High days and low days

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  • 43 subscribers


Just putting this out there don't know what order this post will come out in as I am just typing as I think of things so apologies in advance if it is bit mumbled, grammatically incorrect or full of typos.

I had my ONC appointment today - last scan was in OCTOBER yes OCTOBER. although I knew from my BCN that the cancer was stable, this was the first chance to speak to my ONC. I should be happy that I am stable mabel but it just serves as a reminder. I am on my week break from oral chemo so have worked out that I always feel low on my week break, does anyone else have these symptoms?

I am being sent for a further bone and CT scan in Jan so waiting for appointment.  ONC seem pleased at the moment so why am I not?  I think it just serves as a reminder whenever I have to see the ONC of my condition.

I have been on Leterzole since April and over the last few day my leg and particularly my calves are aching.  Calves cramp up.  I have not really had many side effect of Leterzole so far but think this maybe the start.  I know there are people who cannot tolerate this drug so am grateful for this and that the palbocicib appear to have shrunk the tumour.

Enough Maudling now I have things to be thankful for I have just returned from a fantastic 2week holiday - absolutely NO pain the sun and vitamin D did do wonders whilst I was away and I was spoilt rotten.

To completely change the subject now, my partner and I of 15 years are most likely getting married next year - if my divorce comes through (split from ex 19 years ago - long boring story) I want a pyjama wedding. EVERYONE wears PJs even me.  I will have a fancy designer pair.  I just want guests to be comfortable and will be a small registry office and celebration with about 30 people. Is that a stupid idea?

sorry for the  ramble. I hope all is going as good as it can be for my cyber friends  which means YOU

much  love


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    Maybe you should be asking about what you have achieved now. Do you own your home now? Savings? He properly is interested in gaining what you have now. I don’t know anything about divorce but Daloni mentioned the law has changed and you can get one without him. Thank the Lord you are not with him!   I Say rock his boat and find out if he is married again as then, he’s broken the law by committing bigamy. There are ways of finding him. If he is aboard, then the embassy. Very often the best place to hide is by not moving anywhere. He could even be with his mum.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh I forgot to tell you something. Going through legal proceedings is going to be difficult for him, as when they start on yours, they are going to need all his recent details and look into it. So I doubt he’s going to get away with being remarried. Maybe you need to tell the people who are doing the proceedings that you suspect him of remarrying without divorce.

  • Thank you for the advice

    So for the reasons why I don't share property and finances with my current partner (everything in his name) is due to what my Ex might be able to take.  If I get to a sticking point where I just cannot get a divorce granted, I will contact the embassy.  I really don't want to do this as I am  not a vindictive person I just want rid legally.

    We have not been together for so long, I no longer bear malice it is just not worth the effort and I don't want him to be responsible for me being in a bad mood so I just don't think about him at all.  Well definitely not over the last 18 or so years since we have been separated anyway and even now whilst trying to get divorced I am not thinking of him at all.

    The embassy will be in my back pocket though if I hit a block, we are using his mothers address as the last known and she is forwarding any paperwork, so even though he told her he has received it he still won't return it.  Can you see now why he is my ex.

    But all of this is holding up my future plans - so I will just have to hang around bit longer until this is sorted.

    IamLyn x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn


    The details in my mind are a bit sketchy but when I looked this up, the court would expect your divorce to be completed in a year. My understanding is that you can apply to have it finalised without his consent if there is no legal objection from him a year from applying for the divorce. But I’m not a lawyer and it didn’t get to this stage in my own divorce. I hope this helps - the info I read was on the .gov pages


  • Daloni

    Thank you very much for this. I will keep checking the status of mine and have beginning of Feb in mind to chase them.

    It is so stupid, I am not getting stressed about it, I refuse to it will happen, maybe not when I want it to but at least I have something to focus on in the meantime.

    I hope you are well.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    Just one thought. What if his mother isn’t passing any paperwork on? What if he doesn’t know about the divorce? I know some mother’s go to great lengths to interfere.  You haven’t stopped to consider mommie dearest is actually the block? Is there any way around the woman?

  • I can say for certain his mother would have passed the paperwork on.  My ex is very bl**dy minded and just a little bit sadistic.  I don't think there is another way round it either but at the moment will bide my time until mid Jan and see if there is any progression.  Next stop might just have to be the Canadian Embassy.

    It is all rather silly and tiresome I mean 18 years give me a break.... 

    Thanks though for thinking of me

    Those PJ's are still waiting for me to buy them


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn

    The most important thing is that you have found the love of your life, someone who is sticking by you always. Not everybody finds that special love and it’s wonderful when we do. I woul£ like to say sorry about your ex mother in law. Also I is right about the London of liberty store pyjamas. They really are special. If I’d got married, i think I’d like to have been wed at Robin Hood’s oak tree. But not everyone dressed as merry men! But I chuckle at the thought. But seriously I think I would have had to respect my father and have had to marry in my Native American tribe costume. But... I’ll never ever get married. Unless it’s in heaven with my John.

  • Hi I have been reading the posts here and don't think you would be vindictive by contacting the Embassy, you'd just be trying to draw a line under things in the past! What if you contact his mum and tell her he has until the middle of January to sign the papers and do whatever else he needs to do because if things aren't settled by then you are Going to contact the Embassy to have them trace him and he will be responsible for what happens after that! You are right not to think about him but I think he deserves what's coming to him! "No more mister nice guy"! Let's get this wedding sorted! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    Yes that's my next step for definite.  I think there is a reason why he does not want me to have his address.  It is so frustrating.You are absolutely right, what could happen to him next if this does not go through will be his problem not mine. 

    Blimey do you think I could sell this sorry line to Eastenders (not that I have watched soaps for the last 7 years or so). It might even make the Dum Dums.   Just my way of trying to make light of the situation.

    Much love x