Still positive

  • 42 replies
  • 45 subscribers

.Ok here gos bit of a strange appointment today the cancer on my shoulder has completely gone . But I have a few small nodes (cant think what it is called it the bit that your food gos down in2 your stomach) kidney cyst/mass is now being called a lesion is still same size n still no follow up .throat nothing was said n I 4got to ask . But they have found something on my left arm they r now saying  cancer is now in my bones n got to go 4 a bonescan to c how much in2 the bone it is . Treatment she said all they can offer me is hormone therapy (letrozole) n there is 1 more that only came out in june July which she wants to keep 4 a later date. I've been put on a bone strengthening drug n been givin antibiotic today as my temperature is up n down . There mayb chance of another lot of chemo further down the line but not 100% I feel it was a positive appointment  Fingers crossed tone1hoping  hormone therapy works well 4 me



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi tvman 

    Yes that's the word Hugging

    Bone strengthening tablets r awful have to chew them they say on the packaging a fruit favour  I felt like a hamster chewing away 

    Something to look forward 2   3xday how lucky am I 

    Kym xx

  • Hi there I know what you mean about the job I have 2 jobs and I don't want to give them up either like to keep them on its my friends and the company at work and still being able to focus on still being useful and it's a positive Macmillan financial had been brill with me they have sorted loads your for me never been off sick in my life never a day sick either and now this I hE the perfect record on sick something I was very proud off but when my so I pay runs out my chemo will still be going so I will have to see for your head it might help hairnets I wear them all the time in bed sometimes 2 and I use them as an extra holding on device with my scarves and hats they work for me and I have a couple of burns on my head by using the cold cap device typical it would be where the bald patches are oh and as for sleep tell me about it more likely what sleep!!i i will nod of wake up all night every night so I am on the sight chatting to people who need my help and advice and support for me as well nice chatting to youxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Popgate

    I never used the cold cap .my oncologist is at a lost of what's on my head she has referred me to a Dermatologist  . Glad you found it in yourself to help n support others that's what great about this group 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Morning Tvman 

    How on earth have u coped. I woke up in a bit of pain n decided to have a nose on the forums n remembered your reply 2 me 

    I think u r very brave (along with all on here) but going though your own battle havin to get your head around your friend then another blow your wife's cousin 

    Bless ya Tvman sending you a hug I admire you for all you r dealing with you find time for others 

    Take care


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    The head sores sound very uncomfortable! I hope the dermatologist has some ideas for you. How are you feeling now on the antibiotics? 

    The comment about funding might be because it’s a new drug so not routinely prescribed on the nhs. Sometimes doctors need to apply to a special fund for these drugs. Sometimes they can use money from “compassionate use” funds where the pharmaceutical company agrees to pay for an individual’s treatment. But do ask. 

    I hope you’re feeling at least a bit better 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Mornin daloni 

    Thank you on info on funding  I will ask yes sores r quite painful  my temperature has quickly  gone back to normal 

    How r u feeling I'm so pleased 4 u that they r going ahead without a boispy  and hope the next few weeks pass quickly and hassle free for u 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I see we are both awake at 4am! Mind you, I did go to bed at 8 last night. I couldn’t stay awake a minute longer. 

    I am beginning to settle down. It’s been a funny week where lots appeared to happen but actually very little did. I have an appointment for the pre trial CT scan on October 9 but little else. My GP prescribed a higher dose of the opioid patches and that seems to have done the trick for the pain. So that’s a couple of things off the list. 

    I’m looking forward to the weekend. I have a good friend staying and we are going to the theatre tomorrow. A matinee performance as I’m not sure I can manage going out in the evening anymore. I feel like a toddler sometimes what with my afternoon naps and early nights! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni 

    That's good patch seems to b working 4 u 

    I love going to the theatre what r u seeing ? Yes I know mornin afternoon n teatime naps 

    Hope u and your friend have a lovely weekend .


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Kym

    we are going to see Our Lady of Kibeho. It’s about three Rwandan schoolgirls who have a visitation by the Virgin Mary. It’s had great reviews 


  • Hi there glad your patches seem to be working hope it goes ok for your st scan i had mine on Tues seeing consultant this Thurs dreading it as I have said before so no doubt I will be posting for some support on Thurs and if there is any good news never had any yet so far looks like you have a nice weekend planed isn't it so frustrating we are up all night and then the odd hr in the day but like I say I keep helping other people who need a chatt when I am up its so nice when people get back k to you and say you have helped xxx
