What's in a name?

  • 17 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Daloni, I was very interested in how you got your lovely name.

My name is Catriona. (the Gaelic spelling catches a lot of people out) I had a little cousin who couldn't pronounce my name and called me Tina. I was born in Israel, and 'lay' added to Tina means 'little one' 

Some of the names here are very imaginative! I'd love to know where they came from, although appreciate the need for privacy. xx

  • FormerMember

    My community name comes from my BC look - I was blonde & I'm very small (4ft 11", after the collapse of some of my vertebrae) & Scottish.

    My real name comes from my mother's favourite film  based on the novel by Boris Pasternak & starring Omar Sharif...


    WB xx

  • Hi I've just noticed these posts but missed how Daloni explained about her name! WB I know the book and film you are talking about because the music in that film is my husband and I's "special song"! So am I right in n thinking your name is the same as the female lead in the film?

    Well, I'll give you a laugh and tell you about my username! It was meant to be Anndan which was the name of my School for Tai Chi Chuan. It's the first three initials of my name plus Dan as in black belt. But when I registered when I went to press the space bar, QI must have touched the V by mistake, so just left it like that as V is my husband's initial. Then about the second or third time I posted, I was meant to write anndan and it wasn't until after I posted I must have written ann(dan) BUT had carried on and written my real name without realising it! At that time, I wasn't aware that if you click on "more" at the bottom of the page you could edit it!! LOL!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette

    You are officially a twit! I’ll see if I can fish out the bit about my name...


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Here you go, Annette. I was replying to Clare’s plans for a trip to North Wales:

    “Planning for Wales sounds good. I feel a connection with the place as my name comes from there - my christian name is  Daloni (pronounced dal-on-ee rather the way most people intuitively read it to rhyme with baloney). It was my godmother’s grandfather’s pet name for his wife and is derived from the Welsh for “my little sweetheart”. They lived in Bangor. My godmother inherited the name and then it was passed to me. There are not many of us around and all of us have some connection with the North Welsh Seth-Hughes Family.  I’ve visited north wales only once though.”

    So that’s me. It’s lovely to have a name with a story and one that connects me with people who were so important to my whole family - Big Daloni (as my godmother was called to distinguish her from me, aka Little Daloni) was my mother’s best friend. She had a huge family and a big house in Plymouth where we holidayed every year. My sister and I grew up with her grandchildren.


  • Hi Annette

    I have always wondered about your name, the  group is littered with such errors, and Daloni, because you carry so much respect within the group, you are one of the few people who can get away with calling someone a twit! Lol

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Daloni

    My real name is a name with a story, in a weird and tangential way. My parents picked it out of the Radio Times, over 61 years ago lol Joy.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks Daloni, I love the story of your name!

    Well, I've been a twit for a while me thinks but a positive one!!

    Maybe I should stop go off.......TWIT-TWOO  ( as I'm also a night owl!) LOL!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Ha ha Joy Annette

    I only call good friends and my favourite relatives “twit” btw. Oh and myself on such occasions as I am a complete twit like earlier this month when I turned up six full days early for my car’s MoT. Idiot. 

    My daughter treated herself to a tattoo earlier this year. When she’s being a twit I call her “ridiculous child”. She had me write this down so she could get it tattooed on her ankle. 

    Is this on topic? I guess so. I’m still talking about names and what’s in them. I think my name has influenced how I’ve lived, for better and worse. It’s quite hard to be ordinary with a name like Daloni. It’s called nominative determinism. 

    Think I’d better stop and go back to sleep before I dig myself in any deeper....

    Night all 

  • Blimey no pressure in that meaning then! 

    Gobaith means hope in Welsh. I'm actually English but have lived in Wales for a while now and worked with vulnerable people before cancer stole my career so hope, gobaith, has always been important to me. If I can preach it at others in their times of need I can wear it myself in mine. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    That’s beautiful, Clare
