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Hi Gang, Well the day before we went to Salou for a fortnight, I had my six month check after my spinal decompression op. They took an X-ray and the surgeon admired his metal handiwork which is now holding my spine together. He was very pleased and told me there would be no need to make a further appointment but I could phone his secretary if I started having problems. So off we went on holiday!  

When we got back, there was a letter from him asking me to contact his secretary to make an appointment as he now had the written report for the X-ray. I phoned and was told I'd need a CT scan which they had already booked for me as well as a further aptm for his clinic to discuss the results. The latter was last Monday 28th! On the X-ray & scan there was a shadow just at the bottom of my right shoulder blade. The consultant examined my back and felt a lump. He explained that he was going to take a biopsy to be sent away but after the scan, he said it was too deep to do it with a local anaesthetic so suggested surgery to remove it with a GA then they will send it for biopsy.

Next he said he had arranged to do the pre-op assessment there and then, which came as a bit of a shock as you can imagine!   However, that's it done and now it's just a case of waiting for a date to get it removed! I phoned his secretary once we got home, to tell here we had booked to go to Manchester from 5-10 Dec inclusive to see the Christmas Markets etc but I also said I didn't expect to get word as quick as that but was just letting her know anyway! We all know urgent can mean 6-12 weeks with the NHS, so I won't hold my breath!

So there you have it! I've had a few other lumps etc removed in the six years since stage4 dx but this is the first they can't do at the clinic with a local anaesthetic! Up until Monday we hadn't said anything about it to our son and daughter and to see "that look" again on their faces was heartbreaking! I'm trying to be upbeat about it, smiling and saying it could be nothing of course! Any prayers, I would be grateful for, they certainly can't hurt! This will be my eleventh surgery but you never get used to it! Take Care everyone!

  • Hi Tink, Our grandchildren are Ella 4years Leah 7years and Clint 5 years! Just the right ages for Christmas and so excited! It has taken me three days to recover but it was well worth it!

    I hope your dolls house is finished now and you can relax!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Everyone, Well I think I have finally caught up on my rest! Just as well because in the morning my husband and I are off to Manchester to see their Christmas Markets and the decorations in the Trafford Centre etc! The last few years we have been going to different Markets in December. Amsterdam, Berlin, Munich but this year because I knew I was having an op so we decided not to fly anywhere this year. In previous years we have been to various towns in Scotland.

    We get the train in the morning to Manchester Piccadilly and we are staying in a hotel until Tuesday morning when we return home. As it is just the two of us going, we can take our time and go at our own pace and rest when we feel like it!

    I had an appointment with the practise nurse today, for a wound check and she was very pleased with how it is looking! All I need now are the biopsy results to be good! That's not too much to ask for, is it???

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    Have a wonderful time! Put those biopsy results out of your mind for now (although fingers crossed, obviously). I hope Manchester matches up to Munich for lights and Christmas magic 

    lots of love xxxx

  • Hi Annette

    Have a wonderful time, as you say there is only the two of you so if you want to stop at any time you won't feel stressed that your friends or family won't want to stop 10 minutes after the last halt.

    Much as you love your friends and family, when it's just you and your husband, you can fully relax.

    I have never been to any other Christmas market than the one in the grounds of Belfast City Hall. I won't be going there this year though because it's more or less the same thing year after year, except the prices are higher for drinks and food!

    Looking forward to hearing what Manchester market is like

    Have fun Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear Annette, I hope you have a magical time on your trip to Manchester to visit the Christmas markets. I have never been to the Trafford centre at Christmas but believe they put on a fantastic display. The good thing is they have lots of parking and plenty of facilities so you can spend the whole day there if you want. Have fun fun and more fun ! ! !

  • Hi Annette,

    I am pleased  wound is healing well. 

    Enjoy Manchester. The Christmas markets are fun we are going to Bath on Saturday to the market and for lunch, it is always very festive there.

    the last time we went to Manchester there were a lot of homeless on the streets I feel for them in the cold and at at Christmas. I will try and give some money for them this year.

    hope you get the results of your biopsy soon. The waiting is horrible.

    it is my birthday today I am 67 and not sure if I will make 68 but I will concentrate on enjoying life and I have a break from the tablet until January so can eat and drink over Christmas.

    We go out for a Marla with my daughter and her fiancé and 2 friends of ours tonight 

    love Ruth xxx


  • Hi Ruth, MANY HAPPY RETURNS!! Hope you have a great day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Happy birthday,   

    Enjoy your day, and the evening out.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Anndav

    Have a wonderful time and lots of fun, enjoy your stay . Take care

  • Hi Ruth

    Happy birthday to you  Slight smile. Have a great day

    You have the right idea about enjoying life, that's what we have to do. Someone up there likes you, you're going to be able to relax, to a certain extent, over Christmas, no treatment. 

    I feel sorry for those that are sleeping rough over Christmas although part of me is wondering if they are professional beggars. Instead of giving them money in case it's spent on drink or drugs, I nip in somewhere and buy them a hot sausage roll or a burger or similar. I've never yet been turned down because the recipient is vegetarian or vegan! It's not as easy to pass them whilst suddenly becoming interested on the opposite pavement. I'm in a chair, slowly coming towards them at their height. I usually get a cheerful hello because they have sympathy. 

    Enjoy the rest of your day, Ruth. Btw, what's a Marla?

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.