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  • 44 subscribers

Hi Gang, Well the day before we went to Salou for a fortnight, I had my six month check after my spinal decompression op. They took an X-ray and the surgeon admired his metal handiwork which is now holding my spine together. He was very pleased and told me there would be no need to make a further appointment but I could phone his secretary if I started having problems. So off we went on holiday!  

When we got back, there was a letter from him asking me to contact his secretary to make an appointment as he now had the written report for the X-ray. I phoned and was told I'd need a CT scan which they had already booked for me as well as a further aptm for his clinic to discuss the results. The latter was last Monday 28th! On the X-ray & scan there was a shadow just at the bottom of my right shoulder blade. The consultant examined my back and felt a lump. He explained that he was going to take a biopsy to be sent away but after the scan, he said it was too deep to do it with a local anaesthetic so suggested surgery to remove it with a GA then they will send it for biopsy.

Next he said he had arranged to do the pre-op assessment there and then, which came as a bit of a shock as you can imagine!   However, that's it done and now it's just a case of waiting for a date to get it removed! I phoned his secretary once we got home, to tell here we had booked to go to Manchester from 5-10 Dec inclusive to see the Christmas Markets etc but I also said I didn't expect to get word as quick as that but was just letting her know anyway! We all know urgent can mean 6-12 weeks with the NHS, so I won't hold my breath!

So there you have it! I've had a few other lumps etc removed in the six years since stage4 dx but this is the first they can't do at the clinic with a local anaesthetic! Up until Monday we hadn't said anything about it to our son and daughter and to see "that look" again on their faces was heartbreaking! I'm trying to be upbeat about it, smiling and saying it could be nothing of course! Any prayers, I would be grateful for, they certainly can't hurt! This will be my eleventh surgery but you never get used to it! Take Care everyone!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dear TV Man, I am so sorry to hear your news, I have just read it now as I am a computer dork who finds everything late or by mistake!! I think everyone on this forum cares about you, you always reply with support, understanding and great humour and I have great respect for someone who cheers me on to eat cake in the middle of the night !!    I personally find it a privilege to have "met" people like yourself and the other long term members of the forum and I hope one day to meet you all in person. In the meantime, thank you for taking the time and trouble to show you care.With love and good wishes for better future results  xxx

  • Sorry to hear your news Tvman. Wish I could wave a magic wand and cure all of us. How are you feeling?

    Take care, keep safe


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi Annette

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have been so ill and you had been looking forward to seeing the Christmas lights in Manchester. I agree with Vince, you should have gone to hospital to get checked out, you never know what may be going on inside. At the same time I can understand that you want to see the Trafford Centre.

    Consider going to see your GP if you still feel poorly when you get home Annette please. 

    I want to write more but I keep dozing off and my finger is deleting. That's the third time I have written this paragraph.

    Take care Annette

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear , best laid plans ! You are obviously made of strong stuff to carry on with trip, but make sure you see your doctor if you don’t feel better soon. It’s always a game of Russian roulette when you eat out, we’re not even permitted to have a prepackaged sandwich at dialysis as we all have dodgy immune systems, so it’s tea and biscuits for us ! I hope you enjoy the nativity play it’s a magical thing to watch.

  • Hi Tvman & Jane (Johnty) Thank you for taking the time to write with advice, I do appreciate it! I did original think it would be a 24 hour thing and didn't want to spend time in another hospital. However, it's been a bit more serious than that and I will go to see my GP once we get home. We leave tomorrow! Apart from Thursday when we arrived, the only day I've been out was yesterday for a while. Thought I had turned a corner and would make it out again today, but just couldn't! We didn't get to see the two main places we wanted, Albert Square and the Trafford Centre but the hotel is on Piccadilly Gardens and it is lovely, at least we've seen that! Lol! I feel so bad for my husband, he has nothing but concern and love and hasn't complained at all! I tried everything to get him to go sightseeing on his own but he wouldn't!

    At the moment I'll just be happy to get home, not looking forward to the train journey! Oh Tvman, so pleased you managed to get in touch with your friends' son!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Oh Annette! 

