This Little Piggy

  • 11 replies
  • 42 subscribers

So now I'm turning into a monster! Every bit of food is going 2 my mouth whether it is needed or not. It could b the steroids they have me on (never bn on a longer cycle of steroids, usually just the 2 or 3 days post chemo) or it could b I'm turning into  pig!!!!!

Twice now I've really suffered the consequences but have I learned my lesson? Have I h***.

So what's the solution? 

Place all the food under lock & key? Place myself under lock & key? Glue my mouth shut? Or any other solutions peeps?

Looking 4ward 2 sensible & off the wall suggestions just 2 cheer us up.

Night all

WB xx

  • FormerMember

    dear WB I do not want you to turn into miss piggy so, on your behalf, I will accept food parcels from you as I have expanding trousers which have elephants on them so it will just look like the design if I remember to take off my trunk which I wear to avoid infection lol .I expect they will interview me for a part in love island soon! All buns and cakes accepted! Sleep well all. Love and hugs Pat

  • FormerMember

    Fear not WB,

    you are not alone. I think people are surprised that cancer patients put on weight. What they don't realise it that we do it with panache and bells on.

    I have no suggestions to quell your appetite. I'm just as bad.

    I have asked every medic I come into contact with why this happens but its inconclusive but I secretly think that we comfort eat, at least my onc does but doesn't like to say.

    What he does like to say is Oh I see you have put on 2kgs and I say Oh that's ok, I don't know what 2kgs is anyway and we're leaving the EU on Friday and might not use kgs anyway.

    nom nom

    Fishy xx

    Joy Fish

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I feel your pain, weeblonde. Steroids are the stealth expander. I heard all about how they can make you gain weight "if you allow it". Ok, I thought, forewarned and all that. I'm not daft. Now I know, it won't happen to me. 

    So I paid attention. Reminded myself to eat only when I was hungry. Or really starving. 

    Clothes were tight. Must be from the lymphoedema. Or that puffiness steriods give you. Or something.

    Oh woe. When they finally weaned me off the steroids, I was horrified. Instant need to diet. (Plan aborted by unexpected admission, but still..)

    Avoid if you can. Good luck.

  • Hi 

    As others have stated, comfort eating is easily done. Since I stopped work and moved into the wheelchair I have added 4 stones and the odd friend has mentioned that I have put on weight. Which I don't mind. One former employee who worked in a store which I delivered to, came across me in a shop in a different town where he now works, said to me, don't mind me saying but you've put on weight. I have, I could do with losing a couple of stones but I comfort eat sometimes. 

    We are all facing an uncertain future, why can't we eat a bar of chocolate a day? In my case, it's crisps and beer, or smelly cheese and red wine or a sirloin steak cooked in a mixture of oil and butter, James Martin style ( but not as much butter as he uses! ) We have a right to comfort eat, if anyone has a right, we have Slight smile

    I can't lose a few pounds by taking the dog for a walk when I'm in a wheelchair, it's good for him to get all the doggy smells and keep in trim at the same time. That's what a trim Conan looks like below, at the vets'.


    Keep enjoying your eating everyone.

    Take care Wee Blonde Slight smile

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi WB

    Oh it’s the perennial problem. My weight has gone from over 13 stone at my heaviest to 10 stone at my lightest through the nearly six years since I was diagnosed. In my wardrobe are three sizes of clothes so I can pick out which ones fit. That’s all gone a bit wrong recently as my body has changed shape. I have fluid on my belly and legs but I’m losing muscle mass from elsewhere- I’ve gone up a notch on my watch strap recently and down a cup size. So I can’t get my small trousers over my hips and my larger ones fit round my hips but fall off my waist. Cue wardrobe change. Again. 

    I’m currently battling lack of appetite and weight loss and I’m under instructions to put some weight on. I have to say that it is utterly demoralising to look at a perfectly delicious plate of food, look forward to eating it and then finding I just can’t face it. 

    Personally, I’d say enjoy eating. It’s one of life’s pleasures 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh he's gorgeous. What a lovely dog, tvman. I bet he just loves his walks.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Nice to see a photo of your dog. People generally are under the impression that people with cancer lose their weight. But it’s not always the case. I am not thin but I’ve lost some weight but I look healthy. I walk to town, to save on bus fares but I’m applying for one. I do have problems walking. When I’ve been sitting a while, I can’t stand and then it takes some walking until I unfreeze my legs.

  • 2018 I got to my heaviest.

    PCOS, No Thyroid, and Progesterone tablets all make me gain weight. Comfort eating helps with that too. As does the pain, as it stops me from moving, walking or exercising.

    However I'm now almost two and a half stone lighter than I was in 2018, and constantly hungry! Lol. It's not easy, but I'm trying. According to the doctors.... Somewhere between 9 and 10 stone to go..... :l



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Oh much cuteness!!!!! I love the pooch. They give u so much love when need it (although my "pup" who could spooked by some racer dudes screeching their cars after midnight woke her up grrrrr).

    I miss being able 2 just go 4 a walk by myself with them whilst off but as I have no strength in the left arm it's a bit dodgy - although the "old" boy could do our wall with his eyes shut & no help from me....

    Suffered on Sunday night 4 overeating again but hey ho that's life.

    Going into work this morn 2 say "hi". I think my ineffective line manager thinks I'm putting 2gether a plan of return 2 work  - I suspect not though. It'll b nice 2 have some human contact but having 2 face up 2 life methinks.

    Better put my face on & get out of the PJs.

