I was supposed to be on my way to Estonia

  • 33 replies
  • 42 subscribers

...and instead I’m in A&E, probably a blocked uteric stent. Again. Fed up doesn’t really cover it 

  • FormerMember

    Surely swearing is appropriate 


    Shit, b.ll. oks  bu.. er 

    Fuxx fucc fukk

  • We definitely need more than a like button in times like this! 

    I hope it's an easy fix for you Mrs!

    Can you fly out late, or is it done? 

    Fingers crossed they can at least keep you cool in this heat. 



    I have no medical training, everything I post is an opinion or educated guess. It is not medical advice.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lass

    I don’t know, . It was a short break with my sister and my girls. Last time this happened I was in hospital for ten days. I just hope I can get this sorted sooner this time. Operation Have a Great Summer appears to have hit an obstacle 


  • Oh Daloni, I was so very sorry to read your post! It seems it never stops this roller coaster we are on! Lass is real gut, we definitely need another button here that suits, as like doesn't cover it! Maybe because a similar thing has happened before, they will know exactly what to do and hopefully it will not take long! I hope you will be able to arrange another short break with your sister and your girls, very soon! It's not much but at least this happened before you went away! So sorry but that is the only positive thing I can think of! Take care. Keep us posted!  I hope this is just a 'blip' in your Operation Summer plans!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Daloni

    So unfair, rotten. I've never been to Estonia, for people in Northern Ireland it's famous for where one of our most famous road racing world champion motorcyclists, Joey Dunlop, met his end when he crashed into a tree. Unfortunately, another two of the most famous family of motorcyclists died whilst racing also. 

    Ok, change of subject. Will you get a chance to get to go there again? If I were to go, it would have to be in the summer, I am not a fan of the cold although I did enjoy Iceland a lot, but there were two or three times at night when I got a real drenching and  I was open to the elements.sitting in a wheelchair. I was very cold, and very wet!

    I'd be inclined to look for insurance to cover my journey, especially with your bad luck, it would be cost effective. 

    Better luck next time, Daloni.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Annette

    Hope you're not sitting in pain and awake. It's the usual nerve pain with me, but strangely my fingers and hands aren't jerking too badly.

    With regards to your mention of another button to tap, a button that says "I really sympathise with you" or words to that effect would be welcome. 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman, you've got it spot on! Awake and in pain! The surgeon did tell me that the surgery would not get rid of the pain in my back or left leg. However it would sort the bladder problems and prevent that worsening or spreading to the bowel and help with the pins,needles and numbness in my feet. So it's done all he promised but there's always a part of me that says, maybe it will help with the other problems, but it wasn't to be! I'm glad I had the op, although I didn't want it, I knew I couldn't go on the way things were.

    This weather is just too hot for me! Our highest temp in summer is usually about 21 and even that's too hot for me! I'm sitting in bed with all the windows open, (& curtains to let in the air) my fan on beside me and leaning on my Coolpad which is attached to my pillow. By the way, my husband is on nightshift at the local hospital or  the blackout curtains would be closed. It starts to get light and the birds start singing about 4ish, so I'll leave things the way they are until he gets home around 8am! I'm away to do some more jigsaws now, I hope you get to sleep soon! 

    Ment to say, maybe a "poor you" or "empathy" button would be good!! We were in Estonia in September and the weather was lovely, it's not a very cold place like Iceland! We were in Tallin and it's one of the most picturesque places we've been!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thanks for the moral support, everybody. 

    They gave me some morphine, took bloods and a bladder scan and sent me home. I’m going back tomorrow (well, today now) for a CT scan.  

    I am thankful it didn’t deteriorate into a kidney infection like last time and I’m thankful it happened before I was on the plane and not after. So there’s the silver lining. 

    I should be at the airport right now. As it is, I’m in bed watching the electrical storm that’s been working its way south all night. 

    Ho hum 

  • Oh

    What a kick in the teeth, so sorry to hear this. I remember you planning this back at the beginning of the year when you encouraged me to book a holiday...

    Hoping today at the hospital is quick and easy and the CT scan is clear in guiding treatment. 

    Be thinking of you today. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gobaith

    Thanks Clare. I think it’s better to book things and know you might have to cancel than not to book things and realise you could have gone. It’s all a tightrope walk. How high do I dare to go? 
