High days and low days

  • 52 replies
  • 43 subscribers


Just putting this out there don't know what order this post will come out in as I am just typing as I think of things so apologies in advance if it is bit mumbled, grammatically incorrect or full of typos.

I had my ONC appointment today - last scan was in OCTOBER yes OCTOBER. although I knew from my BCN that the cancer was stable, this was the first chance to speak to my ONC. I should be happy that I am stable mabel but it just serves as a reminder. I am on my week break from oral chemo so have worked out that I always feel low on my week break, does anyone else have these symptoms?

I am being sent for a further bone and CT scan in Jan so waiting for appointment.  ONC seem pleased at the moment so why am I not?  I think it just serves as a reminder whenever I have to see the ONC of my condition.

I have been on Leterzole since April and over the last few day my leg and particularly my calves are aching.  Calves cramp up.  I have not really had many side effect of Leterzole so far but think this maybe the start.  I know there are people who cannot tolerate this drug so am grateful for this and that the palbocicib appear to have shrunk the tumour.

Enough Maudling now I have things to be thankful for I have just returned from a fantastic 2week holiday - absolutely NO pain the sun and vitamin D did do wonders whilst I was away and I was spoilt rotten.

To completely change the subject now, my partner and I of 15 years are most likely getting married next year - if my divorce comes through (split from ex 19 years ago - long boring story) I want a pyjama wedding. EVERYONE wears PJs even me.  I will have a fancy designer pair.  I just want guests to be comfortable and will be a small registry office and celebration with about 30 people. Is that a stupid idea?

sorry for the  ramble. I hope all is going as good as it can be for my cyber friends  which means YOU

much  love


  • FormerMember

    Dear lamLyn,

    My oncologist told me the same thing about drinking tonic water, he said it is the best treatment for muscle cramps ( I, of course, add lime and gin for medicinal reasons only ;-) )

    Your pajama wedding sounds wonderful- please send a photo of the nuptials if possible.



  • Millie

    How else would you drink tonic water? Grinning

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman


    I did not know that about tonic water. I have several bottles of the delicious fever tree tonics in my fridge right now. I don’t add gin as alcohol doesn’t agree with me these days. If only....

    I am going to crack open a bottle when I get home 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m going to try tonic water for cramps. Thanks.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Your pyjamas wedding sounds the best thing I’ve heard all of my life about weddings. So cozy. I’m thinking of hot toddies and Horlick! In a way it sounds like that party with Julie Andrews in the princess Diaries. She ended up sliding down the stairs on a mattress!

  • That'd be a novel way to go down the aisle! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • Once again thank you all for your support and advice re tonic water - which I like so will get myself some. I do drink water although if I am being honest not enough.

    I will keep you all posted re the PJ's. I am hoping my divorce will be finalised by February and then we will get booking.

    I just hope the Registry Office will be on board with 30+ people turning up in their pyjamas :-)

  • Oh well done! I had forgotten about the tonic water, even although I take a glass an hour or so before going to bed! Something about a small amount of quinine in it that helps with cramps and restless legs! They'll be running out in the supermarket this weekend!!! Unfortunately I will also have it without alcohol as I'm still on antibiotics! It tastes nice on its own!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember

    Hello Lamlyn

    at this moment, I’m thinking about this wedding. It sounds better than Christmas! Oh I do hope you get your divorce and make this wonderful wedding a reality!

  • Hi ,

    I love the sound of the PJ's but would steer clear of arriving on a mattress,  it could come across as looking a bit eager!  Even more worrying as all the guests are in PJ's as well.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx