To get you through the day, remember to :-

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  • 42 subscribers

Have a peaceful day.

Ellie x

  • FormerMember

    Yup. That was pretty much my Christmas 


  • Yes, and mine too! I had a lovely day. Went to our daughters in the afternoon back home for dinner, bed by 8.30pm as I couldn't keep my eyes open! Now I'm awake as usual! My husband is working night shift at The Out of Hours Service at our local hospital, so won't be back until 7.15!

    I do hope everyone else is fast asleep! I will do some jigsaws then read for a while now! 

    I love Christmas but could easily give New Year a miss!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear Annette, Happy Christmas, I hope you have a peaceful new year. I was reading your profile and noted that you had trouble controlling your bladder, I am wondering if you got anything to help control this. As you will read, my tumour is stuck to my bladder and bowel and bladder incontinence is becoming a big problem even with special pants! very glamorous lol!, I can only go out for a short while and could not visit any one over night now, which is awkward as my family are spread over the UK and I don't like to go into detail of why I no longer visit. Any advice from anyone would be gratefully received...... must dash haha! Love and hugs Pat xx

  • Hi Pat

    Oh dear, that's a terrible place for a tumour to be located. I really feel for you.

    About a year and a half ago my sister in law had a bowel blockage which resulted in her being sent to ICU and she was in a coma for 2 weeks. The skill of the surgeon saved her from needing to receive all nourishment from a bag for 18 hours a day. However, she does have a colostomy bag that embarrasses her because of bad odours from time to time.

    There are only a few select members of the family who knew about it and she knows that if she needed help, I would step up. Unfortunately, her husband, my brother, died at the end of August. I see her more often now than I used to but I can't stop seeing her because I have known her for almost 50 years. I had been on the phone with her one day and as I chatted to her she sussed that I wasn't in a great place and she and my nephew drove down one night to see me, to give me support! 

    Is there any member of the family that you are particularly close to that you could confide in. After all, it's as a result of your tumour that you are in this position and no doubt they know of your cancer. It'd be a cold hearted person who wouldn't be sensitive to your predicament.

    Hope this is of help to you

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi TV man, I know from reading here there are much worse places to have a tumour! I just wondered on reading of others with similar problems if they knew of any medication that would help. , Thank you for caring as always, however I am now just catching up with all the posts  and  am sorry to see you have been low. How are you feeling now? I can see why you are worried and hope you will get a positive outcome when you next see your medical team. I always find this time of year difficult, heightened emotions, dark weather and having to be "jolly". I would rather just hibernate at this time! Cancer is the icing on the cake!! I wish I had been around when you initially posted, I would have put some virtual extra warm blankets through to envelope you in the same care and affection you give to others. I am so fortunate to have found this forum and meet people like you and the other "long termers" (they know who they are I hope), you offer care, reassurance, advice, understanding and humour to the newbies and others despite coping with serious difficulties of your own.  Thank you for being such a support to us all and I hope you realise how important you and the others are to those  who have joined this special family more recently. I  hope I will have the pleasure of meeting you one day . I hope you have a peaceful and stress free new year with your  family. .Love and hugs  Pat xxx

  • Hi Pat

    I haven't been on much the last few days because I have been spending time with my son and my family. The site has been so busy and I'm having a not so quick catch-up. 

    I had to stop after I read your post because I just had to say thank you for your kind words. Your post was beautiful to read.

    Others have said lovely things too, this really is an important site for us all to give and receive words of wisdom and guidance. 

    Thanks to all for your support, I am having trouble staying awake probably helped by trying to get some work done on my plot. The pain is unbelievable and I frequently need to stop to just sit and let the pain leave my body. My back feels like it's going to break at the bottom of the spine. 

    Should I stop and take it easy? Well, when I'm prepping in the kitchen I feel the same way, as I do even emptying the dishwasher but it's easy to sit down because I have a stool either side of the kitchen. I can't sit around and let people run after me because that's not going to happen especially when my wife and son are out at work for a lot of the day.

    I'm not expected to do this or that, I don't get up until lunchtime because I suppose it's the meds that have me so tired, morphine, pregabalin, amitriptyline and more. 

    I believe it's the love and care that comes my way that's keeping me from falling down the abyss. Not just what comes my way but everyone, and I mean everyone sending love and hugs and kisses and saying the right thing to others in a way that has me thinking why can't I say it like that? I do try, trust me! 

    No one here is in it solely for themselves, that isn't going to happen. It amazes me to read a post from someone who is so ill yet they can encourage and help others. I have met, I'm meeting, and I will meet some selfless, amazingly caring people in the world here on this site.

    Love to all

    Tvman xxx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I just wanted to wish all my fellow incurables the very best for 2020 and thank you all for your support in 2019, none of us know what the future will bring but we’ll do what we always do and keep putting one foot in front of the other, or in my case keep pushing my walker in a forward direction ! ! !
    I will be in bed by 8pm on New Year’s Eve and won’t have any problem sleeping through the fireworks,  it will take something quite high up on the Richter scale to wake me up since I stopped taking the steroids ! 
    I will be raising a glass to all those we have loved and lost this year and thinking kindly of their friends and family at this time of year.

    we are so lucky to have this forum, so let’s make it the very best we can in 2020.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    That's the spirit! Carry on carrying on. We have to keep going and do the things we enjoy as well as the routine tasks of daily life even when there’s pain and exhaustion. Sure, we have to adapt how we do them. But if we stopped completely then what’s the point of being alive? 

    One of my sisters really doesn’t seem to understand this. She tries to stop me doing anything. It’s kind of sweet as it’s because she cares but it’s also quite annoying as it disables me. I think it’s also because she finds it hard to see me in this reduced state. I tell her that I’ll just do whatever it is I’m doing slowly and be sure not to overdo things. 

    Pain is just the worst though and you have my sympathy. I thought of you last week when I was overwhelmed with unbelievable pain and wondered “how does tvman do it? How does he keep going on?”. 

    Lots of love 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Pat

    I have no advice or help. Just a hug. My docs are concerned that I’m looking at a similar situation down the line given the location of some of my tumours. Does the indignity never end? It would seem not. 

    Lots of love 


  • Hi

    Thank you, you're so kind.

    You are on the button, to get through this period of our lives, we have to be able to adapt to doing what we like, as well as routine daily tasks. 

    Yes, I am debilitated with pain but as you say, if we stop completely, what's the point of living. 

    I can understand why your sister is so attentive. I don't know if she's older or younger, but there's a case to be made for either of the two. She probably can't bear to see you in the reduced state. My brother who died a short while ago found it hard to come to terms with my cancer, bless him. He's not the only one lol.

    I'm not having the chemo that you and others are enduring. There have been many times Daloni, that I thought about you making your way to and from hospital after treatment, not feeling the best to say the least, or awake during the night because of pain. I always think of a certain phrase that I used to apply to my job, when the going gets tough.........

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.