How’s your New Years Eve / Hogmanay shaping?

  • 75 replies
  • 45 subscribers


This will be a tricky time of year for many of us. So maybe we can join in a pity party together or enjoy others partying vicariously. 

I am going to pop by my neighbours briefly but mostly I’ll be banished upstairs while my 15-year-old and her mates party downstairs. I have a horrible cough and enough meds to knock me out so I don’t suppose the noise will bother me too much - and actually the sound of young people enjoying themselves is always joyous and uplifting 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Hi Flowerlady, started strong antibiotics and am staying in until I can have a scan. This Oncologist  specialises in lung cancers so is very used to interpreting them.  xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Moved to a normal bay once flu swab came back clear as they had a emergency admission.

    A gentleman was complaining bitterly that  his wife, who’s neutropenic was moved from

    a side ward last night for an emergency admission, me, gulp. There were so many visitors this afternoon, up to 4 per bed and many coughing and spluttering no wonder he’s anxious. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Seriously? What’s wrong with people? I understand the urge to visit and it has been New Year’s Day but even so. 
    I hope you don’t catch anything and get home soon


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Tinalay, first of all, I’m sorry to hear you are in hospital. Like Daloni I hope you don’t catch anything as while my mum was in hospital, I caught a cold. Seriously I agree with Daloni, so people. Champagneu have just has must right for emergencies and everything. I am finding today people are more ignorant of cancer. One woman where I live lost her daughter to breast cancer almost two years ago and sChampagne treats me awful. She lets people on the bus before her, she helps others but, and she knows I’m terminally ill with cancer, she pushes in front of me when getting on the bus, pushes me aside to letChampagneealthy women with babies get on etc. She, a few days ago, when I collapsed after coming out of the post office, just stepped over me and walked off. Everybody else were kind. What of earth is her prChampagnelem? But generally people are kind and considerate but you do get the ignorant people. All the best for the new year Tinalay. Happy 2020!ChampagneCocktailTada

  • Hi, It's hard to believe but it happens all the time, people who have coughs and colds or just don't feel well, visit people in hospital, isn't it crazy? I would never visit anyone in hospital if I had even a sniffle! Do these people not Think! One time when I was in hospital and visiting started, someone sneezed in the corridor and the nurse politely told him he couldn't visit today! No argue ment, he turned and walked out, so he knew he shouldn't be there!! I hope you get your scan soon and the antibiotics work fast, so you can get home to your own bed soon!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Run away! Wear a mask! Spray the hospital room (or the visitors) with Lysol.  Where are the nurses? 

    As The Martian would say “You’ve gotta be Fxxxxxxxx kidding me”!

    Don’t people think? Please do take care and protect yourself. I get scared every time I get on a plane and hear people coughing I can’t imagine what you are feeling in a small area with multiple people coughing. 

    Seriously, I am so sorry to hear you are in the hospital and unwell. My thoughts are with you and hoping for the best treatment and recovery possible. 

    Warmest Regards and Hugs,


  • Hi ,

    Just popping in to ask how you are doing now?  Hopefully the antibiotics have kicked in fully and you are feeling better.

    I've been one of those people coughing and spluttering (just a very sore throat but no sneezing of runny nose) so I've avoided going out for the last few of days but I'm starting to get a bit stir crazy.

    Wishing you all the best and looking forward to hearing from you again soon,

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon


    Rough couple of days, temp stayed right up so repeat blood cultures & changed IV antibiotics. IV had tissued & usual challenges getting another one so no sleep last night.

    Had the scan this morning so should know more soon.  xx

  • Hi ,

    I hope that you get more sleep today and tonight as being tired on top of everything else is so draining.

    Also that these antibiotics stop the infection for you.  Wishing all the best for your scan results.  Thinking of you a lot.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    That wasn’t the plan! You were supposed to respond immediately to the antibiotics and get yourself discharged promptly. Could you just get with the programme, please? 

    More seriously, I’m really sorry to hear you’re still feeling rough. You must be exhausted. I hope things improve quickly 

    Lots of love xxxx