One of Those Days

  • 22 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So do u get those curveball days u weren't expecting? 

It starts off by me waking at 10am! Amazing but not what I needed 2day - I said I'd go into work 4 a few hours & I'm a couple of hours behind pain relief - ouch!

Email from BCN (she'd tried 2 phone but I silence everything!) - my platelets r 2 low 4 chemo #2 of this latest regime 2morrow. All syked up. Was not expecting that in a million years. Have bn stable Mabel the last 3 weeks!

Bloods was a nightmare y'day & now we've got 2 repeat them nxt Wed! 4 x attempts by 2 x nurses who had 2 come 2 the house.

And missed a call from my GP - my silent phone again! Got hold of her later 4 a verbal catch up. She's a new doc 4 me with my original doc retiring last spring, so far she seems really switched on & agreeable with my ideas/wishes.

Bumped into a woman i know & started a blether as I stood at the bus stop & turns out she's had 1/2 bowel & a tumour removed last summer...does it ever end?

Made it 2 work & as usual got carried away - 4 hours later I depart having had a cake & a coke 4 lunch (haha stopped the steroid munching!!!)

So 2morrow will b a calmer day. Got my man 2 myself as he planned 2 b chauffeur & companion 4 chemo trip (something he's only done once b4 - yeah I'm independent & it's a waste of holidays). Lunch out methinks.

Nearly drugtime & bedtime - perhaps a few more episodes of Silent Witness on iplayer (my downfall!)

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    OMG ! It totally could be. I’m on pregabalin which, I think, is the same class of drugs. I’ll look it up. 

    We’ve got the wind down south now but it came with sunshine. Not a cloud in the sky. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Curtains r closed & fire is on up north of the border. It felt quite mild when I tootled along on the walk with the dogs & hubbie earlier in the day. A highlight of the day still getting out with the "pups" even if it's not an energetic run - think they detect that I'm there in a broken body haha.

    I've bn on Gabapentin 4 some time now & luckily don't seem 2 have had any side effects from them but on the other hand not sure if I feel any benefits from them...


    WB x

  • Hi Guys

    Before the latest debacle I just want to say to  that I had a post written for her mainly, stopped for a bite to eat and came back to it. I went to open it and my finger jerked forwards as it has done a couple of hundred times a day since my back started trapping nerves. They're mainly just a slight jerk away from my hand and I don't know what it hit on my phone but I lost it all, it disappeared, just like Annette's. I'll do it tomorrow Maz, this is for everyone anyway.

    Ok, the debacle continues. I'm into Friday now. I had a bad night on Thursday night, mainly because the nurse tried to rip my arm off. Dear help her, she didn't really move it much, I never thought that it would grind and pop. I thought nurses weren't supposed to be squeamish but her face contorted and I thought she was going to be sick! 

    Ok, the doctor didn't ring on Thursday so I rang and my really helpful practice manager answered. I told her what didn't happen, and she looked through the computer and no evidence of the doctor being notified. She said there was nothing in the journal from either of the two I spoke to, one of them directly face to face in the surgery and one by phone when I got home. Right she said, I'll get her to ring you today, before 6, as I was told yesterday. 

    I waited and waited, not with my mobile in my hand because reception can be patchy here, and anyway I specified land line for same reason. Guess what, nobody rang the land line and my mobile didn't ring either! I can't believe the doctor wasn't notified because I have trust in the manager, she has helped me lots even to the extent of getting me seen in the surgery the same day I ring. About 18.30 I looked at my mobile,missed call and voicemail. It was the doctor, it must have gone straight to answer phone because my mobile was in my pocket all of the time. I've to go for bloods on Monday morning with the great nurse who might be able to wangle me a quick chat with the doctor. 

    And last night? Shoulder pain all night, I don't even have to move and the pain surrounds the joint. I'm convinced the joint is well worn, given the grinding etc when the nurse moved it. I should get the x-ray results this week, if they don't go missing! What are the chances,eh? 

