No Laughs This Week

  • 24 replies
  • 44 subscribers

So after all the the laughs of last week this one has started with a hospital admission. Arrived at 10pm & finally got a bed at 4am...then woken at 6.30am despite being told we'll let u sleep longer - they lied.

Breathing is more of a struggle on exertion & lymphedema quickly developed in my right leg & foot. 

Awaiting a scan re: query a blood clot & more fluid in my right lung...oh crap.

Some people will do anything 2 get a day off work.

Will keep u updated. No catastrophes so far (dressing gowns, showers, dog poo) but lets c haha.


WB xx

  • Not a good start to your week I really hope you get better quickly and even though you have problems at the minute your sense of humour is still there and this will get you through this setback xxx

  • Hi 

    Sorry to hear you're back in again, it's just one crisis after another. Hope you can catch up on your sleep although it's my experience that if you want to catch up on sleep..... don't get admitted to hospital.

    Hope you're laughing soon at something, we're good at chuckling at hospital life.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hooe you get sorted and get home soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    well that wasn’t in your plans. Sounds like it might be a blood clot with all that lymphoedema setting in so rapidly. And they always lie about letting you have a lie in in hospital. 

    I’ve started my week somewhat less dramatically with a sofa day. And I mean a real sofa day. I got very sick over the weekend. The vomiting has stopped but I’m wiped out. Ho hum. 

    Lots of love. I hope you can get more comfortable and breathe more easily soon 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So sorry to hear this WB, especially after your last post made me smile.....I hope you are on the mend and escaping soon back to husband and doggies.

    you have my utmost sympathy for the sickness, is it the trial? I was terribly sick after my last chemo, still affect now 6 weeks later on and off, and it does drag you down, so a sofa day sounds like a good plan, I hope you feel better soon x

  • FormerMember

    Hi wee blonde I am sorry to hear you are in hospital.I hope you feel better soon.

  • FormerMember

    Hello wee blonde

    i hope

     you have a speedy recovery and get home soon.You always put a smile on my face which I think is the best medicine     

         Take care 

  • FormerMember

    Hi W B , Sorry to here you are back in again and I hope you will recover quickly and be back home soon. If it is going to be a while let us know so we can review our old escape plans. The only positive is for us as you always make me laugh, you seem to attract strange happenings but always remain positive and tell very funny stories. Thank you for being you and making us smile.

    Love and hugs

    ,Pat (short friend)xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh hell, WB, you just cant get a break. I hope ggdy can sort it out soon and have you back home.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Morning peeps!

    Still in jail & things aren't getting any easier. Gonna resemble the Michelin man soon as bits of me swell. Right hand still functioning so I can type.

    So, we sorta know that this regime of chemo, Carboplatin, isnt doing anything 4 the aliens (aka breast tumors) nor the lymph nodes but us keeping the liver & bones stable. Decision time? Stop the chemo?

    The right lung has more fluid in it, hence the breathing struggles when active- although I can get 2 the vending machine 4 my Mini Cheddars without any struggle 2 floors down & a wee corridor walk. Talk of getting some of the fluid drained subject 2 my scans. But it could b problematic as where would they put the drain as I have a sizeable chest would that migrates round both sides & I can only lie on my back...

    Tears y'day when discussing this with my BCN  - she's brill & agreed this was all s***. This is not the right environment 2 discuss it with hubbie (in the usual 4 ward bed as not neutropenic 4 a change) although he knows it's not good.

    Hope I get home soon as this flippin bed ain't as comfy as my own & missing my 4 legged friends plus my endless supply of decent food. One thing, I won't have added any weight on here.

    No catastrophes so far...

    Take care chums

    WB xx

    PS - hope ur on the mend from the spew bucket challenge xx