One of Those Days

  • 22 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So do u get those curveball days u weren't expecting? 

It starts off by me waking at 10am! Amazing but not what I needed 2day - I said I'd go into work 4 a few hours & I'm a couple of hours behind pain relief - ouch!

Email from BCN (she'd tried 2 phone but I silence everything!) - my platelets r 2 low 4 chemo #2 of this latest regime 2morrow. All syked up. Was not expecting that in a million years. Have bn stable Mabel the last 3 weeks!

Bloods was a nightmare y'day & now we've got 2 repeat them nxt Wed! 4 x attempts by 2 x nurses who had 2 come 2 the house.

And missed a call from my GP - my silent phone again! Got hold of her later 4 a verbal catch up. She's a new doc 4 me with my original doc retiring last spring, so far she seems really switched on & agreeable with my ideas/wishes.

Bumped into a woman i know & started a blether as I stood at the bus stop & turns out she's had 1/2 bowel & a tumour removed last summer...does it ever end?

Made it 2 work & as usual got carried away - 4 hours later I depart having had a cake & a coke 4 lunch (haha stopped the steroid munching!!!)

So 2morrow will b a calmer day. Got my man 2 myself as he planned 2 b chauffeur & companion 4 chemo trip (something he's only done once b4 - yeah I'm independent & it's a waste of holidays). Lunch out methinks.

Nearly drugtime & bedtime - perhaps a few more episodes of Silent Witness on iplayer (my downfall!)

Night all

WB xx

  • Hi WB, Ehat a shame about your bloods. I hope it's just a blip and all will be back to stable Mable next week! At least the upside is a day with your other half! Enjoy a nice relaxing day, a quiet lunch and don't even give work a thought! If you managed to sleep until 10am, must have needed it, maybe you should have called work and told them you couldn't make it in!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Hi WB

    Boo to your bloods! I hope a good steak dinner will help things. Enjoy your day out with your hubby. Your new GP sounds great. And no, it never ends. They thought when they set up the NHS that they’d put an end to illness. It didn’t work out that way. 


  • Hi 

    What a horrible day you had! You were being used as a pin cushion! I have problems like that too, once in hospital a nurse had to go into my hand which for some reason didn't please the doctor.

    Yesterday was my curve ball day. At our country practice, the GP who had looked after me for about 20 years retired a few months ago and there have been a few locums until very recently, when another female doctor became a partner. I'm so glad she has come to the fore because she's great, unlike the other female partner (we only have 2 doctors) who is so well known to be impersonal, hasn't said hello to me on several occasions when she has come into the treatment room.

    Anyway, I started to have shoulder problems a few months ago, I let it run in case the pain left and I regained strength but it wasn't going to happen. I made an appointment, I had a few other issues to discuss. 

    The doctor on that day was a male locum. So to start with, I mentioned the shoulder, and without examining me, he said "ok, I'll send you to physio". End of.

    A couple of months later, last week, I had an appointment with the nice new doctor and I explained about my arm being painful, and I didn't think it was a physio problem, but a medical one, so she gave me a form to go for x-ray, that was Wednesday of last week and I went to the local hospital as soon as I left the surgery. She asked me to book an appointment with the practice nurse, which was yesterday.

    So I turned up yesterday and the less experienced nurse of the two was on. Alone. I went in, out of my chair into hers and she said I had a lot of blood to be taken, for many tests. I offered my left arm, forgetting to tell her that it was sore, she took my wrist and moved my arm to the right. A strange popping sound was heard first as my socket didn't seem to want to allow my arm to move, then it finally allowed my arm to move and there was the sound of gristle on bone and the nurse's face was a picture, something like when there's a noise that you can't stand.

    So she pricked and prodded, squeezed and tried, but no blood, she couldn't find a vein. That happened with her a couple of years ago and she had to call the more experienced nurse in who wasn't amused and tut tutted and found the vein first time, she's excellent at that, she gets my vein fh 

    So yesterday after 3 attempts, she said I'd have to come back and see the other (more experienced) nurse on Monday because she was off for a few days. I was offering my arm for a fourth attempt, I didn't mind at all, but she refused, saying that she didn't want me to be a pin cushion. Fair enough. Others have stopped at 3 attempts. 

    Well, I have to go back on Monday, I have a telephone consultation today before 2pm. That's because the nurse did an ECG yesterday but I think the doctor said that I would be fitted with a 24hr tracing of my heart, as the ECG will only show what my heart is like at that moment in time. I'm pretty sure that's what the doctor was intending, a 24hr tracing that'll show what my heart is like under stress, and what comes to mind is picking up the dog poo in the back garden. Only 4 or 5 bending down and picking up, throwing it over the hedge into the field (our field). That is causing pains and a heavy feeling of pressure in a large area below my neck. I've had those pains before, just before I had a heart attack

    I had quite a painful night last night, my shoulder was very painful all night long and the arthritis in my right elbow was particularly bad also.

    Onwards and upwards as they say.

    Wee Blonde, I hope you have a lovely day today, make the most of it Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Crikey Tvman my day sounds like a walk in the park compared 2 urs...

    I'm lucky in that although our GP practice is a fairly big one,(2 other GP surgeries in town),  the town is quite small & I've got 2 know people over the years through my jobs & other social events (used 2 go 2 aerobics with one of receptionists 4 years) so everyone is pretty friendly- also part of the north of Scotland mindset I think.

    Thinking positive vibes 4 everyone & hope ur pain gets a bit more settled 2day.

    I just have 2 put my big girl pants on when the district nurse comes a calling & this dressing gets changed 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Tvman

    i was really sorry to read that you have had so much pain in your arm and felt for you when the nurse took your arm. I hope the pain is less today and you get the help you need to reduce it . Please look after your self and take care . Sending a Hugging 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Blimey TV man! What a day! Please stop bending down right now! the dog poo can wait in this weather and we need you here not back in hospital! I am so sorry you had a bad night, there is nothing worse than that nagging arthritic pain, why does it always seem worse at night time? I hope you manage to get a better night's sleep tonight, do you have a hot water bottle? Please try and take it easy ,let's hope the 24 hour monitor shows all is well and you do not get the po face Doctor. Let us know how you get on and rest if you can till then. Sending you big but gentle, cautious hugs! Pat xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    That sounds a really rotten day and night. How were you last night? I know most nights you are up with pain so my best guess is that it wasn’t good. 

    I keep having night horrors. I sort of half wake and feel like I’m fighting something unknown. It’s not pain (thank goodness) or even a bad dream. It’s quite odd. Eventually I surface and if I’m lucky drop back off to sleep. Minor problem really. 

    It’s very early for a Saturday but the dog doesn’t know about weekends. I’ve just been outside with her and it’s weirdly warm for February. I’m not complaining, mind you. I wonder if we will have a proper cold snap this winter. 


  • Hi  What a shame you went to your surgery and it was a wasted journey! Not only could she not get blood, she didn't sort you out with the 24 hour monitor you were meant to get, it's ridiculous! In my practice there are two of the receptionists who have been sent for courses in taking bloods, so that it takes the pressure off the Nurse Practitioner. One is excellent, one is rubbish and can never get my blood. So when I make an appointment, I ask for the good one by name and no longer make an appointment for the other one!

    I hope when you have your telephone consultation today, you will tell the doctor about your wasted trip and that you have to go back on Monday. Will you get your X-Ray results today when you speak to the doctor? Please let me know how you get on! You really don't need all this unnecessary hassle!! There is no need to bend down when clearing up after your dog, you can buy a "poo-scoop" and all you do is put it straight into a bin or whatever you want to do with it! You can buy them at "Pets at Home" or online! Look after yourself!

    Hi  How are you doing today?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi When I was reading your post, I had the feeling of deja vue, as I had that same feeling while I was taking Gabapentin. At the time I didn't realise it, only when I stopped taking it did I find it had disappeared! So I'm wondering could it be one of your medications causing it? 

    You say how mild it is there, well here it is blowing a gale and is absolutely pouring down!  Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Evening all! 2day has bn a wasted day 2bh. Just vegged about - stuffed face & snoozed. Tried 2 find a friend 4 a coffee date but no one seemed free - it's bn a sporty day north of the border (footie & now rugby).

    Arm is so sore & there doesn't seem any improvement- left a msg 4 the clinic facilitator so shall c if there r anymore plans.

    The low platelets level has just started 2 make itself visible - light nosebleed & now some cracking bruises. Oh life!

    And the wound? Less said the better.

    Got a plan involving some juicy steaks later 4 dinner...still thinking of my stomach haha.

    Take care everyone 

    WB xx