Oh no!

  • 63 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone

Just wanted to let you know what happened to me earlier today.

It's a usual Tuesday morning, my wife and son leave for work about 8.15am, and just me and the dog left. It was a horrible morning, wind howling and  rain falling incessantly. No point getting up and freezing with no heating on, I'll be going to the MacMillan exercise class about 12. I'll stay in bed.

About 11.00am the doorbell rang and I made my way slowly up the hall turned left and there's a Yodel van and the driver standing with a large box. Now I'm wearing pyjamas and a pair of socks. So I open the inside door into the porch, squeeze my way into the porch, keeping the dog in the hall and closed the door behind me, opened the front door and signed the delivery guy's pad, thanked him, closed the front door and turned around to open the inside door.

It's locked! It's locked! Am I sure? Tried it again and yes, it's definitely locked! OMG. Ok, what now? I have no keys hidden anywhere. Right! Think, think! My wife and son both work in Comber, about 8 miles away. My mother in law lives over the hill from me about ½ mile away, and my brother in law, Peter also over the hill, just, but Peter, he's at work in Belfast. I need to ring my wife to get her to come home and let me in which is why I'm going to my mother in law's, aged 95, to use her phone. 

Well, it's still raining and quite breezy and I have no choice but to try to make it to her house, in my pyjamas and socks. Remember, I'm a wheelchair user, however I can walk a little but then the pain, in shovelfuls, kicks in. I had to rest against trees, hang on to gates and branches. Not one car passed me, although I'm not sure a driver would have stopped for a rain soaked, bent over man, his face contorted with pain. I wouldn't. All the time I was thinking, "neutropenic, neutrophils, neutropenia, death of cold, death FROM cold". I was freezing and starting to get a little numb.

I had just gone over the crest of the hill and my brother in law came round the side of his house to the roadside. I shouted "Peter, Peter" and he stopped in his tracks, turned around and a look of disbelief came over his face. He told me later that when he saw me walking towards him, water dripping off my face, wearing just pyjamas and socks which were dripping wet, well, you can guess the rest. In hope he asked "Locked out?" and I could only nod!

He brought me into the house, gave me clean dry socks and drove me to Comber, picked up my son's keys and drove me home. I even had time to go to the leisure centre, I missed the exercise class but I was just in time for the Christmas dinner, yay! I tell you what, I had the most interesting topic to talk about.

Hope you enjoyed that


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dear as you can see from all the responses your post has generated that whilst we are all very relieved you came to no harm, it has also given us all a little chuckle. In my mind you will be forever more Frank Spencer reborn. So from now on whenever you are answering the door put your mobile phone in your dressing gown pocket and keep your slippers on ! just in case, and that’s an order ! ! !

  • Hi and and all Frank Spencer fans

    Joy I was tempted to say that Frank Spencer was before my time, I'm only 61 lol but I was desperately hoping for any car or van to come by so I could jump onto the bonnet or roof and cling on as far as my mother in law's house! Unfortunately nothing passed me as I limped, bent over double, hanging onto field gates, trees and hedges.

    I've managed to find a steel key safe on Amazon for £7.59 with free delivery. Now to get a set of keys copied.

    Keep laughing everyone, I now smile when I think about it Slight smile, I think.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Now that I have just read your post. I can understand the Frank Spencer feedback. I bet this is going to be a big part of the Christmas Day talk.  Good job Peter was there. Glad you are okay. 

  • FormerMember

    OMG poor you, you are both inspirational (for still going out after all that trauma) and a trooper, I hope you are recovering ok.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi TVman,

    Incredible story, what a nightmare- glad you made it to safely with no infection after. Another thought for back door/garden hiding. They make small hollow rocks just for this purpose -perfect for garden key hiding.

    Stay well no happy!



  • Hi Millie

    Yes, I've seen those rocks, I was surprised I didn't see them when I googled key safes. 

    Have you moved house or is it too early yet? 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dear TVman,

    My house no longer in escrow the lady’s family nixed the deal. Back on the market.

    So poor me, I have to send a couple more months in Kauai ;-) a silver lining of sorts . When something bad happens I always ask what is good about this? I usually find something.

    As for the Key Rock, go to Amazon and search 

    “hide key rock” when I did a lot of them popped up. 

    You may want a couple of them ;-)

    I’m so glad you did not get sick TVman.  Coincidentally, I got locked out of my house a month ago. Two neighbors had keys but could not locate them ... go figure I now have a key safe myself. 

    I return to Kauai on December 23rd  I’ll get my garden in shape and send photos to cheer you up in the cold of winter.  

    Do you put out bulbs vases with hyacinths in the house during cold of winter, when I stay in Mill Valley I do and Amaryllis in pots in the house. Actually  I have Amaryllis in Kauai right now. Really cheers up Christmas. Also I have herbs growing inside on any sunny windows sills.

    Hugs to you and to all our friends in the community and happy rock hunting!!


  • Hi / Millie,

    Does it make me a bad person that I am a little bit pleased that we will still be able to get descriptions of your Kauai garden for a little bit longer.  It is lovely to hear the descriptions of flowers that I know growing freely in a much warmer climate.

    I do of course hope that you can find a buyer for your house but perhaps when our weather improves a bit over here?

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Ahh Gragon,

    Thanks for your kind words-!it makes me happy too . 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    This year I got a key safe. I had one of the parish councillors install it on the wall away from prying eyes as you never know who may be trying to see the code put in. But a few weeks ago, while my mum was home, someone tried to get in the house. They had damaged the key safe. It was a good job the key wasn’t inside it. Right now it is bent out of shape with having had a crowbar trying to open it.