I was supposed to be on my way to Estonia

  • 33 replies
  • 42 subscribers

...and instead I’m in A&E, probably a blocked uteric stent. Again. Fed up doesn’t really cover it 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh Daloni, I'm so sorry not 2 b up-2-date with ur latest exploits.

    A bummer that u've missed out on Estonia but fingers crossed 4 the next trip- all need 2 recharge our batteries.

    And good 2 hear that the medics r on the ball & have given u loads of sweeties to nuke the pain etc.

    I've survived my week of RT & now I'm home and on sick leave 4 a fortnight. The fungating wound on the big alien is doing my nut - soooooo frustrated by it. My clinical nurse is visiting the house 2morrow (well 2day really) so I can have a major whinge/massive cry/release all my tension. 

    Take care hun

    WB xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks WB and well done for surviving the radiotherapy. It’s so nice to be home, isn’t it? 

    Fungating wounds. Ugh! I used to work for the Nursing Times and I vividly remember a piece we ran on fungating breast wounds. No doubt the art desk chose the most horrific pictures they could find. All I can say is the image stayed with me - and it was the best part of 30 years ago that I saw it. I feel for you 

    Don’t forget to drink lots of water to help your lymph system clear the dead cells from your system. And don’t forget RT carries on affecting your body for 2-4 weeks after you’ve finished the treatment. Grandma / eggs? I hope not 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    So today I set off to UCLH for a safety check as part of the clinical trial routine. It usually involves bloods, vitals, a quick chat with the doc and home.

    I had the chat with the lovely registrar, bringing her up to date with my adventures in A&E. She was not happy the hospital had not fixed up an outpatient clinic appointment. She then wasn’t happy with my blood results. Or the blood pressure. Next thing I know I’m hooked up to an IV for fluids and antibiotics and the doc is telling me she thinks I’m probably well enough to go home. What do you mean, probably?

     At which point I realised that if I hadn’t been at the trials unit, I’d have been at Maidstone A&E explaining for the umpteenth time that no, I don’t have a UTI and while I am not a doctor, I know that a wonky kidney feels like and please can I lie down before I fall off the chair? 

    Anyway. I am home now with a huge pile of pills. Antibiotics. Anti nausea. Anti constipation to counter the anti nausea. Pain killers. Something to help me pee. And of course the trial drug. 

    And the registrar has made urology at Maidstone promise to call me in to clinic to see the consultant. 

    Happy days! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You just can t make all this sh t up daloni . Poor you 

    hope you feel better soon and maidstone do as they are asked 



  • Hi ,

    I feel for you being hit with this but at least it was caught before you were in A and E or having to stay in hospital for a few weeks.  Hopefully you can put your feet up and relax, or at least do your version of relax which would be a busy day for me, and spend some time looking after yourself.  Hopefully you will be all sorted by the time your next holiday arrives.

    ,  It's good to hear that you are back home and enjoying your family, friends and getting out a bit.  I hope that the soreness has reduced now.

    We have had a lot of rain in the last couple of days but thankfully not the torrential rain that they have had further west.  It has actually been quite nice having an excuse not to do anything in the garden and a much cooled environment.  Hopefully we are having a few hours at Whitby tomorrow afternoon.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • Well Daloni, You did have a busy day, you certainly don't do things by half! However I'm pleased you got the fluids and antibiotics your body needed without going to the dreaded A&E! Also you have all the meds you need and more for your weekend away. You will need an extra case for them all! I was relieved to read the registrar was annoyed and is trying to get you seen on regular clinic visits! I hope this happens and you don't have to wait too long! I assume you have been resting since you got home! Or as Gragon rightly says, what you think is resting!

    GRAGON, I do hope you manage to get to Whitby over the weekend. We have holidayed in Scarborough quite a few times when our children were younger and visited Whitby and Robin Hoods Bay, I loved them both!  

    WB Yes there's nothing quite like your own bed with your family around you. Also you can have a cup of tea whenever you like! Now that's freedom! How did you get on with your home visit yesterday? I do hope it went well and you feel better for chatting to the nurse!

    Well, back to my jigsaws, then my book before I try again to get some sleep! Goodnight ALL!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh WB and Daloni

    What can Il say that can give you both some comfort? Maybe a couple of virtual hugs. Each! As we say at home here, you're both in the wars! Don't know if you have heard of that expression, it's usually said to people  that have broken a limb or have a bandaged eye or head or whatever. I salute you both, going through what you are going through, yet trying to be positive and giving encouragement to others. I hear people whingeing about little pains here and there and I want to intervene and tell them what proper brave people on this site are experiencing. Yes, I salute you both. 

    I am in Peterborough now for a week and a half to see my daughter, sil and little grandson. Well, they moved about 6 months ago to a little village north of Peterborough, imaginatively named Northborough! I have hired a car because it is so expensive to cross the Irish Sea with a car, over £100 each way, so if you think what you would pay from Dover to Calais or similar, you'll see what I mean. It's cheaper for us to fly to Stansted and hire a car, so that's what I do. 

    My wife and I headed for York yesterday, the forecast wasn't great, but not as bad as the day before. However, I got about an hour into the journey up the A1and heavy rain came on so we diverted to Lincoln and spent a lovely day there.

    I parked in one of the multi-storey car parks. We were struggling with the ticket machine and the bloke in charge came over to help. He told me to pay for 2 hours and leave the ticket beside my blue badge and I could stay for 4 hours! Now, no matter how much we read the instructions, we couldn't see anything that told us that if you have a blue badge, you get double the amount of time that you pay for. Can anyone enlighten me? 

    Don't know what we'll do today Yum. I didn't mean to insert that emoji, my finger jerked a couple of times and selected it. It's due to the trapped nerves in my back, causes problems all the time when I'm typing.  I can't delete it either, one of the quaint eccentricities of the site lol. 

    Annette, I didn't join you for a chat during the night, I was so tired after the drive, when the pain descended, I was too tired to pick up the phone. 

    Hope you have a great weekend, Daloni, and WB, hope you let off some steam when the clinical nurse came yesterday. I absolutely love the way you describe things, such as when you described Daloni's Smile sweeties to nuke the pain. You're a one-off, WB, without a doubt Smile Meant to insert that emoji this time lol. 

    Have a great day everyone.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thanks . You have a great day too.  


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Thanks . I have rested as lain on the sofa while being brought cups of tea and biscuits. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    You’re right . I was so relieved to be at the trials unit at Tottenham Court Road. The staff there are so great and on the ball. It’s a small unit with three beds and seven chairs. When I arrived at 10.30am yesterday morning all the chairs were taken so I had a bed, which was a blessing as it turned out. There is a fair bit of waiting around but it’s not waiting in a waiting room on a hard chair. So all in all, right place, right time. 

    I do hope you get to Scarborough. I’d love to go back one day 
