No Laughs This Week

  • 24 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So after all the the laughs of last week this one has started with a hospital admission. Arrived at 10pm & finally got a bed at 4am...then woken at 6.30am despite being told we'll let u sleep longer - they lied.

Breathing is more of a struggle on exertion & lymphedema quickly developed in my right leg & foot. 

Awaiting a scan re: query a blood clot & more fluid in my right lung...oh crap.

Some people will do anything 2 get a day off work.

Will keep u updated. No catastrophes so far (dressing gowns, showers, dog poo) but lets c haha.


WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi WB 

    thanks for the update. It sounds...tricky. What a choice! I don’t envy you. At least you’re getting some exercise with the trip to the vending machine. 

    Yes I seem to be recovered from the spew bucket challenge (that made me laugh) although I’ve lost 2kg of the 3kg I worked so hard to put on after Christmas. I’ve changed the time of day I take various medicines and that seems to be doing the trick. I talked to my oncologist yesterday and she reckons it might be a drug interaction between the trial drug and the oral blood thinners. It should become clear what’s going on over the next two to four weeks. I’m on my fortnight off the trial drugs starting today. I’ll keep a diary. 

    I hope you can get more comfortable soon 


  • Hi WB,

    It has been a sad fact of my hospital stays in the past that despite the small size and poor quality of the hospital tea and coffee I would be desperately disappointed to miss the hot beverages trolley.  It has proven almost impossible to get a drink outside of the designated trolley runs so I may have killed someone if I was not woken for my morning drink.  When I get visitors the first thing I do is send them to find a decent coffee for me.  Why do hospitals not recognise the importance of caffeine to some people?

    Sorry that you have ended up in hospital again and that things don't seem to be improving at the moment.  Hopefully the scan went well and they are managing to resolve the breathing issues.

    If the lymphedema is not resolved soon perhaps you should paint yourself purple and ask for the Violet Beauregard treatment?  I'm sure you will get the reference.

    Wishing you all the best and sending love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Hi Wee blonde, I hope you get better soon and get home, hospital stays are not good in my experience. All the best. Lynn 2 x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well your hospital stay all sounds a bit rotten except for the mini cheddars, I hope you make it home soon!
    trying to decide whether to stop chemo is emotionally very tough, so I am sending you all the strength I can to help you decide. And you and your husband a big hug.

    hope you get home to the doggies soon xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    sorry to hear that you are in hospital and hope you soon get home to your four legged friends . Take care xx

  • I do hope you get better soon and get home to your familiar surroundings where you have all your mod cons to make you feel better including loads of mini chedders!!!!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    I love the vision of Violet Beaureguard!!! I was thinking of the big white thing from Ghostbusters...

    Disaster! But the vending machine is out of Mini Cheddars!!!! However, my morning visitor brought a jam donut & a blueberry muffin plus cheesy puffs (soz will pass them 2 hubbie) & f-i-l just brought Haribo Tangtastic- yum yum tum.

    Nothing 2 report so far 2day - just bloods done & a quick blether with doc. Got a meal menu so I wont b home 2day :(

    Keep my spirits up troops!!

    WB xx

  • Hope you get home soon WB. I love mini cheddars, though I am having a hula hoop craving just now. 

    Take care xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady spooky is that? Hubbie came up with a decent sized packet of beef Hula Hoops from vending machine 2nite. Softening me up cos it was only a brief visit as the footie was it was his team (Glasgow Rangers) got beat Haha.

    Little Pac Man here scoffed all the Hula Hoops in one sitting- can u tell I'm still on the steroids? 

    Cellmates all out 4 the count & snoring in harmony. I'll b awake a few more hours yet.

    Ciao all

    WB xx 

  • Hi

    What you need is a couple of packets of Tuc biscuits and lots of tea Slight smile

    Much tastier!

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.