Do you have NET cancer?

  • 12 replies
  • 43 subscribers

i know that only 4000 people in the UK are diagnosed with NET cancer. It is a rare cancer. For me, I was diagnosed too late for operations, chemo and radio treatments. But I’m trying to understand it. I call it a poxy moron cancer as clinically it’s recognised as a ‘good cancer’.  How can any cancer be ‘good’? Shouldn’t complain. I can’t believe that some of the people I have come to know have been dealing with their cancer years. Like Daloni, Gragon .Ellie Johnty.etc. I think you are all amazing for dealing with it years, whereas I’ve just been dealing with it 20 months but knowing my cancer has been growing for many years. I also have had septic poisoning. CKD. Acute Necrosis. I refused renal replacement therapy.also developed severe electrolyte derangement secondary to liver and renal failure. I will always have to be monitored on this. Metastatic pancreatic cancer  with liver mets. So that explains my health situation. 

  • Hi  I think what you've written here, you should copy & paste onto your Profile Page! The one omission on the site, in my opinion is that when you join the Community, I think the date should be at the top of your Profile Page. Sometimes when you look at someone's page it maybe starts off by saying, "I was diagnosed 10 months ago and.........." However without any date on the top of the page, it could be this year, last year or four years ago! You are amazing! You have been dealing with your cancer for almost 2 years now and also helping and supporting others by contributing to posts!

    What I'd like to ask is, the bit you have put for your signature about laughing and you not laughing enough, I take it that was written approx 20 months ago! Do you think you laugh more now than you did then?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    I used to laugh more. I guess since my boyfriend died from cancer, a part of me, the laughter part and fun went with him. He was very witty sometimes at my expense. But everybody in town says I’m always smiling. People have said that my smiling brightens up their day. I’m never aware smiling.  Love watching gogglebox, it makes me laugh. Jane MacDonald on her cruises...and her liking for a glass of drink! 

  • Oh Jack, I'm so sorry about your boyfriend. I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you sad!  If others say your smile brightens their day, you must do it automatically, which is great. I'm pleased there are things that brighten up your day and hope you find lots more of them in 2020!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember


    You've had a lot to deal with and it seems to me you have done it well. As for living with this for years, all I can say is it’s given me lots of practice.

    Keep smiling. Keep making people happy. That’s a gift 


  • Hi Jack

    Your smile must be a welcome sight for your friends, as Annette says it's probably natural for you to smile. I know people like that. 

    We can't see your smile, but your contributions light up our days, Jack.

    Take care my friend

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    This is me smiling!

    Too many books! I like studying folklore and legends all over the world but I love Irish ones the most. I’m part Native American from my Dad’s side, I also have Irish from his as well. 

    So this morning I will say Chokma chin Chokma! 

    It means hello how are you in Native American

  • You can never have too many books!

    Beautiful smile for and right from the eyes as well.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    I’m going to church. They are going to have their morning carol service. Then decluttering. I hope  don’t get followed by the person I’m avoiding. There is only one thing I can’t cope with at the moment- anybody who does NOT take NO for an answer. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Jack D

    Yes I'm a high grade NET. Not sure if you have come across the NET group.

  • Me too Jack, take care.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.