    Just want to say to you , today was quite mild here too, with just an occasional short shower Sorry Annette . Doesn't sound too good with you in Scotland.

    Oh, I'm on pregabalin too, and I've been having strange dreams of people, mainly long black haired women coming from nowhere and whizzing past my head which doesn't half frighten me, so much that I wake up. I take Ondansetron too and have done so for nearly 4 years now. The notes say they can cause nightmares, but it might be any of the 30 tablets I'm taking at the minute.

    Have a pain free night everyone, here's wishing.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Oh ! What can I say? I do feel for you. A pain free night would be a wonderful thing. If I could give you one, I’d wrap it in beautiful paper, put a bow on top and have it delivered 


  • Hi Well if you can manage that for tvman, please do the same for me! I had a terrible night last night with only about 30 minutes total sleep all night. I spent the night doing jigsaws, reading and chatting to Maz59. I will check to see how she's getting on shortly!

    Hi You and me would make a great pair if we lived a bit closer, we could chat the night away and hopefully take the focus off the pain! How disappointing the doctor didn't phone you Thursday or Friday, how can they get away with treating people like this, it's shocking! 

    I hope everyone has a restful Sunday and on Monday you get everything sorted out Tvman!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  I meant to say, yes I was on Pregabalin before Gabapentin and couldn't tolerate either for any length of time unfortunately as I do hear they work well to combat the pain. If it is working for you, maybe the could adjust the dose to help with the side effects! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh ,

    what a lovely thing to say! That brought a lump to my throat Blush xx

  • Hi,

    I am not sleeping well at the moment and find if I have a bad night awake I feel dreadful the next day but then seem to manage to sleep better the following night.

    i was feeling very cold again yesterday and getting confused. I go to a cupboard or the fridge and then forget what I am there for and have to sit down until I remember.

    does anyone else have that problem?

    i think it might be the tablets.

    Good not to feel alone when you can’t sleep 



  • Oh , I share Tinalay's viewpoint, that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me for years Slight smile You forgot to say you'd give it a light spray of your favorite perfume, and I will happily pay the postage lol. Isn't that Annette one jealous?

    She and I do have so much in common as she says, she's right when she says if we lived near each other we'd talk all day long. If I could send something like Daloni's gift to you Annette to take away your pain, I most certainly would.

    Last night wasn't so bad pain wise for me. I slept upright which helps to stop the elbow pain, I'm not putting pressure on the elbow joints but then I find that the bottom of my spine around the area of my coccyx has a painburning sensation because it has had so much pressure for a few hours.

    I've just been discussing pain with my wife. I was talking about giving our kitchen dining table a bit of an overhaul, a light sanding then covering it with a stain of her choice and finally 2 or 3 coats of varnish. That's the kind of task that involves just a little standing whereas working in my plot involves little sitting and a lot of pain. As I was saying to her that it's not like someone going for a walk and coming back saying, oh my legs are sore, or, oh my back is sore, my pain is excruciating, even walking up the lawn and through the arch involves a necessary sitting down for 2 or 3 minutes to allow the pain to flow out of my body. 

    I know that I sound like a broken record but I feel like I have shared my problem with people who truly empathise with me as I do with all who read this. We complement each other and we compliment each other too. You're a lovely bunch, I wish I could cure your cancers. It's sad to read that some of you are in such poor health but if you can take any comfort from this post, then that's great, I feel proud of you all, I'm happy to be your friend and confidant.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    With a squirt of perfume it is, then! 

    I had to sleep upright for a few months before my docs sorted my pain. It’s ok but, as you say, it causes other problems. I’ve since got an electric bed with a memory foam mattress and a massage function. The feet and head can raise so I can get comfy both for sitting in bed and sleeping.  It wasn’t too horribly expensive - if you have a medical condition you are VAT exempt - and looks like a normal bed. It’s very, very comfortable and drifting to sleep on the waves of a gentle massage is very soothing. 

    Your table project sounds manageable and fun. I bet you’re a perfectionist and it will look beautiful

    Have a great day xxx