More woe

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Hi all

So, not long after after the death of my eldest brother and best friend, our family has been hit by more tragedy. 

Unfortunately my little daughter who lives just outside Peterborough, has miscarried. It was very early on in the pregnancy and not many people knew. Very early on or not, it's still horrible. Like many, many other families, my wife and I went through the same around 40 years ago. Just wasn't meant to be, I suppose.

The worst thing? I can't travel to see her because I am not allowed to drive so far, the family wouldn't hear of it. I want to put my arms around her and give her what she calls a special hug that only I can give her. My wife can't go either because she works in a school. The good thing is that we are going to see her at half term, flights and rail travel booked for the 28th, so we're counting down the days. Won't be long. 

Life sucks.

I know that you good people will be in touch through the site so that'll help me psychologically.

Tvman xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Tvman, I'm so sorry to hear this very sad news. It's hard not to be with your daughter at this time, she will also be counting down the days till she sees you.

    You're grieving for your brother, and reminded of your previous loss too, such a difficult time for you. 

    Another challenge is dealing with other people's reaction to something like this. My sister found some of her friends were very dismissive about an early miscarriage, perhaps it's as well not many people knew.

      I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious future grandchild, and am thinking of you and your family and sending much love. xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear TVman,

    So, so sorry to hear the bad news. I wish the driverless cars come on line soon so such things as not able to drive will be a thing of the past.  I have a 13 year old hybrid  because Im waiting for the intelligent car.  

     It breaks my heart that you are stuck there until the 28th. I Hope you are able to talk to your daughter via FaceTime or other video app frequently.

    Prayers, Hugs and Love to you and your family,


  • Hi there so sorry to hear your news it never rains but pours I hope you get a break soon with some good news on anything you have me support the other week thank you so I am doing the same that's what I have learnt here we help each other out I am not very good with words as I think everybody is finding out and I waffle on a bit which is an understatement but I do mean what I say keep counting the days down so you can visit always here for a chat good or bad xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear tvman

    I am so sorry you are experiencing such a sad time after the loss of your brother. I am glad that you are able to go and see your daughter as  am sure your "special hug" will give her much comfort and will also help you. It is lovely that you have such a good relationship as I know how important a father is to a daughter despite how old you are! My father is 95 but still a hug from him reassured and helped me through a dark time. Life does suck at times but I am glad you have the love of your family to make it a bit better. With love and big hugs to you and all your family.

    Pat xx

  • FormerMember


    That is very sad news. As parents we feel so keenly for our children and long to fix their problems like we could when they were little. So not to be able even to hug your little one is very hard. 

    I wish there was more I could say or do. Sending you a virtual hug 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hi that is terrible news indeed, I hope your daughter is doing as well as she can under the circumstances and has the support she needs, and awful for you not to be closer to give her that hug.  I know she will feel your love and support for her even though you are at a distance, and you will be there in person soon.

    theres nothing I can say that will really help but I am sending you and your family all my love and support during a very tough time, Heather xxxx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear your terrible news I know from previous posts the special bond your have. I am sure she knows you are supporting her from a distance right until the day you meet. 

    I hope that you will stay as well as can be and your travel goes as planned so you and your wife can be there for her at half term. 

    My thoughts are with you

  • FormerMember

    Hi tvman

    so very sorry to hear the awfully sad news re your daughter ,and her miscarriage.I feel devastated for you and your family ,made worse that you can t see her for a little while 

    you have had an awful time ,life is really sucking for you and yours at the moment 

    positive thoughts 



  • FormerMember

    Oh, Tvman, I'm so sorry to hear this. And about your brother. I don't know how, but I missed that completely.

    I wish I could do something to help. 

    I think the hardest part of being a parent is watching bad things happen to our children. And however old they are, they are still our children. This must be particularly hard for you and your wife, though, as you lost a child too.

    For what it's worth,I'm thinking of you all.

  • Oh Tvman, I was so very sad to read this news! Only people who don't understand about miscarriage think it's not as bad when it is early in the pregnancy! They also say stupid things like, "oh you will get pregnant again" thinking wrongly that it will make her forget about the baby that's gone! I know this because our daughter had two miscarriages, one was in early pregnancy, the other a bit later and both were just as devastating because they had already discussed the future which included their baby!

    I'm sure the next 12 days will seem like months, not only to you and your wife but to your daughter too, until you get to wrap your arms around each other! During that time take care of yourself by taking plenty of rest so you are as well as you can be when you go to support her!  Take Care my friend!

    Love Annette x

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