Just joined not sure I can make any useful conversation

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I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2012. Following chemotherapy Radiotherapy and several operations it came back and in 2017 I was diagnosed with secondary cancer. I had a pathological fracture in my left shoulder and humerus which was operated on and replaced with metal, didn’t work so operated on again still hasn’t worked so permanently dislocated shoulder. In the last month I have a pathological fracture of my right humerus waiting to see what they intend to do. Cancer is marching along now also in my ribs, hips, liver, lungs, spine and found in the last 4 weeks tumours in my brain for which I’ve just had 3 sessions of very intense radiotherapy.  My vision which was poor before is now worse but I’ve been told not to get my eyes tested as it won’t give accurate results. My fingers and toes are numb and I find walking difficult some days. I was originally given a prognosis of 3 to 5 years back in 2017 and I try not to think too much about life expectancy. I see my oncology consultant on Monday before continuing with my 3 weekly cycles of chemotherapy, this has been changed recently as they stop working and we have to try a different one. I know eventually they will run out of choices but will take anything for the time being. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Saw my consultant for my regular 3 week appointment and the news was that it’s taken a really bad hold of my liver. I was given the option of stopping chemo or carrying on. I decided I want to carry on to see if more chemo might help as I haven’t had any for 7 weeks. But to be told I haven’t much time left if the chemo doesn’t kick in was hard to hear 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Hazel! That is hard. I’m so sorry to hear that. I can understand your decision to keep on with the chemo. You never know. It might hold things back a while. 

    What are your plans for today? Do you have anyone close by you can be with? I’m never sure myself whether I am better left alone to let news like this sink in or better with company. I guess it depends on the company. 

    with love and a gentle hug 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I'm very sorry to hear this. You've been through so much already and this must be so, so hard to hear.

    I hope the Consultant will come up with another plan for you, and that you've got plenty of support around you. 

    Wishing you the very best of luck xx

  • Oh hazel i am sorry to hear your news,i think i would probably carry on with chemo too,it may help you we just dont know do we and we are willing to try everything.Sending lots of love at this difficult time for you.Xx

  • Please carry on with the chemo Hazel. I am saying this because I believe that is what I would do. Chemo is powerful and you need a bit of that on your side. All my thoughts are with you. Xx

  • Hi Hazel and welcome! Sorry I'm late to reply but I'm just back from holiday. Three days after my diagnosis I was in hospital getting a pin pu in my arm between my shoulder and my elbow because a tumour was found after a PET scan and it was eating it's way through the bone. I was told after surgery if we'd waited another week, it would have been too late for the surgery and my arm would have been useless! This was secondary to the Malignant Melanoma stage 4 diagnosis I had been told three days earlier. 

    The thing to remember is the doctors don't really know when you're going to die, no one does! There are lots of people in this group, like myself, who were given a prognosis of months and are still here, well past our sell by dates. They are developing new drugs all the time that work to slow down the cancer or sometimes stop it in its tracks but we know our cancer is incurable, so we try whatever is offered to be here a bit longer in the hope a cure will soon be found. It's a great saying, where there's life, there's hope, so never give up. I hope your chemo works it's magic for you! Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing! Sending (((hugs))).

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Hazel sorry you have had to join the group but happy to have you here. I don't listen when anyone tries to tell me how long iv'e got left because know one knows really. They will have to drag me out of here kicking and screaming, i will go when i am ready ha ha. You have had a lot of bad news in a few days and that is always a big shock, i find it kind of like the grieving process myself, shock, fright then usually followed by a period of anger then fear with tears and sadness. Then after a couple of days of been down i usually give myself a swift kick up the behind and carry on as before. I have been living with cancer for six years and it helps that i have family and a couple of friends who care for and about me even though they don't really understand like our dear friends on this forum do. Wishing you all the best. Lynn 2 x

  • You have hit loads of nails firmly on the head. Absolutely agree with your entire philosophy and I hope it gives Hazel a bit of a well deserved lift.  Best wishes to the both of you.