Another sleepless night

  • 45 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi I am sat here wondering whether it is just me or do others struggle to sleep at night. I spend my daylight hours feeling exhausted and then at night I can’t sleep. I feel itchy all over and can’t stop the feeling. I am not sure whether my liver is playing up again or if I am just over tired. 

Unfortunately  being unable to sleep provides the opportunity for all the worries and doubts to invade my head which makes the nights long and difficult. Any advice?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Ah thanks Annette. I’d have climbed right in that suitcase too! 

    The blanket is for my younger daughter. She saw it this afternoon when she came home cold and tired after a weekend outside with the air cadets. She snuggled right up under it. 

    I love the sound of your daily routine. Just my kind of a day regardless of whether I’m in Spain. Napping rules, especially after a sleepless night 


  • Sounds lovely I would love to be in the sunshine now instead of all this rain. What a good time to go away.

    i have mastered the forms now and found the water meter and the stop dock. I will take the forms to the solicitor today.

    we still have to clear the remaining beds sofa and arm chair.curtains bedding pots and pans but everything also we cleared. I am planning to ask the British heart foundation because apparently they take it away and sell it in their shops.


  • Hi Annette

    Got back last night after spending the weekend in one of Northern Ireland's nicest spa resorts. A couple of nights in a lovely sumptuous giant bed. Unfortunately the pains didn't know I was supposed to have a quiet weekend and they interrupted my sleep at least twice each night.

    Your weather sounds idyllic and I think I could enjoy your night time heat. Hope you are having a lovely break.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, Staying in a lovely spa resort sounds just what the doctor ordered! Shame about the pain! I know what you mean, my pain hasn't realised it's meant to be on holiday either! If I'm honest, the heat is a bit too much for me but I've got a great handheld fan with me and the aircon in the hotel is magic! Thanks, we always have a lovely break, I think it's got something to do with the company! We are both here with our "soul mates"! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Ruth, Yes it is great to be away at this time of year. We always go now and then three weeks from about the second week in February also as it takes us to hotter climates when the weather at home is normally very bad. For quite a few years now, we have missed the snow!

    Im so pleased you managed your paperwork. There are quite a few charities who will come and clear the house of anything remaining and either sell it for their funds or give it to the needy. The Salvation Army, the Sue Rider Foundation and lots more! It's good knowing it will do some good!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Daloni, your blanket sounds wonderful, I can just imagine your daughter snuggling down on the sofa with it! I've brought some knitting with me. I'm doing clothes for my granddaughters' dolls. They just love their dolls, so a Poncho and trousers for one and a sweater and scarf for the other, plus a few other bits and pieces IF I get those finished! 

    Yes, this is a very chilled out holiday!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi all

    Just before I left for my weekend away, I went to a Big Breakfast morning that our Move More group had in Bangor Leisure Centre cafe. Eimear, our coordinator, texted us all to say that we raised an incredible £1300! 

    Move More is an exercise class run by MacMillan here in Northern Ireland for people with cancer or who had cancer. It's a sort of eight different gentle exercises, one at each station. There's a name for it but it's 3.00am and I can't remember it.

    Anyway, for me, stuck in a wheelchair, it's a welcome routine that is so beneficial for me and keeps all my muscles going that I would never imagine I had!. After the class the guy who runs the cafe shouts us all free tea or coffee.He's a gentleman.

    As we're all sitting in a circle it gives us a chance to get to know each other and compare journeys. A bit like here really, without the tea or coffee lol. I could waken the snore monster and see if she's up for making me a cuppa but I can guess the answer. I'm usually last to leave, along with wee Hugh, a life and soul type who competes with me in one liners to keep everyone else amused. I have had many a chat with Hugh, an interesting wee man. 

    I have never come across anyone else talking about a Move More class, does it not exist in GB?

    Might get some sleep now, the pain has gone for the moment. It'll waken me up sooner rather than later. Wow, there are some really weird noises emanating from the lump beside me. Hope she doesn't read this or I'll be in big trouble!

    Night all xx


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Dear Anndanv, and all,

    There was not an empty seat at the Tampa arena.  At 8:05 an old man with a cane walked very slowly onto to the stage and the audience goes wild.  He sits down, the large video monitor goes on and it is Phil Collins. Arena audience still clapping and screaming, he smiles takes the microphone in his left hand and says “ what are you cheering about I have not done anything yet” Audience goes wild again.  I can tell by the way he holds the microphone that all is not well between the spinal cord and the hand/finger nerves.  He has had several spinal operations since 2007 due to the damage done while drumming in his youth especially with Genesis.

    Still smiling and happy he starts the first song “Another Day in Paradise”.  He preformed for 2 hours and 10 minutes all his greatest songs and 2 from Genesis.

    The audience (and Tori and I) sang every song, the night was magical, you could feel the joy, happiness and goodwill- it was tangible for the entire concert.  He had his big band, great back up singers; his drummer was his 18 year old son. He loved the audience singing with him, he would quit singing a few times and put the mic out to us.

    I can just imagine how hard it was for him physically with his back injury but he did not show it on the outside. He was joyous and it was contagious to all that heard him. Last two songs were “Dance into the Night” and “Sussudio” people were jumping dancing and singing.  He then left the stage. We clapped, screamed, stomped for about 5 minutes (he made us work for one more song).  He came out and did one last song “Take Me Home”.  Audience went wild again everyone singing- Tori and I lost our voices.

     The night was so FAB and guess what? No back pain- I was having too much fun. The energy was real and healing.  

    The man has game as well as all of us do in this forum. Keep singing and doing what you love.

     Hugs to all,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    What. A. Night. 

    It sounds magical


  • Hi Tvman, Sounds good, I don't think there are any actual classes in Scotland but McMillan send you a video "Move More" if you want one so you can do it at home. It would certainly be better at a class but the exercises are good! Your pal Hugh sounds a good character, it's nice meeting new people! Enjoy it!

    I know what you mean about the pain! No one has told my pain it's meant to be on holiday! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!