Just joined not sure I can make any useful conversation

  • 18 replies
  • 44 subscribers

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2012. Following chemotherapy Radiotherapy and several operations it came back and in 2017 I was diagnosed with secondary cancer. I had a pathological fracture in my left shoulder and humerus which was operated on and replaced with metal, didn’t work so operated on again still hasn’t worked so permanently dislocated shoulder. In the last month I have a pathological fracture of my right humerus waiting to see what they intend to do. Cancer is marching along now also in my ribs, hips, liver, lungs, spine and found in the last 4 weeks tumours in my brain for which I’ve just had 3 sessions of very intense radiotherapy.  My vision which was poor before is now worse but I’ve been told not to get my eyes tested as it won’t give accurate results. My fingers and toes are numb and I find walking difficult some days. I was originally given a prognosis of 3 to 5 years back in 2017 and I try not to think too much about life expectancy. I see my oncology consultant on Monday before continuing with my 3 weekly cycles of chemotherapy, this has been changed recently as they stop working and we have to try a different one. I know eventually they will run out of choices but will take anything for the time being. 

  • Heya Hazel, 

    Welcome to the forum, though I'm sorry you need to be here. 

    Certainly sounds like you've been through a fair old amount before today, so we'll done you on keeping on keeping on regardless! 

    There's nothing useful I can say in regards to your cancer or treatment. And tbh, I'm not sure I ever offer up any useful conversation, but I can definitely, usually, sometimes, offer a bit of silliness that sometimes raises a smile.

    So as I say, welcome to the forum, sit back, chill out, relax, and have a chat about anything and everything you want! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Hello hazel54

    Sorry you find yourself here. I am sure that you will find this forum a comfort. It's a safe place.

    Take care xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Hi hazel54 just want to welcome you to the forum,i hope you find this site a help.You can chat to many people on here who will understand and maybe help you Keep Calm Xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Hazel

    i am sorry you find yourself here. However there are lots of people here who are ready to listen, offer support and while we are all different understand. Here we help each other. Take care xx

  • Hi Hazel

    Welcome to the Incurables group, but my goodness I would have been happier to meet you elsewhere. We're here, so we make the most of it. You have had a frighteningly horrible time lately, more than some would get in a lifetime, just like many or most of us in the group. 

    I'd like to reassure you at this point that the assistance, advice and empathy you will receive here cannot in any way be replicated anywhere else, I'm sure of that. We'll get to know each other better as the weeks go on and you'll meet people who will become very close and loyal friends.

    Good luck tomorrow with your oncologist meeting, I hope he will have something to help you. Gotta go now, I've a lawnmower to fix that neither my wife nor my son smacked against a post or a tree and broke  the casing that protects the starting system. It sure wasn't me, I can't manage the walking part of cutting the grass. The lawnmower has a drive system that means it moves forward itself. Only for the fact I have 2 others in the family to cut the grass, I've often perused the idea of sitting behind it on my wheelchair but unfortunately I can't steer both. Also, we don't have gates and I often imagine the idea of not being able to stop and shooting up the road in my wheelchair behind the lawnmower à la Frank Spencer. Ah, that has made a few friends smile, and they're probably also remembering me locking myself out of the house, barefoot and dressed only in pyjamas! In the rain also!

    Speak soon

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember


    It’s very nice to meet you! Welcome to the incorrigibles. I’m not sure I’m very good at making useful conversation either. I tend to blether on about inconsequential stuff such as how lovely it is to see the daffodils start to flower. Please don’t feel any pressure to be useful or insightful or clever. We are just a bunch of ordinary people doing the equivalent of having a chat at the bus stop. It’s just that it’s virtual and frankly we’d all rather the bus didn’t arrive. 

    It does sound as if you’ve been through a lot since 2017 and that the cancer is really making itself felt. What’s your expectation of the meeting with your consultant? Is this a regular review or something else? Are you one of those who plan a treat for yourself on hospital days or do you prefer to get it finished and put it behind you?

    I hope you have a smooth journey to the hospital and a short waiting time. 


  • Hello Hazel. I can see that you have had the best of the forum welcoming you. I think this is like a really good pub where there is always a friendly face at the bar and everyone is allowed to moan and complain without getting barred! The customers actually want you to lay out your troubles, so they can offer plenty of great advice and suggestions. Free to enter as well!

    I am at the periphery of not being very well and feel so sorry for those like yourself who are up against it. Good luck with all your treatment. The consultants always have new ideas and will be working continuously to help you fight off this disease.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    Your pub analogy is so much better than my bus stop. I can think of myself as standing at the fruit machine, gambling on whether the next clinical trial will bring up the jackpot. 


  • Hey

    I'll be beside you then on the quiz machine, answering all sorts of questions on health related topics, just passing the time and keeping my brain engaged.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember

    Welcome 2 our group Hazel. Feel free 2 share any moans & groans. Ask those questions u think r 2 silly. Or just start a new thread 2 cheer us up.

    Its an unfortunate group 2 b part of but that's just how life has dealt that hand.


    WB xx