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Hi Gang, Well the day before we went to Salou for a fortnight, I had my six month check after my spinal decompression op. They took an X-ray and the surgeon admired his metal handiwork which is now holding my spine together. He was very pleased and told me there would be no need to make a further appointment but I could phone his secretary if I started having problems. So off we went on holiday!  

When we got back, there was a letter from him asking me to contact his secretary to make an appointment as he now had the written report for the X-ray. I phoned and was told I'd need a CT scan which they had already booked for me as well as a further aptm for his clinic to discuss the results. The latter was last Monday 28th! On the X-ray & scan there was a shadow just at the bottom of my right shoulder blade. The consultant examined my back and felt a lump. He explained that he was going to take a biopsy to be sent away but after the scan, he said it was too deep to do it with a local anaesthetic so suggested surgery to remove it with a GA then they will send it for biopsy.

Next he said he had arranged to do the pre-op assessment there and then, which came as a bit of a shock as you can imagine!   However, that's it done and now it's just a case of waiting for a date to get it removed! I phoned his secretary once we got home, to tell here we had booked to go to Manchester from 5-10 Dec inclusive to see the Christmas Markets etc but I also said I didn't expect to get word as quick as that but was just letting her know anyway! We all know urgent can mean 6-12 weeks with the NHS, so I won't hold my breath!

So there you have it! I've had a few other lumps etc removed in the six years since stage4 dx but this is the first they can't do at the clinic with a local anaesthetic! Up until Monday we hadn't said anything about it to our son and daughter and to see "that look" again on their faces was heartbreaking! I'm trying to be upbeat about it, smiling and saying it could be nothing of course! Any prayers, I would be grateful for, they certainly can't hurt! This will be my eleventh surgery but you never get used to it! Take Care everyone!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Hi lass

    i understand how weight is an issue. I was tiny but thanks to cancer and eating like mad during chemotherapy i have increased gradually and am now trying to lose rather than gain weight .i am not physically disabled but not as active as bc (BEFORE CANCER ) 

    I now go to a class run by the council for ladies who have had or still have cancer ,it is fab ,who knew you could do so many things with those stretcher pieces of material ? 

    Keep active 

    positive thoughts 


  • Hey Janet, 

    I just bought some of those stretchy things as it looks like they'll be used in my routines. Also got some of those ankle and wrist weights.

    However today I'm not doing any routines because I've been attacking my attic bedroom. I think a heart rate of between 180 and 220 for 3 hours is enough of a workout for the day! Lol

    Turns out I need tape to secure the carpet down, so I've ordered that from Amazon. When it arrives I'll secure it all down so there are no lumps and wrinkles, then tidy up the edges. 

    But I'm pooped! 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Wow, , you really worked on that bedroom. I love your helpers.

    And yes, I am moon-faced and puffy. I had lymphoedema anyway, but now

    I have a little reservoir above my collarbone and a swollen belly.

    Trying hard not to overeat. Succeeding about half the time. 

    Wonder what happened to my will power?

  • Hi   Yes that's the dose of vitamin D I take also but without the extra monthly one. I have been taking it for quite a few years now. My oncologist insisted I got tested, she said anyone with Melanoma or indeed any kind of skin cancer should have their vitamin D level checked. I wonder why you weren't told about your cholesterol level at the other clinic, that seems very strange as it's so important to keep an eye on it! Good for you speaking to your GP about it. I have a terrific GP and feel free to ask him about anything!

    Well, I'm afraid I didn't make it to the school Fayre last night and won't make it to the Marie Curie Christmas Fayre this morning either. I'm so disappointed. The surgeon did say on Wednesday that he had put a large amount of local anaesthetic into the wound during the op because he had to go in so deep and that I would know when it began to ware off! He  wasn't joking! Yesterday afternoon it was murder! It is also -5 here and the cold affects my arthritis! So decided to rest the extra couple of days and make a huge effort to go out with all the family on Sunday where we have been going the first Sunday in December since our first grandchild was born (she is now 7)! It's always been a fantastic day out followed by a meal out on the way home. We would have changed it this year to next weekend but my husband and I are going away Thursday for a long weekend!! So at least I've got a few days in between to rest. Stitches come out Wednes

     I had a few treatment breaks while on the drug (different to you) and at first I used to worry it wouldn't work if I had to stop it for a while. However it obviously didn't make any difference and I too used to look forward to some 'normal' time! Just enjoy however long or short your break might be!


