Another newbie joins the group

  • 25 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

This is the first time I have posted, although I feel I already know you all so well!  I am one of what I suspect may be many members who read your posts and gain huge support from them, even though you don't know we are there.  However, the time for me to contribute is long overdue.

Thank you all so much for the support you have given me over the past (almost) two years since my cancer was first diagnosed.  I cannot begin to tell you just how much you have given me strength and hope.  After my hysterectomy my cancer was staged as 4B and my oncologist in Norfolk said I had between six months and a year to live.  My husband and I both thought this was the end, but hearing about all your experiences and the brave way in which you are living with incurable cancers has given us hope - and here I am today to prove it!!  I have my next scan in September and the situation may then be different, but this is August and I'm still feeling not too bad at all, so thanks for helping to get me here.

By the way, when I chose the name Norfolk Lass I didn't really care what I called myself, as I didn't feel I would been around long enough for it to matter.  If I had know I would still be here now I would have thought of something more imaginative!! 

Hope you are all having a lovely day and enjoying the sunshine.  It is so hot here in Norfolk …….

  • Hi Norfolk Lass

    Welcome to the group, although I wish I could have met you elsewhere. This group is so helpful, giving sound advice and a togetherness that is so supportive and heartwarming. I wish you a long long membership Slight smile

    Norfolk Lass is a good enough name for me, my daughter, sil and 3 year old grandson live in neighbouring Cambridgeshire, just outside Peterborough and I travel to see them maybe 6 times a year. 

    Looking forward to seeing your name here. 

    Take care

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Welcome into the light Mrs! Always good, and bad, to have more people to chat to here! 

    And definitely nothing wrong with the handle Lass! ;)



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dear Tvman

    How very kind of you to welcome me to the group, particularly today when you are having to cope with such sadness yourself.  May I add my condolences to the others on the loss of your dear brother.

    Thinking of you at this sad time.

    Norfolk Lass x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    Dear Lass

    Thanks so much for your kind welcome.  Looking forward to hearing your news over the coming weeks, months and hopefully years for us all!

    No, nothing wrong with Lass at all, but the choice of 'Norfolk' was a little unusual as we've only lived down here since we retired.  Before that I was most definitely a Yorkshire Lass (but that handle had already gone!).

    Norfolk Lass x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Welcome to the group, lovely to meet you (although not the circumstances we are under! ). I hope the scan in September goes well 

    heather xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Norfolk Lass. Welcome to our community even though we’d all rather we met you somewhere else. I hope you find it as friendly and comforting as I do. xxx

  • FormerMember


    How nice to meet you. I like your user name. I have lots of connections with Norwich. My best friend lives there, as do my two nieces and my older daughter is about to start university there too. It’s a lovely city in a beautiful county that is not as flat as it’s reputation would have us believe. 

    It’s good to hear how much support, and more importantly hope, you’ve gained from this community over the last couple of years. I’m sure you’re right about there being lots of people like you who read but don’t actively contribute. I think the stats the Macmillan bods collect on the site indicate there are ten readers for every active contributor. 

    There’s no right or wrong way to use the community but it’s always great to have another voice joining in. I sometimes worry that the regulars here might appear to be a clique with all our banter. I do hope not. 

    Anyway. Enough of the introspection. It’s great to hear that you’re feeling well and I hope your scan in September proves that there are good grounds for that 


  • Like NorfolkLass I'm more of a reader than a contributor . I'm 8 years into this journey already past my original sell by date and going well. I dont contribute much as I sometimes feel like a fraud as although I am incurable and this disease has taken away my mobility as the tumour in my hip has caused nerve damage and I'm unable to use my leg I live a good life. At the minute my pain is under control and fatigue is my biggest problem.

    Good luck with your September scan xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Elliekate


    Nice to meet you too! It’s great to hear the pain is under cont but I’m sorry about the fatigue. It’s such a grind to find fatigue gets in the way of doing what I want to do. 

    It’s interesting to hear you say you feel a fraud. I’ve heard other people say the same and in truth I’ve felt the same at times. I’ve come to the conclusion that (a) it’s not a competition to see who’s worst off and (b) it’s more helpful to me to find out what we have in common rather than what sets us apart. It’s all about living a good life and I think that’s a state of mind as much as body 


  • Hi NorfolkLass,

    Welcome to the group and its great you now feel like contributing too!  I'm really pleased to hear you now have a voice here and I hope to hear (or read) from you more often! You've also spurred on another reader to post too, so that's superb!   On that note, I'd like to welcome Elliekate to the group also! We need new people but sorry you have to get the same diagnosis to be here! Now being stable and feeling guilty do seem to go hand in hand! I think most of us who have passed our sell by date have felt guilty at one time or another.  

    I'd actually been feeling like that for quite a bit a while ago and was then told due to the side effects of the cancer drug, I'd need spinal surgery and it made me think. If I hadn't been diagnosed with stage4 incurable cancer, I wouldn't need surgery now. Also I wouldn't have mobility problems without that dx! Suddenly while "reading" the posts in this group, I thought, who can I tell how worried I am about my 10th op without worrying my family??? The answer " The Incouragables" which is the name I call this group!

    So thank you all for being here and I hope like Daloni wrote, I do hope because regularly it's the same crowd who post we don't seem as if we will welcome newbies but the answer is Yes we welcome everyone to this group because the simple facts are, we've all had the same diagnosis. So to anyone else, who is just reading, please feel free to contribute as you may well help someone else who is struggling! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!