I have a cough, breathing diffs and high temp. However they have never tested for or even mentioned it could be Coronavirus. However I am staying at home because I don't feel well and because others are noticeably worried I could have it. But there is nothing you can do about it. 

    However I feel now that the tumours in the lungs and liver are being allowed to spread totally unchecked as all meds were stopped to improve my immunity. 

    I am due to see my oncologist today and hope that as my temp has come down to normal for most of the time I will be put back on meds. However I am also worried he will say there is no point. 

    I was speaking to my daughter as there was a article on the internet about cancer treatments taking a back seat due to the Corona virus. Even little children are having chemo treatments stopped.

    I also read an article from a GP who has had and recovered from the virus. Now it is sad when anyone dies but the odds are still well and truly stacked in favour of most people surviving and it being like having flu. However if cancer is not treated the chances are you are going to die. 

    I am finding it all very confusing and don't understand what the thinking is behind most of what is happening. 

    My daughter made me laugh today she has been working from home for a week now as her company took the decision to close the office after a confirmed case. Her husband works for the NHS and works 2 days a week from home normally. However he and his colleagues have been told that they now have to go into the office everyday. 

    We live in a strange world. 

    I do hope you get your treatment and that you are able to keep yourself away from any germs. 

  • Hi Maz

    Without doubt you are having a horrible time. I hope you get to see your oncologist today and he gives you a glimmer of hope.. I am rooting for you, got my fingers crossed and everything. Good luck Maz

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Maz i am sorry you are not feeling well and your treatment has been delayed.I am on chemo break because I have requested otherwise i am back for chemo for weekly chemo on 17th April.I was upset because my right arm is swollen and worried they stop chemo i am responding well to it.I had to cancel 1 of my weekly chemo because I had bad cold too.My bloods were ok but I wasnt feeling up to it.

    Anyway I bought by myself a compression bandage so I will do that and will maybe go to see a private specialist.My nurse is absolutely useless couldnt help me at all.

    Cancer treatments never should be cancelled only when you are sick and your bloods are not ok, its either saving life or keep people to stay alive.

    Anyway I wish you speedy recovery 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Maz 

    you have been feeling unwell for so long now. You must be exhausted. How did the meeting go? 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi TV man and others

    I have just returned from my appointment which was still 1 hr delayed even though I was the only patient sat there. 

    I was concerned at first as they were taking temperature s on the way in and mine has been very unpredictable. But I passed as did my hubby. They only had alcohol hand gel so I was asked to go wash my hands and found there was no soap left. But I did sanitise my hands and put gloves on earlier. 

    We got in and he asked about my cough as the nurse slipped out as she has asthma. I explained I have had it since January and it was worse when he saw me 2 weeks ago. 

    He was ready to get rid of us and said he would chase some scans for me. I asked why the 3 scans taken when I was in hospital could not be used.

    I held my ground and said that 3 different doctors had told us that there were problems on the scans taken when I was in hospital but that my oncologist would go through it with us. I said one had given us the impression things were quite bad. He asked which doctors one I remembered was his registar, another was a young man on his team and the other was a gastro consultant who had explained it was not his field but he thought pallative care team might be needed. They had mentioned progression liesions on ribs etc. The response to this was that no one had told him this. My husband who is usually very quiet pointed out that we had told him 2 weeks ago. He excused himself to read the file. It was very obvious that this had not been done and if I had of accepted a telephone conversation I know we would never have got anywhere. 

    He returned with the nurse. He then spoke about options as the cancer was now considerably progressed in the lungs, skeleton, liver and possibly elsewhere. He mention the option of further treatment but that due to the Coronavirus and lack of resources I would not have access to the care I would need if I got an infection. He spoke about the possibility of treatment for symptoms and that if I lasted long enough (post Corona virus) then they could look at something then. 

    It was clear he had forgotten that he had already looked at all other options in october and I had been ruled out for them. But you never know something new might come up.

    My husband asked about him still working and that he worried about me being on my own and he said he needed to talk to work about being at home now. He said he would get someone from the Pallative Care team to call me. 

    On the way out he said that if I wanted to sign a DNR then if I took ill while out the ambulance could take me home and not hospital. It really hot home when he said that and I found myself thanking him and we left. 

    On the bright side he told me to make an appointment for 2 months. 

    So no meds and very little hope but at least we got some information and are not just left wondering. 

    I know I have deteriorated a lot but I kept saying o it is just this virus and that I just needed to get back on my meds etc. But realistically this is it I might have some days better than others but it is expected I will get worse and I need to accept that without understanding what it means in real terms and put my affairs in order. 

    I don't know anything about the Pallative care team and if they will have any staff or funding to do their work but hopefully there will be someone to help us understand what is going on. 

    I am not as upset as I thought I would be but my husband and I are rather stunned and not really talking about it yet. 

    Sorry this is so long winded and rambling.

  • Hey Maz, 

    I'm so glad that you've finally got some answers, even though you had to again fight for them and that they weren't what any of us hoped for for you. 

    Fingers crossed that something new has come along or will come along that they can try. But in the meantime at least you've not got the virus! 

    Take care, stay as well as you can, and maybe see what nice restaurants are now offering delivery for your tea! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hi Max 

    sounds as though you got some information it is tough to get to get bad news but sometimes a relief to know where you are. Good to question the doctors too they treat you better and more honestly then 

    good you were not as upset as you expected I was the same when I had bad news 6 months ago and I am still here 

    love a Ruth 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    O forgot to say they think I probably have had the virus and they all missed it but am now probably recovering so no need to worry. I know they always say medicine is not an exact science but sometimes it does make you smile. I hold on to the knowledge that I have seen very few people while ill and none of them have been ill. I have been out of circulation other than a few reckless outings with the grandchildren for the best part of 2 months so I think I have done all I can and need to get out whenever I can. Because I have been off meds for so long my bloods are now better so I think I can fight off infections and if they are right I should be immune to Coronavirus now. 

    I just can't understand they are taking resources away from Cancer patients and others with life threatening illness to deal with Coronavirus that most of the population will fight and come through OK it seems odd. Only time will tell I suppose. 

    My taste buds have been off for a few weeks so not up to a good meal but I hope that I will be able to enjoy good food again even chocolate is not tasting good at present and that is tragic.


  • Hi Maz

    I am well horrified by the care and treatment that you are receiving, you wouldn't want your worst enemy to have that! Add to that the incompetent oncologist who can't remember you from 2 weeks ago, that's beyond belief, a pat on the back for your husband for reminding him.

    We have just been told that worst case scenario in Northern Ireland could mean 80,000 deaths! Have you had a Corona test done yet Maz? At least you would have peace of mind, you should be first on the list for testing.

    Keep shouting Maz, I wish I were there to help!

    You take care Maz, and give your husband a pat on the back from me Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.