High days and low days

  • 52 replies
  • 43 subscribers


Just putting this out there don't know what order this post will come out in as I am just typing as I think of things so apologies in advance if it is bit mumbled, grammatically incorrect or full of typos.

I had my ONC appointment today - last scan was in OCTOBER yes OCTOBER. although I knew from my BCN that the cancer was stable, this was the first chance to speak to my ONC. I should be happy that I am stable mabel but it just serves as a reminder. I am on my week break from oral chemo so have worked out that I always feel low on my week break, does anyone else have these symptoms?

I am being sent for a further bone and CT scan in Jan so waiting for appointment.  ONC seem pleased at the moment so why am I not?  I think it just serves as a reminder whenever I have to see the ONC of my condition.

I have been on Leterzole since April and over the last few day my leg and particularly my calves are aching.  Calves cramp up.  I have not really had many side effect of Leterzole so far but think this maybe the start.  I know there are people who cannot tolerate this drug so am grateful for this and that the palbocicib appear to have shrunk the tumour.

Enough Maudling now I have things to be thankful for I have just returned from a fantastic 2week holiday - absolutely NO pain the sun and vitamin D did do wonders whilst I was away and I was spoilt rotten.

To completely change the subject now, my partner and I of 15 years are most likely getting married next year - if my divorce comes through (split from ex 19 years ago - long boring story) I want a pyjama wedding. EVERYONE wears PJs even me.  I will have a fancy designer pair.  I just want guests to be comfortable and will be a small registry office and celebration with about 30 people. Is that a stupid idea?

sorry for the  ramble. I hope all is going as good as it can be for my cyber friends  which means YOU

much  love


  • FormerMember

    just LOVE the idea of a pyjama wedding. 

  • Hi In reading your post, to be honest I do think you sound just like the rest of us here. It does seem mad that when they tell you the cancer is stable, you don't start jumping for joy. Probably like your friends and family are doing! Now if it meant no more scans,appointments, bloods etc then we would worry about it creeping back undetected, I think it's just human nature.

    Please speak to your BCN or member of your team about the cramping in your legs! Don't just put it down as a side effect of the drug. It may well be but get it checked one way or another, just to be safe. You are meant to report side effects as and when you get them, so you will be doing the right thing!

    Regards the PJ Wedding, does that mean everyone then Has to wear slippers?? How comfortable! Just make it a spring or summer wedding!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    yes of course slippers.  My cousin is going through treatment at the moment, one of my best friends, so I have said to her, her hat can be an Andy Pandy one. 

    My best friend is talking about making a bouquet as a hot water bottle how cool is that.

    It will be an intimate affair but fun I think.

    I will speak to BCN re cramping if it continues when I see her after the Christmas Break.  I did wear heals to my team meal last week so it may also be that. I have not done heels in a couple of years and went for a 5inch block number - was walking like a duck as had them on all day at work as well.

  • Hi IamLyn

    Jammies and slippers, a wedding no one will forget! Makes me smile thinking about it, it'll make for the giggliest, happiest, most photographed wedding. All bystanders will want to photograph it for proof when they tell their friends about it!

    On the subject of the highs and lows, I go through those, sometimes several times a day. I agree with Annette, you have described just about everyone here. Don't worry if you think your post isn't perfect, I have read hundreds and I've never yet seen any criticism, everyone is here to give support.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    a pyjama wedding what a fabulous idea!!!! I think it will be an amazing day.

    hope today you are feeling well xxx

  • Roobarb, TVman, Adnav(Annette), maybug

    Thank you all for your support, I must admit the more we talk about the more I am definitely going to have this theme.

    Everyone will be so comfortable, I have just looked at the brand new community centre being opened 5mins walk from me (opens 23 December) and they have rooms to hire, with bar and catering facilities so this seems perfect.

    I will rock out on a nice pair of designer pyjamas and I really don't care what sort of PJ's people wear just get into the theme.  It will not be a large wedding just those nearest and dearest who are aware of my condition.  And unlike the first time I got married, we will invite those that are important in our lives and not a second cousin three time removed that never see.

    We are not going to have a cake, official photographer or anything like that.  I probably going to give disposable cameras to some of the guests to snap away.  as for our song not a slush one - we met around the time when Peter Kay was at number 1 with Tony Christie show me the way to Amarillo so that's what we will dance to.

    Everyone sing

    sha la la la la la la la

    Just got to get the pesky divorce finalised (not together for 20 year) and then all systems go

    I am feeling well today and looking forward to a those two days off next week.

    Once again than you all for support my cyber supporters. I hope you are all well today.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to IamLyn


    Your wedding plans sound absolutely perfect. I really value being comfortable and the idea of being able to get back in a pair of jim jams with my slippers on is my idea of heaven. Go for it!

    Leg cramps can be really nasty. I get them sometimes although they’re not drug related I don’t think. My first go to remedy is to keep drinking water. I find that really helps. Actually I find drinking plenty of water really helps most things. Low blood pressure, feeling queasy, leg cramps… You name it.


  • Hi  Yes it all sounds fantastic. The hot water bouquets could come in very handy if it's a cold month!

    I agree about the water, I've drunk gallons these past weeks, hoping to flush this bacteria out of my system!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Heya Iamlyn, 

    Regarding leg cramps, rather than just drinking water, drink a glass of tonic water each morning. 

    For chronic leg cramps, doctors prescribe quinine tablets which have some nasty side effects for some folks. However quinine is also found in tonic water, and sometimes a glass of that a day is enough to sort out any cramps that are going on. It certainly sorted mine out when I first started on Ramipril! 

    Hope it helps! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.