Feeling lonely

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  • 45 subscribers

Hey just wanted to know what peoples hobbies are i cant really.do.much as im.not allowed to drive any.more so rely on family to drive me.places. had to give up work.too so dont really see anyone and most of.my friends live up countey im from.devon so not.much to do around here lol. 

  • FormerMember


    it's so hard when you can't drive anymore - it's losing your independence,  like you I can't drive anymore but I have some wonderful friends and use the money I would have spent on car tax, insurance etc on taxis- I'm located in Kent. 

    I'm trying a couple of new hobbies- sewing, after a friend gave me a sewing machine when I mentioned I wanted to try making my own clothes.  

    The other one is cooking - not really a new hobby but resurrecting an old one but never seemed to find time to do.  I got my old recipe books out and am writing a shopping list for hubby and will try something new this weekend 

    Debs xxx

  • Hi, Lizs90

    For me, listening to the radio and podcasts is a massive thing. I also fill pages with colour (better description than drawing as I'm no artist). Drawing whilst listening to music really brings up some stuff. Like the other person who has replied, I cook more. Cookies are such a lovely thing to make. Reading is very important to me. The range is so great from serious and insightful to light-hearted... You say you're not driving. If you have anything like a patch outside, plants are lovely to look after. If I couldn't leave the house, I think I'd have to have a cat again. Music, always music. Writing letters to friends (that's a shock for them - a real letter on paper...)

    Watching documentaries and films, or Would I Lie to You works for me too. I've even started Qi Gong after a visit to Maggie's at Barts hospital where they had sessions. When I can't go there, I just go online. Here is a good one (it's very gentle and you can drop anything undoable for you):

    Anyway, nothing too fancy, as you can see, but I hope you find something to keep you somewhat entertained.

    You say you've had to stop work. May I ask what you were doing? I'm still able to do some work, but am transitioning to doing some work from home.

    Best wishes to you !

  • FormerMember


    It's a good question. I seem to be a one woman branch of the Women’s Institute these days. I’ve been in continuous treatment since November 2016 and live with significant fatigue. I knit, I crochet and I sew. I knew how to knit anyway and taught myself to crochet from the internet. Similarly I used you tube to learn to do patchwork. I listen to audiobooks or radio 4 and find that having both hands and enough of my brain busy keeps me sane. 

    I make sure I get a walk everyday no matter how short - rye dog helps that. I find this is really important for my mental health. 

    I am going to post a couple of my most recent projects in another post - dumb system won’t allow me to add them here....

    Devon is beautiful but I can understand how the beauty would pale in the face of endless sofa days 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    The above are current crochet projects - both will be wraps. Below are a couple of hats I made last week for my nieces 

  • Hello Lizs90

    I read a lot, cook a bit more. I have taken a few internet history courses as I finished my degree just after I was diagnosed. Gardening is great and is good exercise. Getting out into the countryside helps me - I don't like being in a busy town. Like others, listening to podcasts is interesting. 

    Sometimes it can be difficult to motivate yourself - understandable.


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi all

    And now for something from across the Irish Sea, in Northern Ireland. I'm wheelchair bound outside of the house, so in the days I haven't driven anywhere and I'm at home, which is a lot, I get out into the garden. I have a very large garden, sub-divided into different areas, so I work at one area one day at a time.......

    On days when it's raining or has been raining a lot, or just too cold, I like to do a jigsaw puzzle, that keeps my brain ticking over, picking out same coloured pieces to make up sky, or a car, or the bricks of a house. I haven't really much of a preference for theme, just something that appeals to me that's bright and cheerful to keep the mood raised. I've done some infuriatingly difficult ones that are almost all the same colour or conversely I did one that was only multi coloured marbles!

    One I did when I was around 9 or 10 was York Minster and it was so difficult for someone of my age, either side was of organ pipes, so that took a looong time. So long that it was put between 2 folding sides of a street plan for toy cars. My mum kept it and it's in the wardrobe in our bedroom now, hasn't been broken up for over 50 years and

    When the warmer weather comes I'm going to try my hand at wilow weaving. I planted a willow wood of over 1500 trees 5 years ago in a field opposite my house so I have thousands of wilow branches of varying sizes.

    , those crocheted articles are wonderfully multi coloured, just so beautiful. That kind of thing would be great for my sons to bring to Bolivia, I love seeing that type of coloured garment in South American culture. It's absolutely everywhere.

    I'll stop now but I could carry on for hours. Take care everyone.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to clg03

    Alot of people have mentioned podcasts to me i might give it a try im going to start baking again that might be a good idea as my family wont let me cook as i kept burning myself :/. I use to be an outdoor activity instructor so  going quite active to having to relearn to walk again was quite difficult. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Beautiful. You areThumbsup tone3 really talented daloni

  • Hello Debs/6125

    I am also in Kent - what hospital are you under? I'm currently under The Chaucer Hospital, Canterbury (private) but will soon have to revert back to the NHS (Canterbury Hospital) as insurance company will only fund bio/cancer treatment for 12 months, and the TKI I am on is not licensed by NICE as a Stage 1 treatment, even though it is highly effective (just recently turned down again as not "cost effective" even though it qualifies for EOL consideration under their own guidelines).

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • Daloni,

    The hats, in modern vernacular, are mint. Ideal music festival gear

    Per Ardua Ad Astra