Another sleepless night

  • 45 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi I am sat here wondering whether it is just me or do others struggle to sleep at night. I spend my daylight hours feeling exhausted and then at night I can’t sleep. I feel itchy all over and can’t stop the feeling. I am not sure whether my liver is playing up again or if I am just over tired. 

Unfortunately  being unable to sleep provides the opportunity for all the worries and doubts to invade my head which makes the nights long and difficult. Any advice?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh  I am pleased to see this, I was wondering about how you were doing.  I’ve been told that side effects of immunotherapy can strike long after you stop, so it was good you saw the doc.  It’s such a powerful treatment, and also so new, it does not seem predictable the effects we might see.  Not so good about the steroids, I have always really struggled emotionally when on them so I understand your concerns.  Hopefully this will not be the same.  But great news about the liver function, it will hopefully put your mind at rest.

    i hope you are getting more sleep, currently I go to bed when the 10pm news comes on the radio, and brexit soon sends me to sleep.

    love h xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks Heather

    Sorry for calling you Roobarb just realised that is you spaniel. I never thought about using Brexit but I think your right bet it works better thaN Mogadon. Might be worth recording some of the documentaries then you can go to sleep when you want. Lol

    big hugs

  • FormerMember

    Hi rayboy 

    Sorry to hear u havin trouble sleeping still

    Ive not got any suggestions 4 u I do understand how u feel with your daylight hours feeling  so exhausted n night time hours worrying 

    Not sure if u can have them but mayb time to ask doctor for some help (sorry if I've missed a post n u been down that route) 

    Take care 

    Kym xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Rayboy!

    i have to give another shoutout for Headspace. Since my diagnosis, I’ve slept very poorly.... until I was advised to try the app.  

    Initially, I tried the introductory 10 meditation tasters but I’m a convert and because I’ve been so impressed I have now signed up to gain access to other meditations and casts.  

    I particularly enjoy the sleepcast “Downriver”, I’ve not listened to it right through yet - sleep beckons pretty quickly, especially if I follow a 10 minute meditation before going up to bed to de-clutter my mind.

  • Hi Millie, The particular jigsaw app I like is in the App Store under free apps, then search jigsaw. It's a square box with several colours in it with a jigsaw piece cut out in the centre and below on the bottom right corner it says HD. Under the box it says Jigsaw HD. Once you download in, then open it the word VERAXEN appears with collection underneath. The only thing I didn't like was a column on the right with adverts. I had the app for over six months before I decided to pay £3.99 (I think) so that the panel does not appear! I wish I'd done that nearer the start. You can scroll through the collections, like famous buildings, beach scenes, animals etc to choose the ones you want to download. I only download free ones. There are loads. If you try it and have any problems, just let me know and I will try to help! They also give you a daily free jigsaw you can download after midnight. If you click on it, you then get the choice of how many pieces you want, ranging from 12,42,63, etc up to over 400. When you click on the number then play, it will open. I click the middle bit under the magnifying glass (which shows you the picture) that one gives you pieces with straight sides, so I start with 4 corners. The button underneath looks like a pause button and if you click that, you can save what you've done and go back to it anytime. You can then click the picture again and click on a different number of pieces then do the same again and again. This keeps you busy! Good luck!

    We are currently in Salou but unfortunately it doesn't matter where I am, I don't sleep very well. We are an hour ahead of UK time and it's currently 18degrees and at home it is 7!

    Rayboy, I'm pleased you are another convert to Headspace! I do hope it keeps working for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    It’s 4am and the wind is howling and the rain hammering on the windows here. Oh to be in Salou...


  • Hi Annette,

    sorry you can’t sleep it is him at night. I find that is when I have my negative thoughts which seem to go away in the light of day.

    i also do the jigsaw and enjoy the daily ones the picture they use are lovely and artistic though I think I use a drrernt app to you but it is still free.

    i have the MRI and CT booked the 15 th October. I dread the MRI and will ring them to see if it s the small one or if they have a larger one I am sure I will cope and be glad when it is over.

    i have sold mums house for a good price and my brother and sister are happy. The paper work is a bit daunting and I am not sure I can answer all the questions I will go to the solicitor on Monday.

    enjoy Salou the weather here is rain and I got soaked walked the dog though I. Do have all the wet weather gear.

    love Ruth xx


  • Hi Ruth, Thank you for your reply! Yes there are lots of free jigsaw apps and one is as good as the other! Keeps us busy! The one I use, you can use your own photos, and as my husband is a professional photographer, I have photographs in abundance!

    I do hope your MRI goes well. Will you go to your GP and get something to calm you down before you go? That's terrific you got your mum's house sold so quickly, you must be relieved. As far as Forms etc are concerned McMillan will advise if they can! Mayb worth a call before you speak to a solicitor!  Good for you walking the dog in the rain! It's very hot here! We had breakfast at 8 then went out while the temperature was alright! When we got back to the hotel, about 2pm, it was already 27 degs!! Too hot for us, coming from Scotland! Our daughter texted and they had a High of 7degrees! We had lunch and then a siesta! (When in Spain!!). Then a walk before dinner when it was a bit cooler!

    Keep well!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Daloni, Sorry about your weather, it's lovely here! I don't know why the site won't post pictures, it can be quite frustrating! Who is the blanket for? Maybe for you new puppy!! Well, had it been possible, I'd have fitted you into my suitcase! Lol!

    Take Care  

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Millie, How was Phil Collins? It's not quite the same but my daughter and I are going to see Will Young on 25 Oct, She got the tickets for my birthday in August, so two weeks after we get back, not long now! We've been before he's brilliant!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!