    What a huge disappointment! I know how much you were looking forward to going to Manchester to see the Christmas fair and all the lights. You must be so sad to have missed them.

    I must say I’m not in agreement about going to hospital. The news this week was at 11,000 beds have been shut in the NHS due to the winter vomiting bug so everyone in the hospitals was under incredible strain. You could’ve ended up waiting hours in A&E feeling just dreadful only to be told it was the dreaded winter vomiting bug. If things had been going really bad you would’ve known it and Vince would’ve called in ambulance.
    I know home is the best place to be but honestly? A hotel room with clean sheets changed by someone else has to be a pretty good second best.

    I hope your GP can help sort you out soon. But most of all I hope you make it to the nativity play. I know that will be the tonic you really need.

    Lots of love xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    that's a very good point about the hospital, the risks associated with going there are significant.

    I certainly had no idea how sick I was and was very lucky to survive, we have a tendency to down play these things. Things can change in a heartbeat though.

    When I worked in a cardiac intensive care unit the patients who screamed the loudest were often the ones with heartburn, and the ones who didn't want to bother anyone/didn't think they needed to be there were in big trouble. None of us could be sure without the appropriate screening. You made the right call though.

    Safe home  I really hope you get to the Nativity play too. xx

  • Hi Everyone, I'm so glad to be home and in my own bed. When I went into hospital for the spinal op I had in March, I came home with E-coli and know, like Daloni, from experience, how easily and often these things happen in today's NHS and only visit hospitals when absolutely necessary as I know I have little or no immune system left after this period of time! 

    Anyway, thanks for you kind replies. Things got worse during the night last night and the cough I'd had a couple of days grew new wings. After waking up coughing, with a very sharp pain in my back etc, I needed to waken my husband to help me up as I couldn't catch my breath! It was quite terrifying! I had little or no voice so my husband phoned our GP surgery first thing when it opened and asked if I could see someone once we were home which would be around 4.45pm. They couldn't give an answer as the weather here was so appalling with heavy rain, strong winds and lots of roads flooded they might be closing early but to phone from the train when we were almost back. Well, long story short, when my husband phoned, as I stillI had no voice, my GP answered,asked how long we'd be and he'd WAIT for us! Our daughter picked us up from the train and drove straight to surgery! Turns out I have a severe chest infection/mild pneumonia! Gave me Clarithromycin 500mgs twice a day for 7 days and to drink plenty water and go to bed. If things don't feel as if they are improving by Friday, I've to phone him!

    NO NATIVITY SCHOOL PLAY, OR NURSERY CHRISTMAS PLAY FOR ME!!! I'm gutted! The way I felt today, I had an idea I wouldn't make it but when my GP said with his serious doctors voice, "I had better NOT see you in the morning! His grandchildren are at the same village school! I knew then, no if's or but's! But relieved he said it too, can you understand that at all or am I just stupid!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Annette

    I'm so sorry to hear that you are so ill that you can't go to see the nativity or nursery play  because you would have walked over hot coals to be there. I think that your GP is correct to say you're too ill to go and that a big part of you is sensible enough to realise he's right, and has taken your dilemma of deciding whether to go or not away from you. Of course you're not being stupid and what a brilliant doctor you have. 

    As it is so common these days, perhaps you will be able to purchase a copy of both shows and can sit down during the Christmas period with the children concerned and watch it alongside them or at least with video shot on someone's phone. My wife and I have been watching some video footage of our grandson's nusery nativity play which is so comical regarding his non participation and insistence of pointing out his friends. 

    You take care of yourself Annette, and I hope that by Friday, you'll be feeling the benefits of the medication.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Annette

    That is just the icing on the cake. What a fabulous GP though. No A&E visit after hours, no hospital admission, just your own bed and TLC from your husband. 

    I do hope tvman is right and that you’ll be able to see the play on a DVD. And that you’ll be well enough for a visit from your grandchildren come the weekend 

    Lots of love xxx