Oh no!

  • 63 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone

Just wanted to let you know what happened to me earlier today.

It's a usual Tuesday morning, my wife and son leave for work about 8.15am, and just me and the dog left. It was a horrible morning, wind howling and  rain falling incessantly. No point getting up and freezing with no heating on, I'll be going to the MacMillan exercise class about 12. I'll stay in bed.

About 11.00am the doorbell rang and I made my way slowly up the hall turned left and there's a Yodel van and the driver standing with a large box. Now I'm wearing pyjamas and a pair of socks. So I open the inside door into the porch, squeeze my way into the porch, keeping the dog in the hall and closed the door behind me, opened the front door and signed the delivery guy's pad, thanked him, closed the front door and turned around to open the inside door.

It's locked! It's locked! Am I sure? Tried it again and yes, it's definitely locked! OMG. Ok, what now? I have no keys hidden anywhere. Right! Think, think! My wife and son both work in Comber, about 8 miles away. My mother in law lives over the hill from me about ½ mile away, and my brother in law, Peter also over the hill, just, but Peter, he's at work in Belfast. I need to ring my wife to get her to come home and let me in which is why I'm going to my mother in law's, aged 95, to use her phone. 

Well, it's still raining and quite breezy and I have no choice but to try to make it to her house, in my pyjamas and socks. Remember, I'm a wheelchair user, however I can walk a little but then the pain, in shovelfuls, kicks in. I had to rest against trees, hang on to gates and branches. Not one car passed me, although I'm not sure a driver would have stopped for a rain soaked, bent over man, his face contorted with pain. I wouldn't. All the time I was thinking, "neutropenic, neutrophils, neutropenia, death of cold, death FROM cold". I was freezing and starting to get a little numb.

I had just gone over the crest of the hill and my brother in law came round the side of his house to the roadside. I shouted "Peter, Peter" and he stopped in his tracks, turned around and a look of disbelief came over his face. He told me later that when he saw me walking towards him, water dripping off my face, wearing just pyjamas and socks which were dripping wet, well, you can guess the rest. In hope he asked "Locked out?" and I could only nod!

He brought me into the house, gave me clean dry socks and drove me to Comber, picked up my son's keys and drove me home. I even had time to go to the leisure centre, I missed the exercise class but I was just in time for the Christmas dinner, yay! I tell you what, I had the most interesting topic to talk about.

Hope you enjoyed that


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Honestly, ! What is wrong with people? I hope this incident hasn’t left you feeling vulnerable. Would they have got the key if it had been inside the safe? 

    I am sorry to hear your house sale has fallen through, . But how nice to enjoy your garden a little longer. 

    My garden is pretty much asleep for the winter now. There’s still one single red rose coming out of its bud so slowly that it might be part of a fairy tale. The snowdrops are still a few weeks away but once they appear the promise of spring will be in the air.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Dear MCLKid

    everybody has been talking about your garden. You must have written with a great vision of your garden for everybody here to speak of it. It sounds a wonderful place.

    daloni, they might have got the key.but they didn’t. I do feel more vulnerable on my own but it’s been this way for 8 months now but I have my cats, all the people at church, the pub over the road, taxi drivers that care, lots of people in town. I would miss them if I moved away. My cats have been naughty today. I’d bought a large bag of dreamiest. But like most of you I was tired and fell asleep. When I woke up, there was a teeth torn empty bag. Draco keeps jumping up to the overhead ceiling light, swinging on it.

    Does anyone find themselves more scared these days. Worry more? Panic more? 

    Chokamaski. means thanks in Native American

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    It sounds like you have good people around you. That’s so important. 

    I find I worry less and panic less if I’m honest. I think it’s a by product of meditation. Having learnt to examine my feelings with a spirit of inquiry but no judgement, I have been able to see worry and panic for what they are: thoughts. As such, they can’t hurt me and I can let them go. I hope I’m explaining this in some way that makes sense. 



    I was so sorry to read about your key box! Is there nothing sacred these days? I hope you can replace it with a reenforced one they can't break! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I see from Daloni's post your house sale fell through. I hadn't read it anywhere but just wanted to say I'm a great one for saying "what's for you, won't go past you" So I do believe it's for a purpose, only time will tell! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Tvman & Everyone,

    When I read about Millie posting some photos of her house once she gets back, then you saying the site might crash if she put on a virtual tour. It gave me an idea! I put Kauai into Google and 'voila' up came an Air Tours site! Now I know it's not Millie's house & garden but the next best thing maybe! It's stunning scenery with stunning coastlines and definitely worth a look, if you are interested! Me? I'm interested in everything!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear ,

    I am not unhappy, a couple of more months in Kauai is great especially when 

    Dan Francisco of cold, wet and dark.  It will give me a chance to get the spring garden going.

    Alls good, and I like you believe things happen for a reason and I usually find something good in the outcome.

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Hugs to all,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    When I was first treated, my beautiful garden was neglected because I just could not get out of bed or even ear correctly - but I am feeling better and doing well. And feel like getting my hands in the dirt (with double gloves of course.  I would like to share it with the Community when I have it back in shape.

    It is more of an act of recovery and joy that I have my strength back. Will keep you all posted as I progress.

    Yes, I find myself stressed and worried now and again. MCL without a stem transplant has an average OS of 3 years I am coming into my 6th year so that is reason for celebration also. But the cancer is always lurking.  I do what I can to fight it and then forget it. Do what you can do and then have courage to enjoy life as you see fit. Do not let the disease kill your happiness or spirit 

    Matter of fact my birthday is December 21st and my family and I are going out and learning to fly a little camera drone.  Should be fun.

    Hugs to all,


  • Hi Annette

    You're so right, Kauai is a beautiful island, a heaven-sent paradise. 

    When , Millie, began to contribute, she mentioned where she lived and frankly (sorry Millie) I had not a clue where it was and I googled it, to be pleasantly surprised to see beautiful sun-kissed beaches and clear blue waters to match the bright blue sky (Millie, I hope my description has done your location justice). 

    As far as I know, Millie is the only one who hails from that part of the world? 

    As for me, I am located in the Strangford Lough area, An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It is Northern Ireland's first Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) and also has been designated a Special Area of Conservation under the EU Habitats Directive. It is as breathtakingly lovely as it sounds. It is the largest inlet in the British Isles, containing some 70 islands, and to watch the tide rushing in an out of the inlet is amazing, making it the ideal spot to install a tidal turbine for the generation of electricity.

    Hope I've done my location justice lol.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi there 

    Kauai and Strangford Lough are both gorgeous. How wonderful it would be to take a tour of the homes of this group and visit these stunning places. I shall have to do it virtually. 

    I live in a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Kent. I am right on the southern edge of the North Downs, famous for orchids and beech woods. Some of the country lanes round here are those deep cut lanes that have been used for thousands of years by drovers moving pigs to feed on the beech nuts. In spring there are spots where it’s bluebells as far as the eye can see. In autumn the beech woods are gold as the leaves change colour. Right at the edge of the Downs you can see across the Weald of Kent to the South Downs some 30 miles away. It’s stunning. 

    Happy Sunday everyone. I shall enjoy the solstice all the better for knowing it’s your birthday, Millie
