I was supposed to be on my way to Estonia

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...and instead I’m in A&E, probably a blocked uteric stent. Again. Fed up doesn’t really cover it 

  • Hi Daloni,,

    i know now exactly what it feels to miss out on a holiday. Earlier this year my husband fell out of th loft and injured his hand so the day we were meant to fly to Porto was  spent with him having a general anaesthetic to repair his hand.

    last year we lost all our money for our 2 weeks in Kefalonia because Imcouldnt walk due to a slipped disc.

    Our holiday to Kefalonia this may I booked my Mum in for respite with my daughter visiting her every day. After 4 days she got pneumonia  and I flew home a week early. Unfortunately she died in hospital but I was able to be with her.

    yesterday I had a MRI of my total spine. I hate MRIs and was in there 50 minutes but they do have ones that are a bit more spacious and I took a Valium from my GP and took a CD.

    I have osteoporosis and they are looking for fractures also they think I may have bone metastases as well as my lung ones. Waiting now for the results 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hi Ruth 

    that is a catalogue of holiday-I’ll health disasters! I sympathise. 

    I am sorry to hear about your possible spine fractures. Do you know when you get results? 


  • Could be a few weeks unless they contact me earlier.

    i will ask my GP when I see him in August he should have the report 


  • Could be a few weeks unless they contact me earlier.

    i will ask my GP when I see him in August he should have the report 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    I agree with Daloni that it’s better to book things and hope to go. My friend asked if I wanted to go to the theatre next June. I said I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to go then. She said that if I didn’t book it I definitely wouldn’t be able to go! Good thinking friend. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My thinking exactly . I find the extent I put this into action is a good marker of my state of mind too. 


  • Hi Ruth

    A catalogue of disasters, I know how your husband may have felt,  overbalancing or similar and where he was expecting his foot to connect with solid material, in actual fact there was air. And a fall. So sorry to hear that you lost all your money,  if you're trying to get away a few times a year, a search for multi trip yearly holiday insurance sometimes brings reasonable quotes. 

    Spinal MRI scans, aargh! I've had 4 in the last 4 years. I go in and close my eyes immediately, it takes so long that I sometimes doze off! When I get told it's over and I have a quick look at the tiny gap between my face and the upper part of the tunnel, it's easy to understand why some people can't bear to go through with it. So 

    I have osteoarthritis and osteoporosis of the spine as well as 2 disc out but due to my pain being across the back, I am not being offered a similar, but not exactly the same, operation that Annette had because the operation has shown not to be successful so it's not carried out. It's a strange one I know, but I was offered a second opinion by the surgeon himself, offering to let another surgeon have a look and the new one agreed. Then I had a different surgeon look at me and his third opinion was the same so nobody can say I haven't tried! 

    I never thought that anyone could take Valium, Ruth. Good idea I suppose, I've never had Valium in my life. People say that I'm very laid back and nothing fazes me. I don't think my family would say that! 

    It's a battle now to find something to give me pain relief, morphine and nerve pain tablets. I think I'm taking 3 different nerve pain tablets, definitely 2 anyway, and one of them is increasing by 10mg each week. I can't follow my meds at the moment because they're changing so much these days.

    Ruth, I hope your results are in some way favourable, clearly there is a problem, let's hope it can be resolved. Sorry for the long post, I have a lot to say lol.

    Tvman x

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp


    well I’m home with a new and exciting cocktail of drugs. The CT scan showed my kidney and tube are inflamed but the stent is not blocked and my kidney is functioning at an acceptable level. The A&E consultant prescribed some stuff for reducing the inflammation and dealing with the pain and antibiotics to head off an infection. It feels rather as though I’ve dodged a bullet here. 

    I hope I’ll be able to recover for next weekend when we celebrate my big girl’s 19th birthday and my niece’s graduation. Then I plan on being fighting fit for holiday round 2: family trip to Slovenia. Operation Have a Really Great Summer has recommenced. 


  • Hi Daloni, I'm pleased to hear the stent isn't blocked Phew! That's the last thing you need! You'll just have to keep practicing dodging those bullets! For this week lots of R&R is prescribed and you will be ready to enjoy both your daughter's birthday and your neice's graduation! Then rest again until you need to pack for Slovenia! Now, doesn't that sound like a good plan! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    That sounds an excellent plan, . I shall be doing exactly that 
