Feeling lonely

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  • 45 subscribers

Hey just wanted to know what peoples hobbies are i cant really.do.much as im.not allowed to drive any.more so rely on family to drive me.places. had to give up work.too so dont really see anyone and most of.my friends live up countey im from.devon so not.much to do around here lol. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2

    Thanks for the compliments Blush

    The hats were made for festival garb so you’re spot on . They are reversible with a different fabric on the other side. I am immensely pleased with them. 

    I bet it has been hard for you, Lizzie . I’ve managed to keep walking no matter what. Come rain, come shine, come chemo and all. I walk with a stick these days and my motto is onwards and flatwards as I find hills very challenging. But I’m still out and about and for that I’m grateful. For me, it’s always been a matter of finding ways to keep doing the things I enjoy even if it means compromise. Last summer I swapped my bike for an e-bike, for example. These days I pick out walks that keep hills to the minimum. 


  • I forgot the link to Qi Gong...

    Qi Gong Daily Routine

    And hear hear to those who said walking. If you can be outside at all, it's a guaranteed lift to morale :-)

    Lovely hats but I'm not great at those things...

  • Unfortunately I never learnt to drive, otherwise that would have been really handy right now! I used to walk and bus everywhere I needed to, or train if it was a bit further. But now, I can't really walk too well sometimes, and I def can't manage to a bus stop, do whatever I do, then back on the bus again. The bus stops are all down a hill, or up again on the way home. lol. So I'm stuck in a lot.

    I have my cats who keep me entertained - we're currently working hard with the help of 'The Red Dot' to get the youngest to slim down a touch before the vets next month! No idea if he needs it officially or not, but he'd put on 500g between the last two visits due to the hot summer and him constantly being a floof puddle. He just refused to move unless it was because I'd gone out of sight. So he'd move to where he could see me, then splat. So thought we'd see if we could make sure he was fit and healthy before this visit, my wee chonk!

    I love to cook and bake, but I've no-one to feed it to. And as I'm supposed to be losing weight, I can't bake for myself. I've takeaway tubs filled with my batch cooking in the fridge and freezer that I need to get through. I need people to feed!! Anyone local want fed, savoury or sweet? lol. Though in saying that, I have agreed to do a friend's wedding cake for them...... I might be a little insane!

    I've also set up a craft room in one of my attic bedrooms as I really enjoy making toys. Again, no-one to give them to, so I'm going to try and sell them to help fund the hobby. I also plan to teach myself to crochet too, as I really want to make Amigurumi figures. I've also got myself some patterns to make onesies, clothes, and costumes for kids. I've spent the last 2 or 3 weeks just cutting out patterns ready for use. lol. Down to 15 left!

    I like to go to markets for a wee wander and nose. See what I can find to buy and eat. I'm very good at spending other people's money for them too, as some who have been to markets with me before might attest. lol. I'm off to the Rhubarb Festival on Saturday, and I'm REALLY looking forward to it! It happens once a year in Wakefield, and it's just a lovely atmosphere with dtreet entertainment, cooking demos, stalls, and all sorts. Loads of local producers will all create rhubarb based products just for the festival, so it's a chance to try things you've never tried before, and won't for another year!

    I also have 2 small, very small, spaces outside. One is gravelled and one is paved, but I have things in pots. Front is for flowers, back is for fruit and veg. Although..... there might just be 2 line trees out front because there's no space out the back for them..... lol. Fingers crossed for figs and limes this year! Don't think the pomegranate bush is big enough yet to fruit. Got some seedlings planted up from Jan, and need to do February's lot yet, but that might be a Sunday job I think.

    Then I binge things on Netflix and watch a lot of TV.



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi Lass 

    it would be great to hear more about the rhubarb festival after you’ve been. I saw the signs for it driving over for Sunday dinner at my cousin’s home in Crofton. 

    take care

  • Heya

    I've been a few times in previous years, so if there's anything you'd like to know in particular then I'll try and answer them. I'd def say if you're free, you should pop over. I'm hopefully going with and I'm sure you'd be more than welcome to join us if you fancied it?



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi Lass

    is there a big turn out , are most of the producers from Wakefield ( I know it is the triangle) . Thank you so much for the offer . What time does it start?  Could you remind me err it is I might come over with my son, depending Slight smile he wants to go. Not quite old enough to leave for a few hours ( nearly there Slight smile) but not very young at that in between stage! I wouldn’t lumber you both with him as he is doing a fine impression of Kevin at the moment ( well into puberty!) ‘-)

  • Heya,

    There was a really good turnout last year when it was boiling hot and sunny, but you could still get to the stalls to have a look if you were patient enough.

    The stallholders change every year, and this year there are LOADS more than there has been in other years. This is from the website.....

    "Opening times: Fri & Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 23 10am-4pm It’s back. It’s big. It’s better than ever. Foodies rejoice, because this year’s food and drink market is a gastronomic gala. There are a whopping sixty-seven chalets offering a dizzying array of delights, including plenty of fresh, local products – many with a rhubarb twist.
    Traditional favourites (think hearty pies and yummy cakes) rub shoulders with quirkier, more contemporary concoctions. Rhubarb and chilli jam, anyone?

    This year’s markets sees the introduction of a brand new element: arts and crafts. With ten gazebos (find them at Trinity Walk), visitors can choose from a huge range of charming, unusual and independent products, including handmade jewellery, homewares, art – and even rhubarb bath bombs!

    The markets have spread like rhubarb roots across the city centre, with stall holders on the Precinct and Northgate, as well as the Bull Ring, Teal Street, Teal Way and right up to Trinity Walk. You can’t miss it – and trust us, you won’t want to."

    I think I'll be heading for the cathedral first, as the streets around there are where it's been centred before, but on Fri I'll probably bring up Google Maps to work out where everything is and how far of a walk it is. Literally my only experience of Wakefield is the rhubarb festival, so anything further than the shopping centre and the cathedral and I'm lost. lol

    Sounds like he'd like the street entertainment then. My fave are the two men dressed as old women riding segways that have been decorated to look like shopping trolleys. So it looks like two old women bombing about on their trolleys, playing loud music and being quite funny. But there are folks on stilts, Ruby Rhubarb a drag chef, and lots more. You never know who you might bump into. But I've certainly no issues with kids, they generally think I'm just a bit weird and curiuos. lol

    I'll chuck you my mobile number in a PM, and if you do decide to pop over and fancy meeting up just to say hi or join us, then feel free to text and see where we are. We've not organised what time we're heading over yet, so no help there I'm afraid. lol



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to John Boy2


    I'm at the medway - my consultant works between maidstone and medway so I chose the hospital easier to travel to.. Canterbury is a similar distance for me.  I'm glad your treatment is going well but sorry you will have to change soon because of funding.  It's just not right!!!  PM me and stay in touch to let me know how it goes 

  • Will do - have sent a friend "request"

    Per Ardua Ad Astra
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    It would be lovely to see you and your son on Saturday. If Kevin puts in an appearance that's ok too Wink
