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Hi, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alan I have terminal oesophagus cancer with secondary liver, I only found out last night at 5ish when my Macmillan nurse phoned to say she had attended the consultants meeting following my pet-CT scan and she was phoning me with bad news, the tumour is large and surrounded by large lymph nodes that are not treatable she said I may be able to try chemotherapy if my body can take it and that may extend my life to 12 months, I sat here alone, I live alone I had cold sweats and shakes I was looking for support, I am completely devastated I was only diagnosed 5th December.

How fast life can change, I welcome any advice.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Johnty, that's arguably the most insightful, elegant and downright beautiful set of words I've seen on the internet in quite some time.

    Thank you.

    Dom. x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear thank you for your kind comments, I always speak from my heart even if sometimes my thoughts seem to go against the prevailing winds. All points of view are valid but not to the exclusion of ones that don’t fit into the current zeitgeist surrounding cancer. My goal is for everyone to have a good life before hopefully a good death.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My sincere thanks johnty, laying here in bed about to get up I've read your message first. 

    I was layed with pain in what is my kidneys and stomach and thinking, what do I do - I must fight this cancer and all that type of talk people keep telling me to do or get on to your oncologist tell them you want treatments, they can treat it they want this day and age !!!

    Then I read your sensible out look on cancer and life, when I think about it why put myself through more stress and harm because I am expected to fight and try any thing to live,  I have always thought it is not the length of life but the quality.

    I was diagnosed on the 2nd December 2019 and I have been in a whirlwind of tests, I was first told 2 weeks ago I was terminal and they would not be offering treatment at this stage, I could just not accept this could happen without me at least having a chance to fight back and try to prolong my life - now I realise why spoil what a beautiful life I have trying to fight what is non stoppable, I will enjoy my time with my dogs and this beautiful country.

    Thank you


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I have had a busy morning since my last post, after walking my dogs and returning home a lot has happened.

    My phone rang with my local hospice wefare officer wanting to talk with me, she had been informed of my terminal diagnosis and is getting me DWP benefits and a blue badge sorted she said due to my urgency all will be in place within two weeks.

    The hospice is sending a person to talk with me to see what support I need saying I am now under their wing and as time and my needs increase so will the care provided.

    The most important phone call came from the cinnamon trust who I had sent an email to over Christmas on the guidance of a Macmillan nurse on this website, they care for the pets of persons with terminal illness, I have registered my pets with them  they will rehome my two dogs and cat together collecting them from my home when they receive an arranged phone call, they have even offered to provide a dog walker if this gets to much for me, my fears of the future have been put to rest I can face what life I have left and accept my terminal diagnosis knowing I will not be alone and my most treasured possessions, my dogs and cat are in safe hands. Happy day.

    Alan ( church )

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear Alan, I’m so glad to hear of your latest news regarding the hospice and the cinnamon trust. I have just returned from my weekly visit to my local hospice and had a lovely morning catching up with my fellow travellers after Christmas and new year. I’m sure you will benefit greatly from receiving the support you’ve been offered and your mind will now be at peace regarding your beautiful animal friends. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Alan

    My, that’s a lot to take on board. You sound as though you feel much safer now. The blue badge and PIP payments will make a huge difference to your quality of life. 

    I am so glad the services have swung into action for you so quickly. It’s not that anyone would want to have to use them but to see them acting so quickly when they are needed is reassuring 

    lots of love 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Jane, your post this morning put me in the right frame of mind, I started my day with a new outlook and the day could not have turned out better.

    I am visiting my hospice next Tuesday and looking forward to meeting all the people there.

    Last night I had a head spinning out of control with fears of what will happen to my animals, I knew if they went away to soon and I was left alone it would be downhill all the way for me but now they stay with me to the end, 

    Thank you Jane


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Daloni, 

    Much, much safer and ready to face the future, I will go to bed tonight happy that all is in place to make my living and dying fine, you know the best thing besides my pets being fine, I will not die alone or struggle to survive people are there for me to the end.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Alan so so pleased to hear you are getting the support you need.  I was quite emotional when I walked into the hospice for the first time but it also made me feel very safe, so I am so glad you have something similar where you are. 

    Really really glad to hear about the dogs and cat also, it’s the one thing that makes me so upset when I think of leaving my dog behind, as she will be so puzzled, and is a rescue.  

    Anyway, all good news today, so happy for you (& also the pip and blue badge, mine came through very fast and it was so helpful).


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi roobarb,

    I have had three different people phone me today from the hospice all looking forward to meeting me on Tuesday, each phone call was full of laughter, I am really looking forward to Tuesday.

    My two dogs and cat are also rescue, abbey the cat, cats rescue Cain the Rottweiler the ark rescue centre, and Rappa the staffie X RSPCA.

    The cinnamon trust who are taking my loved pets when the time comes are sending out some one to access the dogs due to their breeding in the next few days, I have no worries about this my dogs are well mannered, friendly in good health so all will be fine, but I will be pleased when the assessment is over.

    Blue badge, I can not wait to park on a double yellow. Lol

    Regards Alan