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Hi Gang, Well the day before we went to Salou for a fortnight, I had my six month check after my spinal decompression op. They took an X-ray and the surgeon admired his metal handiwork which is now holding my spine together. He was very pleased and told me there would be no need to make a further appointment but I could phone his secretary if I started having problems. So off we went on holiday!  

When we got back, there was a letter from him asking me to contact his secretary to make an appointment as he now had the written report for the X-ray. I phoned and was told I'd need a CT scan which they had already booked for me as well as a further aptm for his clinic to discuss the results. The latter was last Monday 28th! On the X-ray & scan there was a shadow just at the bottom of my right shoulder blade. The consultant examined my back and felt a lump. He explained that he was going to take a biopsy to be sent away but after the scan, he said it was too deep to do it with a local anaesthetic so suggested surgery to remove it with a GA then they will send it for biopsy.

Next he said he had arranged to do the pre-op assessment there and then, which came as a bit of a shock as you can imagine!   However, that's it done and now it's just a case of waiting for a date to get it removed! I phoned his secretary once we got home, to tell here we had booked to go to Manchester from 5-10 Dec inclusive to see the Christmas Markets etc but I also said I didn't expect to get word as quick as that but was just letting her know anyway! We all know urgent can mean 6-12 weeks with the NHS, so I won't hold my breath!

So there you have it! I've had a few other lumps etc removed in the six years since stage4 dx but this is the first they can't do at the clinic with a local anaesthetic! Up until Monday we hadn't said anything about it to our son and daughter and to see "that look" again on their faces was heartbreaking! I'm trying to be upbeat about it, smiling and saying it could be nothing of course! Any prayers, I would be grateful for, they certainly can't hurt! This will be my eleventh surgery but you never get used to it! Take Care everyone!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Love family and llife xx

  • Hi  To be honest, I quite enjoyed the single room. I'm not one for talking to "strangers" about what's wrong or anything. Between my Kindle, iPad and Nintendo, I can pass my time fine. Of course the Open Visiting was a Godsend!  Anyway, new hospital or not, After my last op in March, I got home with e-coli that took eight weeks to get rid of, so I was adamant I wasn't staying IN this time!

    Well, Hi  I don't think we have 'met' here before and when I looked at your Profile Page, there is nothing filled in yet! Have you just joined us or have you been lurking in the background for a while? Whatever the case "Welcome"!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi

    And a very warm welcome from me too, I hope you're not awake at 4.30am because of pain like Annette and me, Hellsbells202. Interesting username my friend: Slight smile


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Good luck sweetheart. Xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Glad you were able to have the op, , and that they allowed you home so soon afterwards. Good luck with the results.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Good job on the cholesterol and weight loss, . I'm trying hard not to go in the opposite direction. Steroids are making me permanently hungry.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    I had to spend 10 days in hospital with immunotherapy induced colitis in September. I've never been so grateful for a room with my own en-suite.Open mouth I couldn't have handled a queue.

  • Hi I know exactly what you mean about having your own en-suite, good point! How are you doing?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    I'm in the middle of another episode, unfortunately. It's an autoimmune reaction to the Pembrolizumab I've been taking as part of a clinical trial. I had a nine week gap while they brought it under control with steroids, & then weaned me off those. But as soon as I restarted Pembro, it happened again. 

    So now I'm off the trial, off Pembro, and back on steroids. Permanently hungry, awake all night, and yet always tired. Oh the joys! It does mean I'm going to gave an enforced break from treatment, though, and I think I'm looking forward to that. 

  • Hey Annette, 

    Yeh, it was all bad news on Monday when I saw the endocrinologist. But when I saw the GP yesterday I was able to get him to look at things in more detail which is how I found my cholesterol was actually down rather than up! 

    And yes, lots of similarities between us but from starting at different places. I always say that I never had thyroid problems, I just have thyroid cancer. Lol. Stupid gland was working fine hormonally, it just decided to go cancerous and then spread it everywhere!

    As for what are they doing, I'm to stay on my 3,200 IU a day of Vitamin D, but I've to also take 40,000 once a month as well. My dose of thyroxine has been increased and we'll retest that next year. And I've been told to lose weight. Hence my blog post the other day going aaaaarghhh.

    As for the 10lb loss, I've cut my calorie intake down to as close to 900 as I can manage. Then I've also found an exercise class at the Macmillan centre that's being run by a lady from Leeds University who lectures in PE and how to adapt exercises and routines for people with disabilities. So it's like having my very own personal trainer as we're working out what I can and can't do, then putting it into a routine. Seen her twice so far. Then she's also put me in touch with a lady who does a similar thing, but for the council and in gyms. So we're going to do a similar thing to lead on after the 8 sessions with the first lady are done. On top of that, I found some routines on my Samsung Health app that I can do. So I do a 4 minute, 7 minute, and 11 minute one as many days as I can, though a few of the exercises are modified as I can't do them as is. 

    good luck fighting the steroid moon face and weight increase! My weight hasn't come from steroids, but from PCOS, thyroid issues, and progesterone therapy - all topped off with a complete lack of activity and a whole bunch of comfort eating. So doing what I can now to reverse it all.

    Just trying to decide what to do at Christmas at the moment. Not sure if I should just let go and enjoy, enjoy the food and ban the booze, or stick to the diet as best I can. Decisions decisions. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.