    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Sorry your shoulder is so painful. It will probably take a while to heal if it is that deep.

    Rest as much as you can and go out after you have taken pain tablets.

    i am now taking paracetamol regularly every day and it seems to control the headaches for now.

    yes we have wills and POA but the joint account with my mother made life much easier as I could carry on using the account after she died.

    i do want to change my will to leave a lump sum to each of my children so they won’t have to wait for it and my son could put it towards buying a house without paying inheritance tax.

    we have lunch out tomorrow with our daughter and her fiancé and his parents plus our son is driving up from Oxford to join us. He has got a new job at UCL and will be moving to London in the New Year.

    Love Ruth x


  • Hi Ruth, I am also taking paracetamol regularly now since I can't take anti inflammatory drugs (because of the liver) I think the oncologist once told me they increase the effects of the Morphogesic, so anything that helps!

    Yes it's a good idea to get everything sorted, it certainly gives you peace of mind, knowing your children won't have any hassle once you are not around!

    Just to let you know, the lump was at the bottom of my shoulder blade, more on my back than shoulder! Yes it's certainly painful now, much worse than yesterday but I'm sure it will calm down soon.

    Your lunch tomorrow sounds lovely and the fact your son is driving up too, will be the icing on the cake! It's great he has a new job but how does he feel about living and working in London! It's very expensive but I'm sure he will enjoy the buzz down there!

    Enjoy lunch tomorrow. Thanks for your concern.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  •  I'm so sorry, I must have misread your post. I hadn't realised you had come off Pembro altogether. A break is maybe just what your system needs. There are other immunotherapy drugs around and maybe your reaction to them may not be as severe. It's a bit of trial and error! Have they mentioned any other treatment or change of drug yet? I hope things settle down soon for you. I just hated being on steroids, although they worked well, I always felt they were kidding me on that I was better than I was because as soon as I started to reduce them, it wasn't long before I felt yuck again! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Oh, that's ok,   I probably wasn't clear. 

    I had my latest scan results on Monday, and my lung mets have grown, in spite of the Pembro. It may have slowed the progression - there's no way to tell - but it wasn't stopping it. That would have disqualified me from the trial even without the colitis.

    There aren't many treatments out there for triple negative breast cancer that has proven impervious to chemotherapy, as mine has. But there is research. My docs are considering a new trial for me - plasmaMATCH. I'd get Olaparib in combination with something new that only has a number. 

    I hope you're well enough for your family day out tomorrow. It sounds like a lovely tradition. Fingers crossed.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I 've not posted much --last time i did , not sure where my message went.

    I  have Metaplastic Triple Negative Breast Cancer,  Found in  Aug 2017  i had 12 Chemo sessions --it had doubled in sze.

    Next came Mastectomy  Jan 2018 , followed by 5 weeks of Radiation.  Finished and all seemed O K went to my sons

    in France for a month over Christmas. (also celebrated a BIG birthday).

    Taken to A & E March 2019 suspect Appendix-- they found the Cancer had gone into my lungs. That was 6 months ago waited for

    a couple of months it was growing, i was hoping to go on the OLAPARIB + TRIAL i was turned down as i am on heart meds.

    I started on Capecitabin 3 weeks on 1 off, i have been taken off it as my hands were very bad with Neuropathy  and it is

    very difficult to live with, thank goodness i can still drive.

    I see my Oncologist on Monday Dec 2 wondering if there is anything left to try, Metaplastic  TNBC cancels lots of meds

    as you know. I will be interested in anything they try for you.

    Will look for your new postings Hope you find something soon.

    C J

  • Hi I'm sure it was more my fault than yours! Anyway what a shame Pembro didn't do its work for you. It's good your docs are looking into a new trial for you! When I started the trial drug I was on, it only had a number before they named it Dabrafenib! It doesn't really matter what they call it, as long as it works it's magic for you, which I hope it does!

    Yes, it is a great day out. Aaalthough when you say Garden Centre I think it gives the wrong impression, as this is much better than that. You can have a look (if you can be bothered) at Google. Gouldings Garden Centre Carluke. I'm obviously not going to get much sleep, as usual, but we are definitely going in the morning, our grandchildren (& me too) are very excited!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!