The trial begins

  • 40 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi folks 

After a couple of weeks of uncertainty I heard today that I have been accepted onto the clinical trial my doc had proposed. She waved the written confirmation in her hand, looking delighted, and then had me sign the consent forms. 

It’s good news on two counts. First, I am hopeful this trial will achieve something for me. It’s an approach that’s worked for me before and it fits with the genetic profile of the cancer I have. Second, my doc has managed to persuade the trials team to let me skip the genetic screening normally required by the trial. I have had a lot of work done on the genetics of the cancer in my body so the data were there already but it took some work to get hold of some of these (the testing was done at a different hospital) and to have the trials team accept them. If I’d had to go through screening first it would have taken about 3 months. My doc doesn’t think I can afford to wait that long so I would have been offered chemo instead. Who knew it could get so complicated? 

I had some blood tests today and the results are looking good so I’m cleared for a liver biopsy on Friday. Next they need an echocardiogram, possibly on Monday. That’s tricky to book at short notice, I’m told, and apparently will require a willing technician to do it in their lunch hour as a favour to the researchers. Finally, my team need to get all the info to the trials team for them to log it and complete the registration on Tuesday. Do they work on Christmas Eve? Nobody knows.

If we can jump all those hurdles, I’ll start treatment on December 27. If not, it will be a few days later. I kind of hope it will be later as I have plans to be away at Christmas. But I can see my team pulling out all the stops to get this moving and I am reluctant to slow their momentum. I can change plans if needs be. 

It’s an odd feeling. I just rock up at the hospital and give them my arm to stick a needle in. Behind the scenes there’s so much going on. 

When I got home the puppy took sick so obviously I had to sit and stroke her paw, all but ignoring my younger daughter who’d been sent home early from school feeling unwell. In fairness, she was fast asleep and when she awoke and found her puppy was sick she was as attentive to the puppy as I was. 

Phew! What a day. No surprise we didn’t manage the Christmas decorations today. Try again tomorrow 


  • FormerMember

    So pleased for you . Your team sound great.

    How are your daughter and the puppy doing?

  • Good morning ,

    Wonderful news to get just before christmas.  Congratulations I am so happy for you, even if it does mean you changing your Christmas plans.

    Your have had so much research, so many test, scans and procedures at so many venues that your oncologist must have to use one of those shopping trolleys to move your file about now.  I do wonder how your GP will move your file when you move.

    I finally succumbed to the pressure yesterday and Christmas went up at our house, early in my opinion.  My mum was very much a traditionalist although also a working mum and as a child our decoration went up as close to Xmas eve as possible and stayed up until 12th night.  If anyone comments on your lack of decorations tell them Xmas starts on the 25th.  The myth is that houses at one time were decorated with greenery ( the holly and the ivy) but living in the greenery were always imps.  These were mischievious creatures that you did not want to encourage to stay in your house and after about twelve nights they would start to move out of the greenery and take up residence, playing tricks, turning the milk sour, teasing the dogs and pinching the children.  By taking the decorations down on twelfth night you ensured the imps left.

    I hope that daughter and puppy are both feeling better today.  Good luck with all your procedures and I hope is goes smoothly. 

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Thanks . I love the imp story. Made me smile. 

    I can report that both puppy and daughter are doing well today. It’s the last day of term for my daughter today and that’s always a nice day. It’s the last class of the puppy training course too. I expect Noodle to get a certificate Rofl

    If I can just get word from the hospital and firm up the Christmas plans I shall be made up


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Brilliant news I hope this shows good results for you and what a team to have behind you, they sound amazing.  (Although baffled by the ECG, we have drop-ins for them up here, walk in, walk out, takes 10 minutes! How is nhs so different????)

    i had 1st lot of Carbo/caelyx last Friday......bleurgh, is all I can say to that! Getting over the worst now and seeing pallaiative nurse today to sort out pain issues, so hopefully I will get to enjoy Xmas too.

    anyway may you have a wonderful Christmas, may the trial show good results, and may there be no side effects.......

    ps doggies sick here too, pre-Xmas sickness bug I think, hope the puppy is better soon x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni, So happy they have accepted you on the new trial, here's hoping it works and the side effects are not too harsh, All the best. Lynn 2.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear daloni

    what a great Xmas present to hear you have been accepted for the new trial

    hope the side effects are minimal 

    hope puppy and daughter have recovered ,our 6 year old labradoodle is still not completely back to normal after sickness on monday 

    positive thoughts 



  • Well

    Here you are on the cusp of a new adventure into the exciting world of a new treatment, possibly the most important of them all. Are you excited, nerves jangling? Join me in that respect. 

    Just to get the decorations up, yeah? Me too. Well tbh that's my wife's domain. I haven't brought the tree in from the garden yet because my daughter, son in law and lovely little rascal of a grandsonGrin who dotes on me and my wife, are arriving on the 6th of January, so the less time the tree is in the house the better. I'll be bringing it in again next year. That's a promise. My eldest son Grinis arriving on Saturday from Aberdeen so there'll be 4 of us plus my wife's 95 year old mum who won't eat much but she'll make up for that with her singing Grin

    You'll be with your own strong family unit over Christmas who are full of pride for you. I trust your little daughter and Noodle will have fully recovered by then and you can all eat, drink and be merry Slight smile

    Fingers crossed that your new treatment will begin on the 27th, you may have to curtail your break but I think you're fine with that, you can't wait to start it. 

    All the best Daloni, look after yourself.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember


     Best Christmas surprise ever! Congrats on getting into the trial- your doc and team are amazing!

    I am so happy for you. Glad to hear that Noodles and your daughter are now well. 

    Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas-

    Hugs and Love,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi folks 

    thanks for all your best wishes and congratulations. Yes my team is amazing. I’m up at the hospital now as they were able to fit me in for the echocardiogram (it’s not an ecg . It’s a heart ultrasound). We are good to go for the start of treatment on December 27. Any later and I would have needed a repeat CT as my last one, on November 27, would have been out of date for the trial protocol  

    It’s exciting and nerve wracking and a bit annoying as it disrupts Christmas plans. To misquote Paul Simon, make a new plan, Stan. I think I’m going to have to explain repeatedly to my family why I don’t feel I can ask them to postpone things a day or two. Sigh. 

    It does sound rather as though there’s a doggy sick bug going round. My best wishes to poor suffering pooches and their owners 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Liver biopsy done! The radiologist was very unenthusiastic. I’d go so far as to say reluctant in fact. Majored on the risks and how tricky it was going to be. He was the same guy as did the last one which ended with me having a vaso vagal syncope (I fainted but I was lying down so it was all quite dramatic and very unpleasant) so perhaps he wasn’t keen to repeat the experience. Part of our conversation involved him telling me he understood that it was important to get on the trial but it wouldn’t do me much good if I was dead!!!!! I looked him straight in the eye and told him he was going to do a good job. And he did. I’m in the recovery room now, slightly fuzzy from the painkillers and waiting for a bed. And some food. I’ve not eaten since last night. 

    So that’s another job done. I’ve got to go in on Monday for a final check, hair sample and blood tests and then we start the treatment on Friday. 

    Gosh it’s a lot of work getting on this trial. They don’t even pay expenses so it’s costing a small fortune in train fares too. 
